If you roll dubs then two twin incubi will show up tonight in your room and do gay things with you

if you roll dubs then two twin incubi will show up tonight in your room and do gay things with you

if you roll trips then you will unlock the portal ritual needed to resummon them any other night that you wish

if you roll quads then you are given a code (only to be spoken under a full moon in a forest clearing) to transport yourself to their bungalow in their own private demiplane where you can mate with a succubus for eternity - however there is no return portal to this world and you will gradually become an incubus yourself to perform bisexual favors forever



You will be visited by the twin incubi tonight.

I recommend soft scented candles and a few degrees hotter in your room, they like the heat.

How'd I do?

No reward has been granted.

You may try again.

rolling bc i'd rather get fucked by demons than nobody at all.


then you're bi

this is already something i know.

quads get

Please god

c'mon quads

would you mind posting your feet pls?

Best game

HELL YES incubi orgy!!




I'm really horny for some sexy demons.

Don't let me down Sup Forums!

Thank the Maker!

Rolling for trips

off by 4

anyone got more incubus hentai?

this whole idea is so sexy


prepping my anus

This is so gay.

I love it.



try again mate

I'm currently fucking these dudes and it's the hottest thing I've ever done... I got dubs earlier and this shit is the bomb... just chiming in between sessions btw

quads pls

I'll take it!


what if quints

can i daddy



Trips get


Fuck. Again

You know what? Fuck it.



You become a balrog overlord.



What if hexes?

You become Satan? Seems pretty obvious there.

Still going for trips

*Lucifer in an drow form.


Rolling for demondiccâ„¢

rolling plss

trips mayb plsss?


Not sure how that one slipped into my sentence.

quads get

what kinda faggot do you have to be to not know about the fact that incubi and succubi are literally the same demon, they change depending on what you desire the most.

so you're all faggots.

That sounds fucking gay

We need more imaginative fap threads like these.

Gets me diamonds.

It's not like it's canon or anything, there are different sources of lore for these things, you probably read some Twilight-tier novel series that had sex-changing demons just like the glittering faggots for vampires in that series

The fact universally is that succubi are female sex demons and incubi are male sex demons.


that's why we like it


Rolling for quads

forgot my pic, dammit



If I get dubs and it happens I'll film it

They're cute trap incubi, right?

Same person. Do dubs in the middle count? Tell me fast it's late and need to know if I need to prep

double demon dicks, here I come


You lucky sons of bitches.

Probably like pic related, but maybe they can change their looks with magic.

But then that inevitably begs the question, what if septs?

Isn't 7 supposed to be "God's" number in Judea-Christian mythology?


Meh, that's a little too masculine for me. I can admit my gayness but not into masculine dudes. Can I get succubi for dubs instead?


But dude, when you take it in the ass, who cares what they look like?


Nah that's a quads only unlockable achievement

Eh, fuck if I know. I abandoned the church when I realized how full of hypocrites it was.


My dad was a pastor but I knew it was all bullshit around age 8.

Repent, sinner. For the wages of sin are death.

Do you kno da wae

We're all going to die and return to the nothingness from which we came.

What more of an incentive can you possibly ask for for living in the now?

Took me a lot longer. Wasn't until I did some digging and found out about the canonization of the bible that I realized that if ever the bible actually was the word of God, it had been irreparably altered by men with political agendas. After that, the whole concept pretty much fell apart.

rollo for bungalow?

cum on quads

Frankly, I'd prefer oblivion to living forever in heaven doing nothing but singing hymns about a being who created sin then punished us for it.


Well I tried to summon a succubus but failed, so roll.

of course they'll tell you that that's not what it really is like, because we won't have physical bodies or whatever, but that just goes to show how full of shit they are when all they can say is what something is NOT rather than what it is... that's always a perfect sign in every context that a person is full of shit about anything, because knowing what something isn't always requires knowing what it is (in order to know what it is not)


Third time's the charm.


Miss me with that gay shit.



They're talking about the spiritual death, not the physical death.

Eat shot, and check these digits.

