I gave up on trying on Tinder because im a kissless virgin and have a small penis so dubs and trips get to respond to...

I gave up on trying on Tinder because im a kissless virgin and have a small penis so dubs and trips get to respond to this match for me

Hey Lauren, what's up?


Good. The perfect grammar always impresses the ladies. Especially the ugly ones.

OMG Skrillex, I love your music!

tell her why you look so much like amy farrah fowler

Abort mission. Never ever ducking lead with what's up


better deliver op


Do you kno da waey?

fuck lol

Okay sidenote there is literally no way she is 18... bitch looks 35 at least

Better double deliver. Op has to send post numbers an all. Copy and past that shit boi.

fuckin kek, do it op.


Please tell me this isn't real

I don't have to worry about that with you though, your pretty cute. Wanna meet up sometime?


Sorry, I just love playing jokes as you can see, can i just fucking eat your ass and get it over with?

SenD hoe pic

guys i dont think she is responding :(

Nah, sorry for fucking around with you. That's just my personality. You cool. Sorry I sound a little crazy. I kinda am. Oh well, sorry for rambling on and on, you can unmatch me if you want. I just want someone to talk to and hang out with and yk... maybe even a little of the shabang. Cause ultimately I'm a little lonely and I figure you are to but we'll both be okay cause we have each other, right?

Nah, really?


if he wanted it to be perfect, he would have had to put another comma after "Hey"

>you're a fucking moron


That's gotta count OP. 83 for both posts. That's rarer than dubs.

Its a joke, I used to work as a mail person. i carried 20 pies at a time


what am i doing with my life

only the perfect ones are hitting em glasses

If you’re not going to ask me about my opinions on issues like the sexual assault issues in Hollywood, DONT RESPOD TO ME AT ALL.

Actually it's fine. I'm the one who wrote it. It's informal. Now, if it were formal, then there would be a comma after hey.

Welp.. Guess that's gonna be /thread. Got anyone else, OP?

Yeah, honestly wtf are you doing?


shut up you stupid faggot

>"it's informal"
nice excuse retard

Please respond

Send hole pic



It's Sup Forums fuck face. Who cares?

Do you like trains?


OP dont send random shit that'll destroy your chances. You got this. You're welcome.

Beep boop bot detected. Figures op.


fuck you

Give the bot the phone number/dox of the last person who made you feel little.

Yes OP, actually try to get her.

to you too

Fucking idiot

WTF it worked

its okay i think you are very beautiful and can u give me a chance. i promise im not an old fat guy. do u wanna go out on a date with me?

trains as in many men assfucking each other

Id love to run a train on you, Lauren.

You into cuckolding?

so... are you going to send nudez?


I’m lonely. Please fuck me

the cringe is getting to me

I openly weep when people don't reply to me immediately


i posted a thread about you on Sup Forums. im a gigantic faggot.

check 'em op.

I'm fucking laughing.

Adam turned to Greg and asked, "why are we here?" Greg, staring blankly forward, quietly replied with, "to cross this road." Adam, turning to the road simply stated, "but this is the highway, and there's a fuckload of cars passing." Greg, continuing to stare, simply said, "I know." And with that Greg stepped his scaly chicken foot on the pavement and began to cross. He didn't finish his journey.

I own three railway companies. Ride with me to a better life, m'lady? *blushes and holds out hand gentlemanly*


I love trains for a couple of reasons.

Unlike planes, in a train you can see when you leave the prairies and begin to climb the mountains, or slide from farmland towards industry. By the time you arrive wherever you are going, you have a sense of how you got there.

Trains also often travel different routes to the highways, giving you a peek into parts of a country or city that you can’t get any other way. I love that traveling by train often let’s me glimpse into the backside of streets and buildings.

People like to pretend they don’t want to look into other people’s backyards, just like they’re ashamed to admit how much they want to read other people’s emails (even the NSA, apparently).

But I’m not ashamed to admit it. I like looking into other people’s sections. You get a different insight into a neighbourhood from the backyards of its houses.

You don’t have to go through TSA security checks, surrender your bottle of water (or wine) or show up an hour early. You generally don’t have to worry about traffic, because train stations are much closer to downtown. So – for example – I could leave my hotel in Chicago and be at the train station in 15 minutes, in plenty of time for a train that was due to leave 30 minutes later.

This last reason may not apply everywhere. Actually, it may only apply in Chicago for all I know. But I saw three separate Amish families getting on the train with me. They were the first Amish families I’ve ever seen in real life. I even chatted with one of the women about her very cute baby, and she chatted back and laughed at my lame baby joke. For reasons that have a lot to do with the impact the Harrison Ford film Witness had on me in 1985, this was very exciting.

Idk, I just like trains.

What about free form jazz?

But do you like them to an autistic degree? My last match had an obsession with her train set and forced me to watch it go round in circles for 3 hours before she farted and screamed till I left.

fucking gotem


is it sad knowing you'd feel the same about it even if you weren't sending messages written out by other virgins?

I love you

Yes. This is the one.

Oh shit. Try to fuse them op

look how about you come over, i pull out the pizza rolls and we see if you are like them. smoking hot on the outside and ice cold in the center


Ya know, I've got a colt 1911 pointed to my head right now, and will pull the trigger if you don't flip a coin and land on heads. Be sure to record the flip.


fuck tinder cut off the rest of it...

re roll

Then send the rest idiot

Send second wall of text

Now I'm really fucking laughing.

Do you like training?

lol this


Nice. Do you like it in the ass?



I also got raped by my uncle on a train. That was pretty fun.

Dude if you really are a kissless virgin it's because you make threads like this on Sup Forums. Even after you sounded like a desperate loser this girl is still talking to you. (She is kind of cute tbh) Stop being a fucking idiot and just talk to her.

welp there goes it



should be caboose

Because I do.