Ancientfag here. I've been here since the beginning and I've seen Sup Forums degrade from a place where creative...

Ancientfag here. I've been here since the beginning and I've seen Sup Forums degrade from a place where creative, hilariously subversive people pretended to be idiots to a place where genuine idiots promote conformity and authoritarianism.

But one of the biggest changes I've noticed is something odd in the way people now post non-cancerous material. Leaving aside the endless barrage of trap, celeb, dickrate, etc. threads, it's the other ones I'm referring to. I've started noticing people posting threads about their lives, complaining about something or asking advice about something -- and then simply abandoning the thread. People will spend their time and effort responding to the original post, and the OP will just... vanish. The OP never replies and the whole thread gets swept away in the tidal wave of cancer.

Why do people do this? It's bad enough that Sup Forums is now 90%+ cancer, but the handful of non-cancerous threads now get abandoned by the OP and people are left feeling like they've wasted their time, which they have.

Well, I don't expect this to get any replies; it'll probably get drowned in the sea of YLYL and FB fap cancer, but howdy anyway for the handful of people with a triple-digit IQ left on Sup Forums who actually read this.

if i click on this link u may get 5 hours max bandwidth on Sup Forums

oldfag here, too. and yeah, I've noticed it.
amongst the chaos there used to be a weird old camaraderie here. Not so much any more.
I guess it's just the chance from a generation that grew up without the internet to one that's had it their entire lives.s

>I guess it's just the chance from a generation that grew up without the internet to one that's had it their entire lives.s
This. It was a novelty to be used responsibly for us, where as now the whole internet is a joke.

Millennials really are terrible people, aren't they. Have you ever read Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman? He predicted all of this.

meh, maybe. I dunno. i think the boomers felt the same way about us in Gen X. I think it's just growing old.s

Fuck off Neil, you ain't Nostradamus

No one wants to read your book.

wanting camaraderie on the internet

That shit died with BBS's

Well Sup Forums was always bad, but like you said in the sea of bad there was uniqueness, a cameraderie, a sense of purpose although hidden. Not anymore though, it's like the 12 year old kid trying to impress older peers.

This. Change is hard, but harder when you aren't invited.

The fact that what this was made us happy doesn't mean that what it is now doesn't make someone else happy, nor does it even mean that what it was would make us happy if we were to arrive at it now. Asking why something changed is an interesting intellectual question, but sitting and lamenting the fact that the present isn't the past is stagnation and death disguised as sentimentalism.

This is actually my first time actually reading a thread on Sup Forums in about 3 years. How much has it changed since just then?

At least it's pictorially...

Not much. Less variety of content as more boards have been created, but not significantly. Same bowl new turds.

Bye OP. Don't expect any more posts from him.

No, I think the rise of smartphones is actually responsible for a lot of this. I was reading about a psych study which showed people regard anything their smartphone can access as part of their personal expertise. Marshall McLuhan wrote about this, where a medium essentially becomes an extension of the brain, turning us into cyborgs. But the result is that Millennials now think they have the sum total of everything available on the Internet inside their heads because they can look it up on their smartphones.

It certainly accounts for the kind of Dunning-Kruger ignorance you find on Sup Forums.

Neil Postman is dead, moron. And Amusing Ourselves to Death is considered required reading in most mass comm courses these days.

Being dead doesn't make him any more correct.

Also I didn't know mass communist countries allowed reading.

Low information Millennial detected.

>Neil Postman is dead

Wait tattoos are a millenial thing now, too? Do the rest of us get ANYTHING? We lost phones, blogs, social media, avacados, analingus, fucking netflix, now you're trying to take injecting ink into my dick as well?

Well, caring about something is pretty safe. The main characteristic of Millennials is being too cool for school. Actually giving a shit about anything is super-uncool.

Still a fag I see..

Also theres no more CP

"Neil Postman" recycled as stock photo. yup

No-one wants to be your friend =/= no-one wants to be anyone else's friends

I never thought I would miss cheese pizza, but we used to get a better class of kiddie fiddlers. They were totally unapologetic and open about their degeneracy like some kind of Doctor Doom of child molestors. Now it's all loli and shota and cub threads where they pretend they aren't diddlers and whine about how they're not doing anything illegal.

Frankly looking back over human history for the last thousand years...

I can't fucking wait to amuse myself to death :D

tattoos are totally mainstream now. they're not anybody'ss

Just need to chemo the cancer again.

We managed to get rid of bronies, so why not fb fap?

>complaining... he hasn't see enough

At one point a few weeks ago I saw FOUR celeb threads on the front page at the same time. If that didn't move nu-m00t to do something about the cancer, nothing ever will. The cancer won.


well said

Duhhhh. I'm the OP, you bright, bright child.

Authoritarianism is good sometimes, tyrrany can still come from the majority, just take a moment to make the connection between that statement and the state of Sup Forums. So is conformity, when any semblance of normalcy or sense of standards and etiquette are thrown into the void in favor of absolutely abstract, indeterminate notions that further muddy the understanding of what anything should even be considered to be anymore, to the point at which no uninitiated outsider can even begin to make any worthwhile, concrete conclusions to lead them in any particular, meaningful direction. So, people have come here to use this place as a sounding board to vent their frustrations often, in what has almost been a decade. They come, they vent, they leave. There's no mystery. If you come here, you've come here to waste your time, and you'll have forfeited any guarantees to the content and participation you yearn for, when you fully acknowledge the state of things as they exactly are right this moment. No having your cake and eating it too, unless you're some kind of faggot who spends time baking and eating nothing but cake.

I want to object to the sentiment in that smartphones are more responsible for the various phenomenon described, than the services that the smartphone can connect to, or even the nature of the way/s the information being accessed is stored or obtained. In essence, I want to suggest that the modern computer, not the smartphone itself as a separate and novel thing, is a far greater contributing factor to the illusion of knowledge in an age of near-instant gratification. In fact, I can probably make the argument that encyclopedias began the trend, but in general forced the persons in question to actually remember the information more than forcing them to remember how to access and regurgitate the information.

Google came before smartphones. Google started breaking us first. Then social media came to absurdly reduce the attention span.

Sup Forumshr/b/ it's mod educated for thickness

If you ask me Sup Forums is dead because it had to many splits.

The good old folks all left for infinity and getchan, very few lingered. while Sup Forums got bogged down with the newfags that think Sup Forums is the only place on here to wank.

Still, we may be able to get them to piss off to to wank there.

I think a large part of the problem is all the low effort bait and shill posts.

You could probably blame influx of newfags and spammers, as well as Clinton/Trump shills that came during the election.

Of course, this is all guesswork on my part, but I think the main problem is the degeneracy here used to be more creative and subtle whereas now people will simply post the same obvious cookie cutter bait, knowing full well that insecure newfags will bite every time.

ylyl isn't cancer. I've been here since 07 and they've been here the entire time. only the most autistic autists have a problem with them.

In that case, you're part of the problem. Low effort baiting and namecalling, ignoring the real issues. Pretty sure you're a newfag.

I agree that its not cancer.

But anybody that makes a ylyl thread on b and not wsg/gif is retarded, why give up sound and larger file sizes?

Wow just fapped, Thanks!

Never knew what /s was

Always clicked on b for bitches

because sometimes you want to post just a pic. although I agree that the /gif/ threads are always better

I'm 50 years old, my first modem was a 110 baud teletype machine with acoustic couplers for the phone receiver, and I've been gaming since Maze of the Minotaur, when I had to call up the computer science department and get them to change the reel on the fucking computer to load it. That's how "newfag" I am.


You want to bring back Ron Paul, animal harm, and CP threads? Cause that's what b was back in the day. Maybe some personal army threads with lulz but thats about it.

Snacks banned people. Just saying. People in particular need to be banned. The best clubs had a bouncer.

>I'm 50, so I have every right to shitpost like I'm 12!

Newfag's an attitude, dipshit. Go be cancer somewhere else, Baby Boomer.

/s/ iz usually unflappable unless your preteen

Bet you have one of those big ass keyboards so you can see the fucking letters.

Shouldn't you be at the park feeding ducks or spraying kids with the hose when they get too close to your lawn?

Internet is for the young, time to play bingo gramps

I really don't see how you can get mad at any kind of cancer on Sup Forums without also discussing the raging series of tumors that are /s/ content and saucefags.

The end really came because of Project Clambake. The alphabet agencies had no idea that a bunch of fat, neckbearded man-children in fedoras could become an organized, subversive force to be reckoned with. They freaked out and told m00t to get rid of Anonymous or his servers would get seized and he'd spend some quality time in Gitmo. And because m00tiekins has the spine of a jellyfish, he kicked everyone with a triple digit IQ off Sup Forums.

That left just the middle school teenyboppers and the Stormfags, who quickly turned Sup Forums into their personal recruitment forum and invented the alt-right -- which may yet end the world in nuclear fire.

Sure was better than traps and threads that are basically a fb feed.

When's the last time an actually funny meme was propagated by Sup Forums?

great, now I want a beer

>Internet is for the young, time to play bingo gramps

Says the faggot being supported by his parents. Live a little and re-evaluate your thoughts

No wrong 2003 was anime because you watched dragon ball z. That and America and original content. A Nazi chin k mode might make a list what's trash cancer and what's not and keep it juvenile. Ban people.

>caring about the state of an online taiwanese picture book board

Animal harm and CP is more acceptable than this trap bestiality cancer

>you watched dragon ball z.

I watched Lupin III, Inital D, and Cowboy Bebop. DBZ is for faggots

>Same bowl new turds.

>Millennials really are terrible people

You laugh you lose is a new low that's here to stay. And its shittier now

sup newfag

The irony.

...that's 4Can post whatsoever

Don't worry when I'm 50 like you

I will shit post on /b about

the "good old days"

I use to play skyrim before net neutrality and I had to put up with neckbeards who thought they owned Sup Forums blah blah blah

Please stop lamenting and start making original, interesting content for Sup Forums

This. The proof is in the pudding. There was a time when Sup Forums produced fads which regularly swept over all of Western culture. It was genuinely subversive and played host to some of the most malevolently hilarious iconoclasts of the generation.

You think Andy Sixx's turds or whatever other forced meme is making the rounds these days is going to make it to a Tonight Show monologue? Not a chance.

funniest shit on Sup Forums
pic related

>World in nuclear fire
Way to be melodramatic. The world will never end from nuclear fire. We might, but the world won't.

Nothing Gold Can Stay.

The Sup Forums shit storm is turning into a steaming heap. Teens and actual fags are killing it. Nothing to be done really except wait for the fire to burn out then rebuild.

I'm 36. I started using computers in 1986, before Windows even existed. I've seen the internet evolve from BBS to Prodigy to Compuserve to AOL to dial-up to broadband.

Young people have no clue what things were like before social media. Your opinion mattered, but only if you could contribute to the conversation. Now it's about moral outrage and fake upvoates and internet points for who can be the most offended. Good luck getting to Sup Forums in 10 years, let alone 30


Our server thinks you look like a robot. Please solve the CAPTCHA below to access the site.

We all know he's not fucking wrong. Think about it: People who grew up wearing joggers, and barely remember the second election of Barack Obama are now the "content creators" defining our board. Gone, indeed, are the people who coped with 9/11, or unmitigated creativity.

I come here sometimes for the lulz, but find the increasing pervasion of traps and porn threads overwhelming. Perhaps I'm still hoping that one of these nights I'll find a faint taste of the angst and cathartic foolishness that shaped my young adulthood, twelve years ago.

It hurts.

To be honest, i miss the good ol' times when we did what we did for fun and without repercusions. These times are long gone and i understand, but why the fucking hell did this board become the biggest shithole for every trash content that was ever made? Where is the random that was meant to amuse or disgust you (sometimes both)?
These are not good times to be here, my pals. Not at all.

so fucking hot

It's over, man, and I hate it. It makes me sick. This used to be such a special place-- figuratively a cafeteria table occupied by the sweaty, smelly nerds we either felt like or actually were. Shit hurts.

his fucking loaf though

>implying anyone younger than 36 has no clue what things were like before social media
There's a lot wrong with this.

>Gone, indeed, are the people who coped with 9/11, or unmitigated creativity.

we're not gone. Most of us moved on, developed careers and had children, and realized that places like Sup Forums were utterly useless. It's the cycle of life. I'm here drunk posting on my day off because I remember having lots of fun with raids.

This place was compromised as soon as Anonymous became a threat to the powers that be. Slide threads, honey pots, etc are all because the collective of Sup Forums was influencing real world events.


>blacked/white boi
>if hurr then durr, checkmate
>how old when grew out of x
>log shit posters
>your mother will die if
>roll for trips / gets / anything based on post numbers
>begging (steam, bitcoin, etc)
cum tribute

Yes I know Sup Forums has always been shit.

Yes I know bans are easy to evade.

There is no reason everything should be a repost of a repost, no reason trolls posting bait should have the run of the board.

There is precedent for this. moot has banned in waves in the past. No rules applies to moderators as well.

Make Sup Forums vaguely OC again.

Now listen here you niggers. You can lay crying in nostalgy or you can fight to get the old Sup Forums back. Just start posting old style OC that shall not only spread the message that we are not dead, but will also gather the better part of new generation. The degeneration of Sup Forums happened coz we allowed it. Now, you damn cunts, we gotta take it back. And ofc i know you shall return the fire lime the faggots you are and call me a shill or whatever else you have at your "arsenal" but this is the truth. We let it happen and now we gotta rebuilf and show the way. This is our responsibility as the oldrr generation.

...And thought a 8 MB voodoo graphics card~was lush...(image not related)

>There's a lot wrong with this.

Not directed at you specifically, but social media and smart phones changed the internet landscape for the worse.

By the end of that post I was reading in Morgan Freeman’s voice

You missed out on the days when Hercules was the card to beat with its EGA awesomeness towering over the CGA mediocrity. (Also the days when Hercules would refresh monitors to death and make them burst into flames.)



There's no denial of that, it's evident. But it's just hyperbolic all the same. You know what else changed the internet landscape for the worse?



That's perhaps the healthiest reflection. I graduated college, I have a lovely home, and an adult's car. I don't have the thrill of investigating Fun Time Kidz Kare, or doing goofy shit with people who were faceless best friends. I'm not sure which I prefer, but this is the happiest outcome of mutual degeneracy that otherwise defined us all collaboratively.

If it even still worked, kek

Therein lies the tragedy. I cruised this place, frying my brain with drugs and silliness-- I can't even find the inspiration to sketch funny shit and investigate the mysteries in my neighborhood that could captivate the whole region and some eurofags.

I want it so bad, though.

> Ancientfag here. I've been here since the beginning

If you've been here since the beginning, you almost certainly have no life and are a massive failure. But yes, continue to give these people your "sage" advice.

>you must have no life
>browses Sup Forums himself
Are you even awarw if the irony.

This might be the saddest part. We just have grown up. No more funny ideas. Ni more crazy parties. Just bland, boring adult life.

Press Esc twice to logon.

Checking back in on the old stomping grounds. Super cool meme though


>changed the internet landscape for the worse.
it was Sup Forums's highlight eXpand image. that killed it all... the new fag's,don't see it,as "they
will never" experience the full image as posted.

I know how you feel OP. I used to come here to relax at the end of the day and have multiple threads that would interest me. Now i hate coming here for the same reasons you outlined in your post.

Yup, that's the part that gets me-- it's like the friends from high school you smashed mailboxes with, or some shit. One of you got married, and you left for college, or whatever, and now you "like" their pictures on Facebook.