What do you order at McD's?

What do you order at McD's?

I always get two hamburgers with just pickles, two cheeseburgers, and another cheeseburger everything on them, four more hamburgers with everything, a cheeseburger with no pickles, and a cheeseburger with nothing but pickles, two more hamburgers with everything but onions on one and everything but pickles, mustard, and tomatoes on the other, three large fries, six medium fries, one large fry, a junior fry, and two junior fries, two more cheeseburgers with extra cheese and bacon, two more junior fries, and a hamburger with everything, two more hamburgers with everything, and two more hamburgers with everything, four large cokes, and a large sprite, two large cokes, and a small sprite, five large cokes, and one large coke, and a small coke, three small cokes, and a small coke, and a small coke.

those chicken burgers and fries

Usually I dont, since it's all terrible. The last time I did, I had a fucking stomachache for the rest of the night. I like their cheap coffee in a pinch, and I like the Oreo McFlurries. That's about it.

onion rings and mushy peas

I don't eat or shop at low class establishments. That's garbage, and so are most of the people who eat there.

I used to order Big Tasty, I miss that shiet :(

Sometimes I get a large meal with two regular hamburgers, because they take me back to childhood bliss and they're still yummy as fuck.
Sometimes I'll get a large 10-piece McNugget meal with hot mustard.
I also love Filet-O-Fish! Sometimes I'll get it as a large meal, other times I'll just get two Filet-O-Fish and a large drink.
On, and the strawberry-banana smoothies are goooood.


10pc nugget meal large with a hi-c orange and honey mustard, ketchup and real honey to dip them in. also a double chee with Mac sauce

Depends, I'm not a big eater, if they have a Mcrib I might pick up one with a small fry, if they don't I usally just pick up a couple Mcdoubles and maybe a salad with large fries and BLT. And are they serving breakfast all day still? Because I usually pick up three or so hashbrowns and maybe a mcmuffin as a snack before my meal. Also might get a big mac or two with it but nothing major. And then maybe a Large fry. And to drink a diet coke.

You coulda just said the number 1 user.

I wouldn't eat that shit if they paid me
I get that it's gourmet tier to muricans

Used to work at Mcdonalds. This is litterally how people order

www.365black.com McDonald's is racist against whites. I don't shop there.

What the fuck is up with all this McDickhead shilling? Fuck you and your fat people bullshit

No burgers because can't eat the bun.
If I'm dying I get the grilled chicken patty, pretty tasty but not worth the money. Occasionally the ice cream or shake (shakes make you feel like cancer).

Usually, fries of whatever size, dollar large dr pepper or graveyard depending on the day.

Usually don't go to McD's though, taco bell is better (although it costs a bit more because all the dollar menu shit is inedible for me)

only when I'm desperate and hungry because its close by do i go to McD and I get chicken nuggets and fries only, they taste like shitty frozen chicken nuggets from grocery store but edible, everything else is garbage, burgers, salad, shakes, wraps, all garbage.


I like to order chicken nuggets with special sauce and hamburger with spitballs. and ofc some logs for dessert.

Big Tasty Meal - Large
1 Large Fries



their new chicky tendies are pretty bomb tbh

I get a large big mac meal and a cheeseburger. I can never choose between a big mac and a cheeseburger so I end up getting both. I feel like shit afterwards and I fucking hate fat people. Gonna just get a double cheeseburger meal next time