This is my cat

This is my cat

Nice cat OP.

pet him

Post pics of petting.

cat/10, pet tumtum

my dubs say love him eternally

Do a barrel roll, catto!

trips of truth. do it OP


Enculé de rire

Also, check'em

don't want to show myself or family, tho he's part of family I guess

tub enjoyer

Clearly needs a bellyrub

He's adorable, post more.


Would feed lasagna and hate mondays with :3

little bit of petting after a fight (see ear)

pretty khajiit

Also have those guys

Your cat is cute

My pretty baby, Pistachio. Just found out he has cancer :,(

This is leema. I found him a few months ago almost dead and took him to the vet. Now he's my special boy

I hope he will be ok, gib him pets for me.

Good job user

I want a kitteh

Sorry to hear :(


He's very old and gets sick a lot though. I've spent almost 800 on him in only 4 months but I love him so much. All he wants is someone to lay on and to pet him on the bum

My other cat

This is leemas best friend, link

they are lovely cats

You got a badass cat.

This is baby Logan. He's a mega runt

His ear tufts are adorable

Here he is with his litter mates

There are many like it, but this one is mine.