A friend of mine forgot her phone at my place. It's a samsung galaxy J5, charged and running...

A friend of mine forgot her phone at my place. It's a samsung galaxy J5, charged and running. When I press the home button the screen pops on with a notification saying there's 5 unread messages. I believe the phone to be password/fingerprint/pattern protected. Haven't messed around with it so far.

I'm 100% certain this girl has nudes on her phone.
How do I gain access to them without her noticing when I return the phone later today?

Pic related, it's her.

Other urls found in this thread:


Plug it in via USB, if it's already set to accept a USB connection, you should be able to go through the whole phone

Won't that mess with the notifications she has on her home screen? And when she accesses her phone afterwards, will it say anything about having plugged in?

if it does say that, no way that it will say what files and you can just say you charged to keep it powered on in case she herself would call or something

just tell her you plugged it in to keep it charged for her.


just turn it off and back on afterwards dumbass, that clears notifications from screen you fucking nigger

if it has an sd card, take that shit out and plug it in to to your computer.


This, check for SD card and post here faggot

I want the notifications to stay where they are, so that when she gets her phone back she won't know I messed around with it.

Won't removing and inserting the SD card again afterward leave traces? Like she opens her phone and it says 'SD card removed without logging it off' or some shit?

Don't mess with her private things, op. Just find the nudes and post them.

No, it won't....as long as you return it.
If you leave it out, she will be missing alot and she will know. But you are safe as long as you put it back in.

It's achievable but the phone will be useless afterwards. This might help.

Try combos, 1234, 0000, etc it's usually a birthday or some shit.

If I was you I'd play a long game. Set up some cameras in your house aimed at the phone or where she'll stand when unlocking it. You could drain it and force her to plug it in to power in a specific place to charge it again.

Once you have the passcode.. then wait until you're next chance to get the phone.

Have some tools on the computer available for an image copy in a hurry for next time


fuck, I'm calling the police

No traces buddy, she will not find out unless she is some fucking IT nazi stasi cia other shit spec

no it wont

OP is overlooking the most obvious solution, I'll outline it here:

1) invite girl over
2) restrain her forcibly but gently, leave no marks
3) tell her to give you her phone's passcode
4) when she refuses, bring out the scissors and threaten to cut her hair - girls hate the idea of having a shitty haircut so she'll break easily
5) with passcode in hand, open phone
6) ?????
7) profit with nudes and post ITT!

(protip: make sure your buddy comes out from behind a curtain at the end with a big camera in hand and that he yells "surprise, you're on Candid Camera!" - she'll get a laugh out of it and won't report you that way)

Literally no way she'll find out or notice. Do it and post results

Ok, Ill just risk it. Plugging it in first, then trying the SD card. Ill keep you guys updated!

option two from the SD card-

turn brightness up all the way

turn on wifi

turn on bluetooh

turn on GPS

Waste that battery, then it doen't matter if notifs are missing. To her the battery died and you plugged it in to computer so she would have full batts.

You go op

Ill keep the thread bumped

>yo i turned it off for you so your battery wont die
problem solved


My ex slutty junky gf had an s4 or s5 and there was some way to bypass the lock screen. Don't remember exactly how and it always took me several tries but I always eventually got in even when drunk.

Any interest in this super chunky chick?


"it died while it was here so i plugged it in"
if the phone has an excuse to have been rebooted, you dont need to explain the notifications

LOL, wrong thread.

shaking the fucking thing could cause that. besides, i doubt this bitch would be smart enough to understand that.

>it's usually a birthday or some shit.
This isn't a spy movie, it's never this and if you believe it you are genuinely idiotic.
>If I was you I'd play a long game
Ruins the point of this thread now


Try this:

Put it in "plane mode"

It works in some android devices.

The madman hes doing it


good luck OP

Bump. You got this OP

You overlooking the most obvious solution, I'll outline it here:

1) invite girl over
2) restrain her forcibly but gently, leave no marks
3) tell her to give you her phone's passcode
4) when she refuses, bring out the scissors and threaten to cut her clothes - girls hate the idea of having their clothes cut off so she'll break easily
5) with passcode in hand, open phone
6) ?????
7) profit with nudes and post ITT!

Pro tip: Cut the clothes off anyway and take your own nudes. Then make sure your buddy comes out from behind a curtain at the end with a big camera in hand and that he yells "surprise, you're on Candid Camera!" - she'll get a laugh out of it and won't report you that way)

my phone unlock is literally my birthday. its there to keep strangers out, not keep my life secrets secure. most people use a simple pin. you might want to reconsider how creepy private you're trying to keep your life.

the zoo called and they want their whale back

Cmon bro dont puss out


OP here. I've plugged the phone in via USB, without results. An icon popped up under devices and drivers, but that was just an empty folder. When I clicked the home button afterwards, a new notification had appeared under the unread messages saying '360 security - content masked'. What do?


That means you wont be able to get in the files because of the passcode it wont let you see photos or anything, now with the SD card you should be able to see everything saved in it

Try sd card now

I was brave and asked to borrow her phone so I can call it and find mine the dumb slut actually let me take it 100% profit for my risk you can do it user

>plug in the sd card

take the fucking sd card out like you were told.

When I die I don't want anyone going through my phone, so I use an 8 digit passcode of random numbers. Any family members needn't see how much porn and how many photos of my cock I have on the thing.

The Galaxy j5 only has 10 gigs of storage. That shit is nothing after you install all the apps you want. There's a high chance all the good shit is in the ad card

what do you mean what? faggot. Have you never plugged in an SD card on a computer? fuck off

Ok, Ill try the SD next. Ive got nothing to lose I guess. Let me figure out where the SD-slot is and how to get it open/out, and I'll get back to you guys.

damn you must have a sad life

I believe it's under the battery or in the SIM slot


>keeping dick pics
Bruh I don't save shit, bitches are going to get fresh dick right out the fire.



It's definitely somewhere under the back cover. Took me 10 minutes just to get the phone out of this ridiculous cover with bears she had around it. No slot visible alongside the edges of the phone. Gonna open it and pray it's not underneath the battery >

Hurry OP

you have got to be kidding

OP how old are you?

Lol just turn on the phone back after checking the sd, she wont know that you tried anything don't worry bud

Probably doesn't own a card reader either.


last bump for hope

Ive got a card reader on my laptop, but it's for normal SD-card. I've got an adapter for micro's here somewhere, looking for it now! We're going to get there eventually >


OP is a nigger

OP here. Got out the card. It was behind the battery but fuck that, I'll tell her it died.

Now how do I plug the card into my PC?

If op delivers I will also deliver my stolen goods

Yeah right "friend", more like some skank you hang around with and pretend to be friends with because you're too pathetic to get pussy the normal way. Now you're trying to get nudes off her phone instead of fucking her. Just neck yourself OP

jesus christ. do you need us to fucking hold your cock while you piss?

OP is Faggot

You're either gonna need one of pic related or
Just put it in your own phone and post here

nice try FBI agent Shlomo

cringe level autism right there...


whats wrong with you dude? do you ever sit back and judge your own behavior?

OP is fucking retarded, who doesn't know this shit? It's 2018

>how do i put sd card in my pc

fucking kys

Jesus... all mighty.

How far has /b fallen that you summer fags can't see a troll this far down the line?

There are imageboards and websites dedicated to 'stolen content'.

FU...CK. I have no hope for this place anymore.

Because you touch yourself at night

Don't profile me like that...

I rub one out whenever I feel like it. Day, night, on the way to work in the traffic.

Hey op post a picture of the phone. With timestamp faggot.

Easy with the nerd rage guy, just fucking tell OP how to do it, or how not to do it so he breaks this bitches phone

I second this

Just do it

Put the SD on your phone idiot

This thread is bait. No way in hell OP is this fucking retarded.

Its all fake i think. Even when not a normal chick isnt smart enough to change save location for pics on sd card.

This was a troll from the start yo.
Op is just an attention seeking whore, no one is that technologically incompetent.

Won't USB connect while locked

Wow, youre right. Maybe I have some rage issues. Youve given me a lot to think about, faggot.

Even if he get a reader this fagget isn't going to share what he finds lol

Nice get, nigger.

what the fuck was a girl doing at your house if you're not fucking her? don't be "friends" with women you beta fuck

There are a few common unlock codes you can do.
Also if you tilt the phone under light you can see commonly smudged patterns which is usually the easiest way to unlock a phone with the swipe lock.
If it's numbers or something just try the right side in different orders. Top to bottom is most common from my experience.

