Girl bullies pt 2

Girl bullies pt 2

Is it wrong that I became aroused watching This?

What a pussy. I would have knocked all 4 of those skanks on their asses.

Of course you would mr. online

Retard. As if 90% of males couldn't wreck those little bitches.

What to say when losing an argument

youre just a moron who believes face value when literally theres a pack of nigger tier 20 year olds sitting there enforcing that shit to happen

niggers like that need to die

You really are stupid. There was no argument.

If you didn't notice, those 4 girls have 4 guys with them, one of whom is recording this shitshow. So it's a real simple choice between getting your ass kicked by 4 guys or feeling the little pinch of a girl hitting you.


How much do i have to pay to be treated like this by a group of preteen grillz?

Still worth it. Enjoy living the cuck life.

Honestly that kid looks like he's too small to have done anything to them even if those guys weren't there. It's sad but true. Unless he like, bullied one of their little sisters those girl are shit. They don't deserve to die or anything like that. But a hefty beating from a father figure is in order here. Preferably daddy sanguinius.

>clearly white
Just because you're embarrassed to be the same race as them doesn't mean you can just decide they are a different race

>so ignorant he thinks nigger refers to skin color and not a fucking gutter trash mentality of sub humans that deserve to die

Nigger is derived from Negro which in Spanish literally translates to black

I should clarify, I meant from daddy Sanguinius.

Thanks to them, that kid is well on his way to becoming a serial killer...., a faggot...., or both.

Or just a standard btard

Yeah...., I forgot that option.

that kids definitely gonna grow up and be an abuser

