There is NOTHING more pathetic than suicide

There is NOTHING more pathetic than suicide.

That's kinda the point.

There’s nothing more pathetic than going on a chan’s Sup Forums board and claiming that suicide is pathetic.

nya poka

What about stripping for a friend?

Trying to make a list of what's pathetic and what is not.

I'd probably fuck that ass if I saw that...

And I'd make out with her mouth while fucking her from behind. Never been able to do that. Perfect.

Checked, you bad ol' debble.

Why are there headphones on her head?

Was she listening to music before about to decapitate herself?

I should try that.

This is what happens when you listen to Drake.

no thanks

Nice clean cut everyone happy

What about you?

>There is NOTHING more pathetic than suicide.
porn spam threads on Sup Forums

I'm actually impressed.

Agreed. We've got multiple porn boards but people still need to beg here.

>And I'd make out with her mouth while fucking her from behind

You could still do that when they are alive and both parties enjoy it without little pain.

Though you wouldn't know this.

i forgot her name, but she actually took a selfie like 2 mins before she did it. had something to do with a blue whale challenge cult that made people do stupid challenges, the last challenge being to commit suicide. this girl apparently was one of many who won the challenge...

so she actually did it for internet points. dont know the full details, this is just from what i remember and understand of it. its really sad because the entire thing was a troll to pray on peoples suicidal depression.

>attention-whoring on Sup Forums by pretending to be suicidal

Checkmate, OP. Nothing's more pathetic than those faggots.

What's the point of pitying suicide victims?

It's a bit late at that point.

new fagging retards still dont understand why certain porn is spammed on Sup Forums.

/h/ and even /d/ DO NOT allow fur or loli threads. infact the only place that allows it is Sup Forums. /s/ is also severly limiting with there rules and /gif/ only allows webms and gifs.

Basically, Sup Forums is where all the left over porn goes that CAN NOT be posted on the other board sections. this is because Sup Forums has no board rules on whats posted except for the global rules.

hopefully this educated you retards.

because that particular victim was trolled into doing it and it could have been avoided entirely.

Na sosach, bydlo

loli and fur threads are ok'ish, there is aways only ONE thread at the time and you can just hide it and done

Now 15 threads about "pics you should share" , 15 boypussy and BBC threads, another 5 "kik threads", 7 Dick/cock rate threads when /soc/ exists and another 10 "moar of this girl" when fucking /r/ exists

>it could have been avoided entirely

Yeah, but to what end?

all those threads you mentioned also have no boards you can post them on. trap threads can only be posted on Sup Forums. the reason there are multiple trap threads at once is because retards constantly spiderman them, andy sixx them, or post gore in them. this ruines the thread and forces new creation just to avoid the shit posters and spammers.

dick/cock rate threads i havent seen in awhile and they usually 404 fast anyway. if anything you should be complaining about how the rekt threads turned into just pure gore threads... few years ago rekt threads was actually good quality content. seeing a bitch get smacked just because she thinks her female privlages allows her to freely hit men without repercussion, street fight gifs of some guy getting fucked up by another guy, or a white guy walking in on his gf fucking a black guy and then getting his ass beat by said black guy.

but now its just "hehexd this guys head got smashed by a car! rekt!". fucking retards.

by not letting your children use a computer untill they are 18 for one thing. you would be amazed at what kids would do just for internet points and "likes"

Is she going to be ok?

Any reasons as to why?

you cant post dick rate threads on /soc/ as far as i know. and /r/ is probably the most useless board on Sup Forums in all honesty. you would get better results asking things in /x/ than in /r/.

suicide is actually more pathetic than this.

there are 106 porn threads on Sup Forums right now, multiple of then are copies of each other
you going to tell me there are people posting spiderman on every single one of then?

Yes there is!
Assisted suicide. Because not only that's a suicide, but you're not even able to do it yourself.


Actually, yeah...
Spider poster are stupidly dedicated.

That is fake death, dudes.


When americans shoot up schools / bakeries, then their shit tier cops show up and wait for the shooting to stop before entering while shitting themselves.

from columbine to the pulse nightclub, that's more pathetic.

maybe the fact that out of 150 threads on Sup Forums 110 are porn?

are you new or something? of course spiderman is in like 90% of porn threads. if not spiderman then its some other cancerous spam.


>its some other cancerous spam.

Well, we always had a lot of porn, but seeing that porn are now spammed and remade to avoid spam, they logically multiply.

what do you expect or want Sup Forums to be kid? it has always been a NSFW board you fucking autistic spaz. its entire point of creation was to dump all porn that is not allowed in the other boards into Sup Forums.

Oh shit the devils trips.

There’s nothing more pathetic than going on a chan’s Sup Forums board and claiming that someone claiming suicide is pathetic.

thats the point stupid fuck, you wanna out, just leave.



There's nothing more pathetic than a thread on Sup Forums with gore but its not a gore thread good job fag op.

>browses a NSFW board made for porn
>complains that porn is in it.

use OPs pic as a guidline and jump in front of a train you retard.

>what do you expect or want Sup Forums to be kid?
Random subject threads?
If 90% of the threads are about the same subject its not realy Random.
Dont you agree?

My problem is not with porn itself, is that 90% of the threads are fucking porn, if 90% of the threads were about swiss cheese i would complain about it the same

Are you even 18?

>Hurr durr this is an NSFW Board.
>Hurr durr this must mean that all porn should come here.

Go to summer camp or something newfag.

There's feminism.
Just sayin'

>Sup Forums was aways a porn board
no you newfag. before the porn spam we used to have lots of threads about diferent subjects in here.
Just because your newfag ass wasnt here to see the golden doesnt mean it never existed

Wasn't made for porn faggot. Take your own advice and do us a favour.


Thinking Traps aren't gay.

>random subject threads.

you mean subjects that you can find in the blue boards? do you even explore the site? get the fuck out already geez.

no, on Sup Forums you see people taking about anime
on Sup Forums you see people talking about politics
on Sup Forums you see people talking about movies

on here we used to have everything, NOT JUST porn and 3 threads about people that cant fuck

Name ONE subject that cant be discussed on one the other blue boards or Sup Forums captain retardo.

you forgot being a cuck, you stupid fucking cuck. stop trying to pretend you arent the most pathetic person.

where did you find that pic ?

go to Sup Forums and talk about how much you hate niggers, i'll wait


in b4 hurp durp moving goalpost not a true subject, fuck off shitter

you can do that on Sup Forums as long as you are not completely autistic and explain why niggers should be hated.

keep trying kiddo.

gore is a image dump, not a discussion.

strike 2 kiddo.

but Sup Forums is not blue board, and like you said, you need to explain why niggers should be hated

you cant just create a nigger hate thread

>Implying gore discussion doesn't happen.

why there is no blood?


being this retarded and illiterate. i literally said "blue boards or /pol captain retardo"
thats strike 3 kiddo. what else you got to make yourself look like more of a retard?

you actually dont need to explain anything. you can create a nigger hate thread on Sup Forums.

"They tell us that suicide is the greatest act of cowardice... that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person."

thats thread about news, some nigger being burned alive

yeah but nobody will see it because of the 110 porn threads

its literally spammed with racism and hate. the news piece is just there as an excuse to allow it. strike 4 kiddo.

good for then

how does that change the fact that there is too much porn spam on Sup Forums?

There is a thread about Ohio that is actualy a excuse to post porn

so what your saying is you would rather see 110 racism, andy sixx, uganda knuckles, and gore threads instead? if Sup Forums wasnt NSFW it would just be a shittier version of meme generator.

>4 strikes.

What sport do you play kiddo

its shopped

yes. I want to see random subjects on my random board please.

because japanese are cyborgs

that sucks. she looked cute. mental illness sucks. it seems so obvious to me how much better life would be if i was cute. think id be cool if my dad fucked me in the ass and spunked in my mouth when i was a kid to grow up and not have to do shit as an adult.

thats cp

i just got done explaining to your underage and underdeveloped mind that Sup Forums is a place to dump porn threads and images that are not allowed in any of the other NSFW boards. that has always been its main purpose. anything else is just extra.

you can choose to either accept that or kill yourself. i honestly dont care. infact at this point id say you should choose the latter because the only thing more pathetic than suicde is your existence for being so stupid.

now i shall leave you too that.

btw, strike 5 kiddo

>Being this much of a tryhard.


Cucks are more pathetic.
Therefore the entire USA is more pathetic than suicide.

>Sup Forums is a place to dump porn threads and images that are not allowed in any of the other NSFW boards.
there are porn sites for this you fucking cunt, Sup Forums is not a fucking porn board, the simple fact that you are so ofended by this means you probably are underage and are one of the people that keep spaming porn in here

>you can choose to either accept that or kill yourself.
Or i can do what i did and have over 500 filters on Sup Forums alone that work wonders to make this place good again.

>, strike 5 kiddo
You are the most autistic person i ever talked to, you know that? its a impressive tittle, you should be pround

you would be amazed at what kids wouldn’t do just for internet points and "likes" with parenting and role models

shit i missed some... brb

did that lady not wanna work in clothing shop for 5 cents per day no more??


Are they ok?

>filters porn
>doesnt filter gore and suicde threads
>completely shitposts and derails in a thread that could possibly lead to a discussion to prevent suicide.
>but wants more random post to discuss in.


But...why? I would kiss that need to put tacks inside it.

there's nothing more pathetic than saying here’s nothing more pathetic than going on a chan’s Sup Forums board and claiming that someone claiming suicide is pathetic.

It's just turtles all the way down man

Living a miserable life because you're too cowardly to end it — that's FAR more pathetic.

>>filters porn
i actualy filter a lots of things
>>doesnt filter gore and suicde threads
There is one Gore thread to 102 porn threads on Sup Forums right now
> lead to a discussion to prevent suicide.
there is nothing we can do to prevent suicide, if people want to kill thenselves they fucking do it. its your life. do a blackflip faggot

>parenting and role models

you actually believe this kek. if thats the case then why is it that the FIRST thing any kid in middle does the instant he gets his own personal computer is google porn?

when you tell a child not to do something on the internet, they usually do it out of curiosity when there parents arnt home.

>being THIS ass blasted mad because no one ever posts in your shitty threads in favor of contributing in loli or asian booty threads

fucking KEK! good riddance you faggot lol.

i dont filter loli threads
but good try i guess

Some are able to do it themselves, they just wanna make sure it's painless, and done right.