I just don't get it. Why survive, what is the end goal of all this?

I just don't get it. Why survive, what is the end goal of all this?

I have a good life, family, friends, everyone around me seems content to go about their day never asking 'What's the point?'. And I know this is just my existential crisis talking, or maybe depression, but this question has been met with none or too many differing 'truths'. Some might say God is the answer, but why would God waste his time doing this? Why create an entire universe, what is the purpose behind his actions?

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we dont know.

No-one actually knows. That’s what keeps some people going, is the continuous journey

Purpose is as fake and an illusion like the rest of existence. Fleeting emotions produced by a primitive brain trying to grasp reality when there is no real true reality, only a reality shaped by the individual life forms brain.
Unless youre alien and have better brains. Those wacky ayy lmaos sure got some cool flying saucers and shit.

The point is to feel, to be. There will be a long dark sleep after this and we need to experience as many emotions before our sleep.

One of my best friends, who is now quite rich, but is also about 50, has told me what he believes to be the point of life before:

"Fuck a thousand women. You will never regret fucking a thousand women. There are a lot of things you can do with your life, but if you fuck a thousand women it will be satisfying."

He lives that mantra every day. And he's happy.

Kek what a pathetic primitive monkey.

There's the biological imperative of survival taken to its logical extreme. There's pursuing your own goals, however subjective. There's devoting your entire existence to attempting to discern beyond reasonable doubt in some magical fashion, whether there is or is not an intrinsic point to existence or life.

I mean, why not create an entire universe? Why not? What if there was a god, and you asked him why, and he just shrugged?


these days I'm convinced I'm dreaming. It's funnier that way.

Eh, he's worth more than $20 mil and has fucked nearly a thousand woman. What have you done?

Carl Sagan wrote that we are "the Universe, finally able to learn about itself".

I think the pursuit of knowledge is a good enough drive to continue on.

One day you'll even find out what Death is like.

I mean, sex is great and all, and I feel that by saying this I'm abnormal in some way but to me it doesn't fill the void. You know, what's the point of having sex and getting rich? Sure that sounds like a great legacy but why have one at all when it will get shrouded by obscurity just like the rest of our lives.

No you won't. You won't have any consciousness. So you will not find out what death is like, because you will not have the capacity for recognition of your lack of existence.

I think I'll only know what dying is like. Death implies there being no more me, especially if I am a fleeting blip of the entire contingent entity that is the universe.

It's not to have a legacy... it's because fucking hot women and being rich is awesome.

i don't care at this point. I'll be happy when it's fucking over.

Nihilist here. I don't believe there IS any universal truth to be had. No intrinsic meaning or value to anything. I choose to survive because life has food and beer and friends and fucking and music and movies and driving and any other thing that might tickle your little monkey brain.
Death, as far as anyone knows, has none of these things.
Death, as far as anyone knows, is bullshit.

Living two inches in the future is fun for some people, I guess.

I know it may sound dumb.

It's the little things in life.

Have you been rich and fucked a lot of beautiful women before? Don't knock it until you try it, I say. Why not give it a try? :)

Like your penis?

Procreation and continuation of your species. That's literally it.

What happened to you bud

I survive becuase I tell myself one day I will sort out my issues and be ok with myself. Then after that, I will find a human girl that I find to be valuable and special enough to invest myself in. Even though right now I'm an ugly fucking loser with nothing going for me so why would someone special ever fucking pick me.

The real answer is that I lack the constitution for suicide. That, and, well it's obviously my programming. To stay alive.

This is where personal mythology comes into play

I'm pretty sure that if there is an afterlife, then I will have the largest impact on what I experience.

If all that is required of me to accomplish this is a little belief in something outside of myself, then I'm not putting anymore energy into it than I put into playing army when I was a little kid.

Nobody loses, and maybe I'll get lucky, because who the fuck knows really?

And hey if not then oh well, I won't be around to be pissed that I was wrong.

Or like a sunset with rain on the pavement and the smell of it all. Combined with knowing that you can go home to a place that's warm with people who love you. Just saying its those little things that you can work towards

I've had more money in the past at one given moment than I've ever had in this very moment to do things with on impulse, and I've had sex before. It's not much to me. It's fun in the moment, but that's it. If you gave me the option to live this lifestyle, life would lose its luster very quickly for me. There's nothing worth doing in a life like that. It's so base and myopic.

Keys and all will be revealed user.

The meaning of Life is that it ends - Franz Kafka

Taking big dumps and making big cummies

The world's a cruel place, people are terrible and I'm mentally ill.

>inb4 pussy

Yeah I know I'm a pussy you don't have to tell.

what a pathetic way to measure a short and valuable human lifespan

What’s the point is a stupid question.

Our brain works in a way that we always need some kind of goal. But why should there always be a goal? Why can’t some things just be pointless?

This doesn’t mean everything is pointless. I go out for fancy dinner because it makes me feel good, Even so it might be pointless considering I will forget it later on. Only because there is no overall goal doesn’t mean you can’t have short term goals

Keep fighting the good fight. Life is worth trying for. Dying is popular but living is unquestionably cooler

Seriously, what have you done? What have you done that's impressive with your life?

Kafka was just a crazy person with a shit load of mental problems. He’s maybe not the best person to refer to

>mom i need to do something other people will be amazed and inspired by. Pls halp
Youre a sad slave type of person succumbing to some shitty view of life and what makes it "special" according to other pathetic people.


Im happy. I think that’s enough for me.

There are a lot of people who did really impressive thinks, but were not happy. Cantor for example. But I would not want to switch with them

Wait, what have (You) done?

So many people are miserable, more than being happy. I think being depressed and miserable takes More effort then letting shit go and just being happy

Hey OP, I am tackling this issue myself for the last year or so. The end goal is to live, and experience this thing called life. See some beauty, meet like-minded people, enjoy tasty food and good wine. Leave something after you. Whatever you find meaningful. From what I found out:

- There is no universally acclaimed meaning in life. Everything is subjective. You are the only one to find the meaning for yourself, no parents pushing you for grades, not schoolmates pushing you for style/habbits, no fucking Sup Forums faggots pushing you to do something can give you meaning. Only you yourself can.
- People who say bitches and money is the meaning of life are partially right, but only as much as you can make yourself enjoy it. If you find meaning in it - go for it. If they use it to escape the fear of death and meaninglessness - then time will give them hell.
- People like Kierkegaard (you should definitely read some of his works, like Either/Or) experience that religion CAN be the answer, but only if you abso-fucking-lutely go all-in, with whole of your heart.

For more literature I'd recommend checking out Alan Watts on youtube, read some existential philosophy (Camus/Kierkegaard/Sartre) and listen to this track:

I don't know if people with cancer or mental illnesses actively create the cancer or mental illnesses, just putting that out there.

I took part in the meme wars 2016

Basically life is subjective is it all comes down to how you perceive it all

Mistakes are lessons that can lead to knowledge.

Knowledge is power.


This is the correct response.

Smash mad puss brah

Hey man you're right. But in my experience a life treating illness or something terminal is the scariest thing of all. I seen it kill the fear out of someone. And when fear died they lived every day

I have trolled people on Sup Forums

Same. Dont hang up your hat yet, because Oprah is running for president next election. Its gonna be dirty.

There is no point.

Happiness is what you make it out to be. Live like a miserable pile if you want. Be an optimist if you want. The only afterlife is what you think it will be.

>e some beauty, meet like-minded people, enjoy tasty food and good wine.

You sound like a sheltered, burgeoise boomer who ruined this country. That's not how we live anymore. It's work your ass off 24/7 and recover at the weekend.

Harambe 2.0

Well, my take on why survive is to see how everything pans out, I'm making more then enough to live and I save about half my salary to go into trading and such, I'm exercising and do whatever I want in my free time, I own a house by myself which I'm fixing up however I please but want to move out into more of a forest type house.

There is a beginning and an end to life itself not matter what you do to prolong it, it will come which can be depressing to think about.

But don't you want to see what happens before the end? When I'm too old to walk and have to rely on others I will probably kill myself somehow so people don't have to stand next to me in order for me to survive.

Until then I will do whatever pleases me, if it may be fucking a woman or making more money, exercising or traveling, who cares? Nobody really cares about you except possibly family members, unless you don't have any then you only have yourself.

Anyone you consider "friend" "best friend" etc are just bullshit, I got friends whom I've known since middle school saying "oh we will do this and that, I will help you" etc does not show up when it's necessary, you have to rely on yourself to figure things out, nobody gonna find your happiness for you and what drives you.

And those who got several millions in the bank "for security for family and future" still busting their ass, their happiness lies in having as many numbers in the bank as possible and they will continue to work their ass off until they're in the grave.

Chase your own joy, not others, help those you want, but if they don't help you back when you need just say fuck them.

Are you from Austria or Germany?

Haha, some people still know how to enjoy little things. Well for some - work, yes, then you can say that working 24/7 is what your life is about.

But you should ask yourself why are you doing it? Because you want it? Because you chose it a goal of your existence here?

That's a cool way to look at things.
My mom used to say "if they don't pay my bills then Fuck em"

>Anyone you consider "friend" "best friend" etc are just bullshit, I got friends whom I've known since middle school saying "oh we will do this and that, I will help you" etc does not show up when it's necessary

It's just because Americans are shallow and unreliable, I think I will be fine.

Time is worth more than money. That why he is right, ask your self why are you giving your time to someone else's dream

What have your "friends" ever done for you bud?

No, Sweden.

You usually learn it the hard way.

Yeah, I'm not from US, they're everywhere in the world, I've met plenty through travel and where I live.

Because it is the only way to earn money and I need money to not end up on the streets.

That's funny you mention it. They call me hard way Hanz. Cause I always learn the hard way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Went on a 24 hour marathon with me in order to restore my flat. All of us had sore arms afterwards. Lent me money. Got into fights on my side etc.

you can always find a new hustle. You can change where you hustle but the way you hustle depends on you.

I doubt they will have half-day positions in marketing

Well then looks like you found some friends my dude. You can't pick family but you sure as hell can pick your friends. I used to have a problem with hanging out with friends who always needed me never really wanted me. Now I just do my own thing and it attracts the attention of people doing the same thing

i thought we were speaking about busting your ass off 24/7 here because its the only way to survive, no?

Well depends on the market! P2p, b2b, b2w, whole sale and so on. The hustle is all on you

Well history is doomed to repeat itself because nobody really give much fucks about history, that's why people repeat other peoples mistakes all the time even if they know beforehand what will happen and it will fail.

Reminds me of Jim Carrey accomplishing so many things and still dealt with depression

honestly who gives a fuck, just do cool shit, take bunch of drugs, pursue a dream of yours, if you limit yourself just because nothing has meaning/value then you truly have had a meaningless life. make the most out of what you got and stop thinking so much about what the point of all this is.

Well when nihilistic thoughts like that come to my mind I think about that movie with Robin Williams. The dead poet society. They all yerned for something more and found it in simple poetry and expression. But in the end other people ruined it. The boys in the movie learned from the one boy killing himself over how his dad felt, which was a mistake. People make mistakes, people are controlling but expression and freedom are feelings worth living for

ayy ausfag?

Why ignore the elephant in the room and just go about your business? Thats what sheep and cows do in a slaughterhouse.

People are doomed to make mistakes, everyone will do, nobody is without mistake.

My point is to stop caring what other people think because everyone is too busy to think what other people think about themselves. There is no such thing as perfection.

What's so fulfilling about meaningless sex? After the thousandth time, what will be different about it? A new day, a new lady. I would hate that. I want a fulfilling life, with a wife that loves me, kids calling me dad, a job that might not make me rich, but I enjoy waking up to each morning, mediocre bliss

It's the experience, no end game really, it's about the application of the understanding of how one should live and whatever you can derive from it. The experience comes from truly living though, not from just surviving

why sit and dwell on this topic forever in an endless cycle of being depressed and thinking about the meaning of life, when we could just say fuck it and go about our day. i imagine the cows in the slaughterhouse are relieved thinking about eating grass or some shit rather than their impending doom and death.


"you are not allowed for an opinion because you havent tried it!!!!"

because there is no point in life, so there's no point trying to figure out why we're here. literally just do cool shit, go places and fuck lots of people.

Creating a point is pretty important to your overall life, however. Why do anything unless you have a reason? Just reacting to stuff and doing stuff because it tastes good or feels good is pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Humans are capable of much more, and should not just coast along on reactions.

well fuck yeah i mean set goals and make accomplishments but i just meant we should stop figuring out the meaning of life and being miserable cause there isnt one.

fair enough

You see it's easy for you to say once you fully understand and realize that there IS NONE. For most people, they have to come up to that point, and until then they will be broken, depressed and confused.
So take it easy on others.

you're right. i feel super sorry for people with mental illnesses who feel like life is pain. fuck that, i hope none of my friends or i have to experience that

Life is not a movie and does not have a point or really need one. The sooner you figure that out the happier you will be, YOLO.

hi OP, you know what i've been wondering lately: we always ask what is the point of human existence. But I ask: what is the point of this realm? WHERE the fuck are we? How can we attack our own meaning, when we can't even begin to acknowledge that, after thousands of years of figuring it out, we have discovered that we are just floating out in the middle of nowhere. no one is out there faggots, we are in a meaningless place. the place's meaning is so much more important than ours... and don't get me started on this "the secret" shit... the point of continuing on at the very least is to create "inclusive fitness" for those similar to us. even a 90 year old man can kill an enemy infant (in the evolutionary time sense). the point is to make a dent, and to make the enemy miserable. we stand knee deep is a septic tank.

hello, i'm detective carlson. i'm a 13 year old girl looking for oh wait forget the first part. i'm a 13 year old girl looking for cool older guys. don't be sad because i like guys over 30 with cool cars. message me.

I've thought about this.

Why does the army give soldiers guns?

Take a step back and look at your equipment. You have a life and a dick, live life and use your dick. Teach your son's to use there's


it doesn't take a mental illness to experience "life is a pain" state. It takes incorrect values preached in life by parents, school, friends, colleagues, TV or whatever. When you are trying to become what someone else decided is best for you - and you cannot succeed for the life of it - you start to feel pain. It's a crucial moment, when either a person breaks down and goes down the depressed rabbit hole, or gets fucking furious and starts giving no shits about anyone around. Usually the healthier path is a combination of both. But yeah, keep your mind sharp my friend, and don't go too hard on people, since we rarely know what shit they are going through in their worldviews.