I adopted a baby monkey after I found him on the side of the road next to his mother's lifeless body...

I adopted a baby monkey after I found him on the side of the road next to his mother's lifeless body. The baby didn't know what to do and was sad and crying so I decided to take him with me and help raise him. So I decided to daily post a YouTube video of our baby monkey so everyone can see him. Here's my YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCYm1jZ-9CFQD1inehrhYcIg

I think that bird wants to die

bird? monkey? who the fuck even knows anymore...

When Blue is Green and Green is blue
What's a gemstone supposed to do.

The colors get all mixed up
Inside the head

He does not believe your story
He is part of the people that tortured you as a little girl
He only wants to hurt you
He is not your friend.

Call him.
Tell him you want to meet him face to face
He can come to you
You know it

You will see it in his eyes.
The eyes never lie

You must stand up to your enemy
The people that hurt you when you were a little girl
and stole your happiness
They are the thieves that steal little diamonds
and rubies
and saphires
And then they smash them into tiny little pieces like mirrors.

Alice is in Wonderland
Dorothy is over the rainbow

trying to find all the pieces of the broken mirror
So she can see who she really is

He doesn't have any of the pieces
Neither does his family
You won't find them there

He had his mirror smashed too
He has stolen the pieces of your mirror
and tried to make them his own.

You need to get them back from him.
That can only happen
When you look into his eyes.

Hello there again! I subscribed yesterday :)

thank you Sup Forumsrother








who dat?



Calling bullshit. Monkeys can't cry.

not crying literally but making those noises "OOOOO" that means they are scared


Whats going on here?

death and destruction


Uma delicia

poor little fella, hope hes at least delicious when you boil him when he become fat enough

i will boil you, you demon from hell


Your gonna get message of people saying the want the monkey dead and all sorts of awful things.

bring it on bitches! anyone shows up at my house, i will blast their skull clean off of their shoulders with my .357 hand cannon



