I slap your girlfriends ass

I slap your girlfriends ass

What do you do?

Highschool wrestling
4 years muay thai
Blue belt Brazilian jiujitsu under Brazilians from a non Gracie lineage.

Other urls found in this thread:


Put a bullet in your foot to teach you a lesson.


this comes to mind...


You're a bitch

non brazilian? whats the lineage?

Ugh chicanos ewwww

It’s a shame to put all that time to just get shot by a skinny nigga like me bruh

Say thanks for the high five

Nice accomplishments. But the gun is the great equalizer. My wife would prolly just shoot you in the foot.

Punch you in your stupid fucking face.

non gracie so probably alliance or some shit. my money is on the dude who posted the other thread mentioning bjj he allegedly trains under Bruno Malficine who is pretty fuckin cool.

call you a giant queer for slapping a dude's ass. You know you're not shit or you wouldn't be trying to make yourself feel better here. I'm a Navy Seal.. Etc..

12 gauge to your knee caps then double tap to the head (Muscles < Gun) This is the 21st century not the fucking medieval ages you stupid cuck.

Highschool wrestling
4 years muay thai
Blue belt Brazilian jiujitsu under Brazilians from a non Gracie lineage.

Too bad none of that shit can stop bullets

>4 years muai thai
Are you twelve? 4 years is nothing you twat

i have taken one class so far. wanna fite?

Watch as my ol'lady kicks the shit out of you... You'd be lucky if she didn't use a firearm..

Kick your ass because it's a street fight and I have a knife, none of your training matters when I tackle you to the ground and begin stabbing. Even professional knife fighters say dont get into a knife fight, because neither side will win. Unless only one of them have a knife.

Why do you feel like you need to assault a perfect stranger?

Imagine being so retarded that you waste 4 years of your life instead of getting a gun

> Bested by waterbottles
Well.. f-fuck you

I own firearms for people like you

Gut shoot you, than pistol whip you to death before you bleed out.

It's what you deserve

Mix the holy water with the Voss
Wanna be the boss then you gotta pay the cost
Learned it from the Dogg I'm from Long Beach
That's the city where the skinny carry strong heat

You forgot to mention your katana and gang of ponies, OP

I take your guns you call me the government.


I'll just leave this here

>still having a girl friend
top kek

I’ll dab on you #Logang

Argentinean here
1.98 meters tall
23 years old and 9 years using martials art just to get out my anger

Got a small and cute gf, like a loli but real

One day in a local event [carnaval] I was buying her popcorn and when I turned to her see someone slapping her ass from behind

Run towards him and trow a punch directly to his nose

Falls and kiss the wall violently

Kick her mouth and broke a few tooth

Bleeding from his nose and mouth crying in the floor

A couple of his friends are helping him and the others don't know if fight or run

My gf crying because she got scared and just wanna go out from there

Later a cops catch me

Faggot reported me for "desfigurated face "

Gf play feminist card "he was trying to rape me, he touched me and bf helped me, everyone saw that"

They buy the rape story , a few friends witnessed everything and the faggot got a week in jail

i'd probably kill you in 4.6 seconds with a hand tied behind my back tbqphwyf

Laugh at your autistic ass and Refuse to beat you out of pity.

Does it really matter? At the end of the day, with proper preparation (regardless of physical skills), someone could sneak/break into your home and gut you in your own bed in your sleep.

>add cyanide
>inject you with it
>watch you die

I like this answer

>I slap your girlfriends ass
>What do you do?
>Highschool wrestling
>4 years muay thai
>Blue belt Brazilian jiujitsu under Brazilians from a non Gracie lineage.

So you are one of those faggots that show up to a gunfight carrying only a knive. Bravo OP

20 years of pit fighting,15 years of ACTUAL mixed arts (not just Thai and stupid tap out Jiujutsu) a life time of knife fighting. What are you 19. Keep up son.

But my girlfriend had a penis

What are you OP some kind of deviant?

Her chest edges are Super difficult
Bam boom poo

I don't have to do anything. She can flip you off herself.

try to fight you, but let you beat the shit out of me, then call the police and tell them you assaulted me. I'll be bloody and bruised and you'll be spotless. Have fun spending 6 months to 2 years in prison

4 years of actually killing people in Iraq.
packing heat

if you did I would claim you were attacking her, pop a few into you, and have her also claim the same ;) EZ LIFE


Beat the shit out of you, 7 Years wrestling Ca State Champ, 5 years kickboxing, 2 years of BJJ - Blue belt as well non gracie

Oh yeaahhh??? Well MY daddy has a bazooka! and he's, like, so strong that he could.. umm. Lift an entire building! A big huge one!

Your foot would be shot


Hit ya with a ,

Assert my dominance and fuck you in the ass, later after you became my boy toy because the dicking was so good that i made you my personal bitch. I'd tie you up for some bondage play and have you crossdress for me and tie you to the bed face down and continue to pound your boi pussy where you'd be screaming for more until i blow my load all over your back , its about that time when i pull out a hammer and smash your legs, call you a faggot and leave.


Whats wrestling going to do when I rip your throat out?

>Krav maga here

I had that happen to me I was living in Philly.. did a big old round house punch on the guy. Had to move away to let things cool down so I went to my Uncle's house. Uncle is kind of rich, hope he is ready for a hard ass slap your face Nigger like me.

I slap your butt too and punch you both in the face with an elbow.

Pre-School wrestling
4 decades janitor
Blue uniform made in Brazilian slums from Perto-Del-Pico

gg wp ez pz

Give you the good ol' bud Spencer I'm bigger than you hammerfist onto the top of your head

Shoot you in the stomach like I'm indiannia jones and you're the Arabian faggot with the sword. Then I piss on your face and cut off your hands while you writhe in agony on the floor. You are now a changed man. You use your feet to shoot yourself in the face with a 38. Revolver. You fail to kill yourself and end up losing an eye and part of your face. This causes you to lose your ability to have erections and control your bowels. Your amputee fetish girlfriend leaves you and you are then kept perma restrained and feeding tubed for the rest of your life after your 3rd failed suicide attempt and you wonder why you had to be such a fucking faggot who would slap someone else's love when he could have gotten his own girlfriend.

Nuh uh


Pulls my pants down get rock hard and put my fists up.

It's her ass she should learn how to defend herself.

>Highschool wrestling
>4 years muay thai
>Blue belt Brazilian jiujitsu under Brazilians from a non Gracie lineage.

>Goes on Sup Forums


Shoot you and watch all that training go to waste.

Id loose a crossbow quarrel into your foot.


Pull out my gun and shoot you in your knee caps

>Kick her mouth and broke a few tooth

so a guy slapped your girls ass and you ran over and kicked her in the mouth and broke her teeth out?

Honestly? Nothing. My wife would punch you in the balls herself.

turn around and wiggle my ass at you in hopes you slap it too

i would still kick your ass, manlet

>you instantly start getting hard and your peen leaks like it's trying to make me slip into your pants
I say 'wassup brazilian bj artist'
>you salivate uncontrollably
our lips meet
you let out a little sigh
you lick me from my neck to my huge pendulous balls
stroke my cock and direct it to eject into ur manpussy
>great suck sess

Black belt in taekwondo. I would ask you to appologize because i am not an uncivilized animal, and break your arm if you showed any sign of hostility.

Also you must have serious insecurities for flaunting your pseudo strengh on an anonymous board. Actually achieve a final grade in any fighting art before bragging like a low tier trash.

sheesh. this guy

Not the original user but what does that have to do with chicanos

shoot you in the face

i will tell you to get on your knees and apologize
act funny in any way and i will taze/gas/shoot you, depending on local law because i'm not some idiot who would get into a fistfight that could potentially end badly for me. no black belt is gonna stop a bullet you macho morons.

I would ask you if you're a wizard or something and if I can keep the gf who just manifested out of thin air.

Knock you the fuck out.

All that fancy shit dont do a bit of good when youre on the ground pissing yourself because youre a fuckin pussy.

a knife made out of superior nippon steel can deflect bullets


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I know exactly what would happen as it has actually happened before. If some dingis slaps my wifes ass it would take me a few minutes to get her to stop attacking them and get her away so she doesnt catch an assault charge. Then go somewhere and bang cuse getting fighty gets her horny. Fiesty little bitch.

You're right. One through the foot for the pain, the other through your head to end the suffering.

Fuck you up. Been boxing and fighting longer than youve been training all together. Resume aint shit amateur. Also id shoot you after you apologize because I can.

A fight is happening regardless of how likely it is you'll kick my ass.

respectfully inform you that i browse Sup Forums daily and do not nor will ever have a girlfriend, and then realizing my life choices have all been mistakes, ill go back to being a huge faggot on Sup Forums because thats all im good at

I'd pun one in the dick but considering he's done HS wrestling I doubt he has one.

so ur pretty much trained for MMA, ive done 2 contracts for the FFL so id kick ur fucking ass

still if u are skilled enough you can steal his knife, and when that happens bro ur gonna get stabbed :D from personal experience id rather use some sort of bat, preferably a short steel rod about 1m long

Spotted the user who actually have a girl.

call the cops charge you with sexual assault

laugh my ass off at home while you get butt raped by gigganigga in prison.

if the wench leaves me because of thinking rationally then good riddance.

win win scenario. except for you

>not giving him 3 to the chest, so that self defence is more viable, and so he can think about his fuck up as he bleeds out.

Oh god not this faggot again.

Get some new material, seriously. Youre pry a little 18 yr old beta bitch who lives thru vicarious internet fantasies to cover up your pathetic little life.

The only bitch is the loser.
The first one to get a hit with a firearm usually wins.

Beta cuck fag spotted

>I slap your girlfriends ass
>What do you do?

Watch as she knocks you the fuck out before I even have chance to laugh.

>12 gauge to your knee caps then double tap to the head (Muscles < Gun) This is the 21st century not the fucking medieval ages you stupid cuck
Muscles haven't been relevant for combat since the stone age.

Only pussy fags use firearms on an unarmed opponet. Fuckin nigger

i'd rather be a "beta cuck fag" than a childish cartoon mentality mongoloid who walks around with delusions of grandeur and dreams of heroic stances.

i'm 41 and divorced twice. i don't need this monkey shit show nor a cunt who needs that crap in her life. if my life or the life of the woman i'm with are in danger, then sure i'll step up. otherwise, fuck you and your neckbeard katana wielding ass.

Being this dumb...

Spoken like a true beta.

KYS weakling, no wonder no woman wants you around.