So yesterday i totally fucked it up with a married chick

So yesterday i totally fucked it up with a married chick....

Who wants to play again?

Sure. What are you trying to do

Fuck her

Tell her you're gay

I'm gay and looking for a new fag hag?


Help me out b


You literally have no idea how to talk to women holy shit it’s embarrassing

Why ya think I'm asking for help. Yesterday i got fuckong whiteknighted

Nice dubs btw


You're 35 years old and these are your social skills?

Afraid so


she wants you to be perv

I'll test those waters


you better say "with a face like yours" blablabla

Tell her sorry and that you have autism


this is too easy

Alright then treacle, look I'm proper interested in having a little look at your minge. That would be mustard

How about I smash your back doors in lively?

Im not saying that!


Wind your neck in flower. I'm hoping to get my fingers up your Harris


Send me a picture of your fanny you dirty old tart. I'm up for it

oh god

Seriously guys I'm not going down that route ....


Open bob

My favourite song is that one from lion king where they are fucking. What's yours?

Her use of lols and emojis is annoying me

Juggle them tétas

I don't juggle but I'd love to see your titties jiggle

>I could suck your dick?

Got bored

my god, you might yet find a way to fuck this up





They're tussling in the forest and obviously about to start some banging. I think it's by Elon John


wanna see mine ?

>>Elon john




Might wanna listen to my mixtape, it's straight fire bruddah.


I like Drake for fucking and sheeran for fucking. See a pattern?? Brb just grabbing some ham. Love ham

What a faggot

show me bobs and vagene


OP has the girl but he is going to press the "Fucking pervert" aspect of it a bit too far.


Wait till you see my dick and balls I'm not

Dont gof already. What is this app?

Yes you are faggot. Too much fuckery isn't going to get her to allow her to rape her.

have you ever tasted pajeet?

I have something uncut that you might like to see

kik messenger


do you ever smell your fingers?

ask her does she like smegma sandwiches

Might have fucked it up

furry muff? way to go OP

Furry muff - fair enough its a common saying where i come from

This is where you fucked up

Jezus you're on fuckign autist, always thought it was a meme on this website but damn 35 years old and still such a loser. Must suck to be your parents you are a giant fuck up

I think she just called me old


Digits confirm. Sup Forums is cool because everyone posting is underage on that ban avoidance high.



Ask her if she know da wae

You're right but I'm an absolute faggot, so let me masturbate in front of you and you'll think it's cute because I'm gay uwu


just find someone new she's boring as fuck yo

send her a picture of a micro penis and ask her if she likes it

shes bored- youre losing her son


user is the autistic beta faggot in the back of the class


are u fucking autistic cunt

For god's sake OP!

pics or shes a hairy fkn ape hehe lol xP


Jesus Christ op. Why did you let your autism get the better of you


How much of a cuck can OP get?


I'm not sure if I wanna know

Btw OP out of interest, how did you get your hands on her kik?

Don't fuck this up OP!

It's his sister
