S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floof!
Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.

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Are people who hate on s/fur threads fags? That's the only reason I could think of


imagine the possibilities

Lots of ho mo sexual like fur too.

Like drowning because of too much wet tail fur to swim?

How do you explain a bear then?

That's not the first possiblity to come to my mind there.

Explain what?

Not being able to go to at her doggy style because of too much tail getting in the way?

All the wet fur and weigh of a bear swimming not causing him to drown or even a polar bear when they go fishing


Air bubbles?

Walking everywhere because she can't sit in a car?

How many long tails do these bears have?

I'd rather think about drowning in fluff when cuddling, but wel...

Just lay her on the backseat

But the bear weighs more than her
REEEEEEEEEE didn't see the tails

Never having nice glassware in your home because she knocks everything over any time she turns around?

What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

>What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?

Bro I get it.

Well, there is some truth in this


knocked out german tank ?
>not sexy >:(






Posting waifus


Hi there


Hey hows it going


Who wants to play a game?


Startin' mah roll







I'm fine, just simultaneously stressed and bored as always.
How are you?

Weclome back, Diesel

Requesting cubs



Decent Face

Okay tits, meh nips

Goddamn it, horse cock

Tight body, but not ripped
Small but tight butt

Large insertions
Cooking, sweet


I'm aight. missing a patrol for medical st00f


Rolling for this





No, this roll sucks and literally no one uses it. You're a bag for wasting an image










What are you people listening to?




Source for 62/63 on crotch?




watching this


metal slut OST



Mouth pics


I don't think nipple-tapes are a good idea on furries.
Those must be a bitch to get off.


Tell that to do the person who drew tattoos on fur




I guess some not so detailed stuff could be dyed in for sure. Depending on fur-length of course.
It'd be a pain in the ass to keep up, but not impossible.



It's not hard


