Femanon here...

Femanon here, realistically how many is too many for you before you consider her "used up" and not good enough for anything long term?

5 personally, although i've been with girls that have claimed 11

Not telling until you tell us the minimum acceptable penis length.

i prefer not to know and im happier like that

retard thread for retards!

8 range is ideal, 6 is fine, 5 he better be rich.

Bitch, you better be wearing a white dress and know what it means if you expect to get married. Stop being a fucking whore and have some self respect. Otherwise, you won't be respected for anything more than a fleshlight that bleeds once a month.

Well we know your really a dude. You have a cock. In the fag world never. In the real world depends on age. Of you 20 and fucked 20 guys yeah your a slut. If you 60 and never been married in 20 who cares. We expect that then

If she isn't a virgin she's a whore...


anything over 100 is sketch


Also, if you exercise and dont fuck degenerates your not that bad

Id rather fuck a slut who was with 20 guys the past year then a girl who lost her virginity and only did it with a tweaker or junkie


a girl ought to wait til she's married, unless i want to fuck her and leave her

but yeah, you spread before marriage, you're a whore, and if you ain't gettin' paid, you're a stupid whore

you do realize most girls have been with more than five guys before even graduating from high school? 10 to 20 is more realistic if you ever hope to find anybody to settle down with.

Honestly? It would just depend on the person. If it's 25+ and she's a hot mess/single mom ugh....
but if she has her shit together, just likes sex, and isn't diseased --- Who am I to judge?

don't care how many, as long as none of them were niggers

>Femanon here
you know the rules

but since I have an opportunity to save a thot from self-degradation, there's nothing wrong with things like premarital sex and shit. yes morals play a part but it's all about dignity.

think of it from an evolutionary perspective. if a female whored herself around, she may not have the best qualities suited for raising offspring or being a loyal mate.

don't talk openly about sex. don't be the first to bring up sex either. this sets of alarm bells in a quality male.

when I was in high school/junior high and didn't understand the female mind, I would for some reason subconsciously push away girls that would 'jump on me'
It wasn't until my junior year I found someone worth my time and I saw her as a goal per se. the more she wasn't sure or giving mixed signals, the more I desired her. we had a long term relationship but I ended it over other reasons.

tl;dr whores are not valued because you're easy. I hope i explained it right 'cause I'm sick as shit and feel half-assed autistic writing this. I don't know how to put it into words atm.

#1 answer tbqh

What if she has a hymen, but got buttfucked by several well endowed black men and gave them lots of blowjobs?

No hymen no diamond

One. Any more than that and she's broken, damaged goods who can't really love anymore because she's lost her "tolerance" for the "drug".

If you're past junior high and don't already have a gf for life, divorce is in the near future if you ever do get married.

but thats just me
I like them extra virgin

3 for conservative people
5 for more reasonable people
anything above 9 is for cucks

I have a bit of a cuckold thing going on, so the higher the number the better. I'll probably end up marrying a hooker.

No diamond, of course, you stupid fuck.

If she has even kissed another man she's a whore.

any girl who has been with more than 4 guys, odds are pretty high a few of them were black. just the way things are. better learn to accept it or you are gonna be single for life

Do kegals and u are good forever.

5. High body count shows a lack of self control. Also just disgusting.

Hi! Few things to start off with =]
1. Yes I replied because you're a femanon, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. I'm Brian.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

i prefer girls who've been with a few because virgins take too much time and don't know how to clean themselves.

I'd better be the first to in vag, the rest I don't have a number though I'd be concerned if it's more than your age

If this is OP and that's your response you're clearly already at the limit for nearly everyone.


0 priors for me. Married a conservative non-degenerate whore who saved herself for marriage at age 26. Feels nice eating pussy I know has never had anything but me up inside.

you must live in a high density nigger area and should move outta there.


>any girl who has been with more than 4 guys, odds are pretty high a few of them were black
back to the hood synagogue with you tyrell finkelstein

Do people honestly talk about how many others they have fucked with their partners? What the fuck is that about?

The only person in this thread who is realistic and reasonable and isn't a complete virgin

expired bait

depends on age but i'd say more than 6 at 20 or 12 at 25 and no more than 15 by 30

You are delusional. even in the suburbs most high schools are extremely diverse.

>per se


I personally don't believe in "used up" or anything, but after 20 dicks without condoms it becomes a health risk.

i can see you put some thought into this reply.
also: good answer

No hymen no diamond

Agree with this. Who gives a fuck how many people a girls fucked. Doesn't matter if it's 1 or 10, just be a decent person.


>inb4 anyone else

>do employers honestly ask applicants about their work history/ethic? what the fuck is that about?

if there are more than 3 hang 'em all from a tree!

Already settled down with one thats only had 2 other partners, stop being such a skank.

lower language is for niggers. stay designated nigger-tier.

6 is fine but one inch less and the dude needs to be a millionaire? Fake and gay

1-2 anything past and she’s a slut

Realistically I assume that any number she gives me is a lie. Realistically I'm not the marrying type.

yeah you would know this if you weren't a virgin for life

a whore looking for validation what a surprise i dont even need a number i know you got more mileage in you than a fuckin usps truck.

what if she never had sex, but she sucked one dick one time in high school.

there's a catch though, it was an enormous BBC that belonged to her science teacher

It's this simple if you're asking your a slut. Now keep them legs closed slut

All these faggots saying no hymen no diamond better be super conservative Christian, because that shit is stupid. Also, if you are super Christian, what the fuck are you doing here in a den of degenerates like this place?


Pick one.

If you're having a how many people have you fucked conversation with your partner, your relationship has gone to shit.

Under 6 incher spotted

fatty, or evangelical christian?

id say like 7-9

I’d say no std’s and I don’t care. Girls don’t get looser with sex, nor does their ‘value drop’ (if anything it makes them better at sex). I’ve been with like 12 girls so idk, do whatever you want

Rule of 3.
Always multiply the number of partners a woman tells you she had by 3.

Always divide the number of partners a guy tells you he had by 3.

>your relationship has gone to shit
>relationship has gone
>has gone
Literally never started a relationship without having this conversation... I believe you're not trolling, but I'm really confused that you see no value in knowing what her experience level is before you get involved.

women prefer men to be above average, in all apsects of life. it's just natural selection at play. sorry you don;t measure up

No number. I don't care.

>implying christians can't be degenerates
you do realize any religious person is a perfectly flawed human being, and an atheist can be just as much, if not more moral than a believer?

as a guy in a fraternity in college, probably 15. I have roughly 32~ but anything under 15 i think i'm good with

So we're taking a late 90's teen comedy seriously now?


>assume everyone’s a liar
Great tip boss, thanks.

>not basing your life on 90s film sequels
>never knowing the Path of Stiffler's Mom


When she starts looking like the one of the left she’s too used

We're on the same page dude. I was aluding to the fact that no 'good Christian' should be on Sup Forums. I'm perfectly aware that Christians can be degenerates

I personally enjoy a slut. So 30s is where I cap the body count.

This myth needs to die. Labia size has nothing to do with the amount of sex a person has had.

Not so much the quantity, cause i'm 27 and have hooked up with about 25 different girls. More like what kind of dudes shes been hoooking up with is what would make her damaged goods.

Says the used goods


Don't go there if you want to be happy with your relationship. I've made that mistake before.

I’m just a dude trying to set the record straight.

not even one. You slut.

Depends on dick size. If she fucked like 100 guys but they all were under 6" she's fine because fucking baby dicks doesn't count. However if she fucked like 4 guys rocking 10" dicks she's a fucking ho-bag.

not the number is important as long as her history doesn't show a total lack of care or taste.

But to be totally upfront: her worst choice counts the most.
which implies that it is very hard for a girl (or boy) with a big number of lovers to be still a person to marry, but it's not impossible though.

oh it does. my virgin wife had nice innie lips but after i have fucked her a thousand times her lips are all torn up.

I just don’t understand why people would rather continue repeating something that’s categorically incorrect. Like how does having a faulty method of classification benefit you in any way?

I'm a 26yo male and had sex with 13 people. Femanons, how many sex partners is too many for a guy?

I also dated a girl for a bit who regularly talked about all the dudes she fucked. I never got a number but I imagine it's up there. She also fucked one of my friends in front of a crowd of people and told me she enjoyed it. She also told me she slept with some musician. The idea of her waiting in line begging to fuck a stranger was very unattractive to me.

no such thing as too many

agreed. Only total losers who blame everyone else for their inability to get laid, and trolls, embrace this myth.

Honestly sex has nothing to do with long term value. The absolute worst thing you can do is be a basic boring person. Sex really only comes into question if there is something wrong with you... like; not enjoying sex or having STDs.

Being a "sleaze" is something the arrogant Trumpies tell themselves when decent women find them revolting.

how about bigger?

this is not exact.

multiply by ten for the woman because only bitches feel urged to talk about their ex.

divide by 1.5 for the man.

but what if the number is 0, then you found the holy grail but were never able to appreciate it

>your grammar

>which implies that it is very hard for a girl (or boy) with a big number of lovers to be still a person to marry, but it's not impossible though.

>with a big numbers of lovers to be still a person to marry

>to be still a person to marry

what if it was just one guy one crazy summer, but jamal was hung like a horse?