To YOU that is reading this

to YOU that is reading this.
i wish YOU good health and happiness.
YOU have a great day user.


kys faggot

Same to you, friend

you too, OP, you too.

Thanks man. You too.

Fuck y- oh, wait, it's not another fucking "reply or x will die" therad. They're evolving?

Same wish to you op

Thanks, bro, same to you.

Hey thanks OP, you too.

Femanon here.

I started watching porn regularly about 8 months ago. I've been using it as like an independent study of sex. I've been watching porn and then re-enacting scenes that I found to be hot with my boyfriend.

I have recently come to terms with the fact that I have a significant rape fetish. I want to be held down and forced to have sex. The thought of being dominated really turns me on. A lot. The problem is, my boyfriend is too much of a nice guy. I've been edging my boyfriend and then denying him an orgasm. I taunt him when he caves and finishes himself. I've sucked his dick every day this week and right before he came, I stopped sucking and refused to finish him. I masturbate in front of him but then push him off of me when he tries to put his dick in me.

He's really mad at me. It's driving him crazy.

How long do you think i have to keep doing this before he finally caves and just forces himself on me?
We haven't fucked in nearly 3 weeks and I'm starting to get frustrated. Do you guys have any ideas about how to get him to say "fuck it" and just force me to fuck him?

Just, like, tell him.

Thanks OP have a great day as well

rape him first

Firstly, tits or gtfo
Secondly, probably not long.

Thx OP, i wish the same to YOU

u guys are so nice.

Same to you & greets from austria!

thx user YOU too

Based positive vibes user.

Right back at ya

Thanks, mate!
Same to you, too!

Thank you based user, have some assorted grass and flowers.

Thanks op, back at you

Hey thanks man you too

hahaha is this copy pasta now?

thanks op, I needed that

you too op

Oh...... wow.

Thank's OP.