All that losing an eye does is remove your depth perception and that's kind of it...

All that losing an eye does is remove your depth perception and that's kind of it. You can still go on to live a normal life can't you?

Pretty much. Driving might be hard tho.

>thats kind of it
that is a pretty big thing to lose. Or at the very least very inconvenient

I have no depth perception, it's way easier to deal with than people think

Are you allowed to drive?

VR would become very pointless I suppose

My right eye was bandaged up for a few months because of multiple surgeries. I had polyps in my tear glands. Things I noticed:
- My left eye did all the work and was pretty fucking exhausted after reading for a short while or doing anything intense
- Couldn't drive. Netherlandistan has a really strict regulation about driving. Lost a portion of 1 finger? Can't drive. Diabetes? nope. Certain migraines? go fuck yourself.
- Depth perception isn't the only thing you lose. eye-hand coordination will be different when things are closer towards you, your vision at close range is biased to 1 side instead of being a combination of both eyes.

After the surgery, and I still have this, I noticed my right eye is pretty sensitive to bright light. Physicians have told me this won't change.

I work with a guy who is 53 and lost his eye the first time when he was 17 from glaucoma. He said it takes time to adjust but he does pretty good. His hearing is impeccable since he lost part of one sense. It sucks but not worst thing in the world. He has a fake eye in. A 2nd guy at work has 1 eye and nothing in the other. Just an open socket

-it is socially acceptable to use a pirate eyepatch at all times
-can put a camera into the eye socket and become a cyborg
-might get handicap, maybe it kind of depends
-diminished field of vision
-depth perception gone
-can't afford to lose an aye anymore
-3d movies are going to suck from now on
-certain really specific jobs are not an option anymore (not that they were, but still)

Doesn't face get deformed with time if you don't use fake eye? Meaning that surrounding tissue attempts to fill the empty space and collapses a bit. will adjust. I have had vision in only one eye for about 20 years now. I have read you are seven times more likely to get in a car wreck, but I don't believe that. Officially, your vision loss is only considered to be 30%.

this but that wont be a real issue for a few more years

it doesnt even remove depth perception, not entirely anyway. depth perception comes in multiple parts, binocular and monocular. binocular depth perception requires both eyes, as you can tell the distance of far off objects based on what your 2 eyes are seeing. monocular depth perception however is used for distinguishing the distance of objects that are near you, and your eyes can do this by contracting the 'lens' in your eye.

tl;dr she can now wear eye patches without larping.

Born blind in one eye...depth perception, not the best...but I fucking RULE in video games. Your brain will make up for it.

I have been blind from my left eye since birth.

I can tell you if you are use to seeing with two eyes it would be hell because for me... It would be hell to have two eyes functioning.

I drive, play vr games and even play baseball perfectly because I'm use to doing it with one eye. It makes more sense... How the FUCK do people see two of everything?!? There is only one object, seeing two of them would disorient the fuck out of me.

But yea I personally want to get a computer system in my left eye that can tell me my body's status, temp and even the news. It would benefit me more than an actual seeing eye.

I am allowed to drive, do anything. I even play catch with friends, but, they took a lot of practice

You can actually project pictures for both eyes on one eye and you will perceive a full depth.

buy a red glass eye, then start eating peoples flesh.

In 30 years I'll grow you an eye so chill fam

WHo's the girl? She looks just like a friend of mine.

It doesn't "remove" your depth perception, just severely dulls can still trick your mind into basically getting it close enough if you train yourself.

Your dept perception is fine, niggers can sneak up on you more easily from one side now though.

Leela? Is that you?

You dont see two of everything with 2 eyes
Your brain compounds the images in to one image

I haven't lost an eye but have a damaged retina which they couldn't fix properly so it all a big blur in that eye.

Depth perception went completely, putting jars in cupboards is a nightmare.

The good eye picks up most of the slack so ok to drive, watch TV, play xbox.

Cannot use 3DTV or VR, my bad eye fucks everything up.

Actually, it is an interesting thought. If person with one functioning eye somehow recovered full eyesight - would they see images from each eye separately?
Brain is actually merging two images into one normally, but I wonder if it is something brain learns by itself or more programmed function..

And no, if one closes one eye, they don't freak out. You don't even feel your vision narrows down - you must have some point of reference to realize you are seeing less. You also do not instantly feel anything special about your depth perception. You have to specifically test it to realize you lost it.
This is actually quite creepy because you don't FEEL the difference, but you start to randomly bumb into things and it takes a while to get used to something you don't see but obviously is different. Been there, had one eye useless for ~2 weeks and it was trippy experience.

Out hockey goalie was blind in one eye and he was state ranked

The human brain can compensate given time and effort, so yes