Haven't seen a fluff thread in a while

Haven't seen a fluff thread in a while...


Bumping for interest

Is it narcissistic that I only have my own art saved?

Hello. It’s Vlad

hello vlad



Naw. Wouldn't want to lose it.



Probably because mods are banning anyone that starts fluffy threads and/or posts fluffy pics on Sup Forums

o shit







dude triple dubs.

Yesssssssss, its been weeks since I've seen one of these


i never understood the appeal of those threads

i tried, tho




Cool. Never got a triple double.


We love violence, that's it

yup that about sums it up tbh

one last bump for fluffies



bump for morbid curiosity

Why does it have a slinky on its head?

I feel bad for the box, having a fluffy living in it.