2nd amendment

2nd amendment
>literally useless in today's world
>kills ~10,000 people a year

10,000? With your help we can raise it to 20,000

this must explain why we won in afghanistan against a bunch of backward kidfuckers with crappy aks

It's an 5/10 amendment until you realize niggers are considered people by government and can buy guns aswell.

thats literally nothing

doesnt kill enough

In homogeneous societies, gun restrictions work wonders, but in heterogenous societies like USA, banning guns just creates opportunity for rebellion from one or more of the groups resulting in more violence and unsavory changes to the political landscape.

& Shouldn't you be doing something more your speed like saving the whales or campaigning for natural lunch meat?

>common people cant put up a fight anyway, lets just accept the tyranical government

It's more then everyone you know.

it's a gross generalization to say that american soldiers are kidfuckers you know

There is no tyrannical government.

so the number of people i know is the ultimate measurement?

if no one is allowed or capable to resist one, its just a matter of time.

btw its even in OPs pic.

>thinking any military power would use tanks and jets to impose their tyrannical police state as opposed to boots on the ground soldiers
They'll be the total authority of a continent of destroyed cities dipshit

Your statistic is MASSIVELY inflated.
Gangbangers shouldn't count.
Criminals shot by police shouldn't count
Suicides shouldn't count
It's far less than 3000 a year which is nothing in a country of over 300million.
Go try to ban swimming pools, or I dunno, try to fix the broken ass health care industry which kills thousands and thousands and thousands.
Or try to ban alcohol. See how that works too.

Yeah happens all the time to modern democratic societies without guns and not at all to places with a lot of guns

oh wait

So, because the government would kick my ass, I should just completely give up, and trust them completely to protect me?

> We have moral highground
> We don't fuck kids
mhkay ... It's not like you raped in abu ghraib systematically little boys in front of their parents. Beside all the inhumane torture. You know there is a reason that US doesn't ratify the statut of international court for war crimes.

tell that to him, they have been doing pretty well against the "might" of the US military for going on what? 12-13 years now.




your second amendment is nothing but compensation for your micropenises. i mean if you really went to war with your government it would not be civil war 2, it would be a civil massacre over in 3 days max.

>hur dur i will bomb my own hospitals, power stations, schools and houses

10k a year is nothing, especially considering that 2A protects between 30k to over a million lives in the same time period.

The AK is not a crappy gun!
It's easy to field maintenance, ammo is cheap, and it lasts longer than the shooter!

>war crimes
this is the problem with pc culture. war is fucking war. get over yourself.

So if an idiot with a gun tries to rob a store and gets shot by a cop it doesn't count to the statistics?
Fucking explain how exactly?
I doubt he would have gotten shot if he came ito the store with a bamboo stick

the US populace has a vast majority of better weapons than they started with


you do know your allowed to buy tanks and anti air equipment legally right?
they even have shows for it

commas are different thoughts in yhe same sentence you fucking mongoloid. just cause you failed english doesnt mea the rest dneed to suffer due to your severe lack of mental capabilities.

militaryfags who bomb their own will be singing a different tune when the local rednecks have got your wife and kids.

same with the cops

same with the NG

same with

if only there was a coma between those parts ....o wait

US military would never bomb our own citizens. Y'all are fucking retarded.

watch him comeback with claiming its just a pause in the speech

assuming there willing to fight on there own soil to start

exatcly this. how the fuck do you think theyll fund themselves if they bomb the people who pay them to stay in business? its not the free loading gun grabbers that pay a majority of the taxes.

Operation Northwoods

(that all i know as an Ausfailian)

at some point we cant continue to reason with stupid. george bush sr and no child left behind was probably the worst thing that could have happened.

>hey we got retarded kids. lets cater to that so they dont feel retarded...
>they dont feel AS retarded anymore because there is a whole lot more now...

Applying the percentage to the amount of people the average American knows (and assuming gun crimes affect all people without discrimination.... Which it doesn't) then it is very likely nobody I know.

Literally no way the weapons shown in the "tyrannical government" slot could be used against embedded American uprising. The rebels are living and hiding among the loyalists in the government's own city. What do you think they'd do? Nuke New York? Also America's massive military power is highly dependent on American industrial support, so we can drop bombs on enemy factories, but it's pointless to drop bombs on your own.

The only way to fight an American uprising is with military policing, door to door, assault rifle to assault rifle. And it would be WAY more difficult than the American occupation of, say, Iraq. In Iraq our troops are fighting foreign people who speak a foreign language and worship a foreign god and have foreign values and our troops share very little family/social circles. In America a tyrannical government would have to tell their troops to kick in the doors of fellow American Christians who may or may not be your drinking buddy or brother-in-law.

So to sum it up, you'd have American rebels armed as well as most American infantrymen vs. a tyrannical government that is limited to only using their infantrymen for occupation because the full might of their military power is intended to take out infrastructure, which they do not want to do to themselves, and add to that the high desertion rate from tyrant forces who aren't comfortable risking their lives to kill fellow Americans.

Seriously, 2nd amendment makes this tyrannical takeover scenario laughable.

Did those 10,000 people really need to continue living? Why are we trying to save every living thing? I'm willing to bet a large portion of those 10,000 people really had no measurable positive contribution to society as a whole. Let natural selection take place, it's best for all humanity.

Look up the 3%. Thats all it takes.

there a reason they go threw so much trouble to hide when shit like that happens

the moment they willing attack there own citizens the country is forfeit and fair game for anyone wanting to make a move

The point is having the ability to fight.

Yes I see, solid point because everyone knows the next most common and deadly weapon for robberies after a gun is a bamboo stick, not like a knife or anything like that.
And before you type it, yes cops shoot people for threatening with a knife.

Ok maybe they bombed Northwoods but he was born in canada and couldn't even become president

An amendment is a formal or official change made to a law, contract, constitution, or other legal document. It is based on the verb to amend, which means to change. Amendments can add, remove, or update parts of these agreements. They are often used when it is better to change the document than to write a new one

Are you stupid? There are some things which are forbidden international by every country in war because they are too inhumane. But sure you are stupid because you are a murritard. Read some books you 1/10 nigga, 1/5 mexican, 1/8 indian 2/3 retard breed

War crimes are a good thing. Yes, war is fucking war, but the idea is to ensure the act of shooting and killing another human for the purposes of war does not blend seamlessly into senseless murder for not tactical or strategic value at all.


This sort of thing is why I think we need to protect hard encryption under the 2nd amendment.

Also the right to bear explosively pumped flux compression grenades.


>I don't care about American or international law
Oh yeah, except when it's about 2nd ammendment, immigrants and such. But mass-murdering psychopaths can break the law all they want.


you might have an argument when the majority of US forces are automated by machines but until then servicemen would be hard pressed to turn on the standard american values.

This is the same reason libshits, commies and kikes are afraid of civil war, the vast majority of our armed forces are straight white male conservatives and the majority of them are from the south and heartland.

This is why you yids need to rely on halfbaked kikery like false flags, demographic genocide, cheating votes with illegals and dead voter roles, women's issues are about pandering to the most politically under educated class in the country.

What the fuck are the two of you talking about?

guns aren't useless to anyone with people trying to hurt them

>high-crime neighborhoods
>abusive ex
>store owner

Those are rookie numbers you gotta pump those up

the wording of the second amendment has a separation between

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State"

is separated from the
"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

>Literally no way the weapons shown in the "tyrannical government" slot could be used against embedded American uprising. The rebels are living and hiding among the loyalists in the government's own city.
Well... an actual tyrannical government would simply bomb the lot and hope a few loyalists survived. It kinda comes with the territory of being tyrannical. If they're NOT the sort that would bomb their own side to kill off the enemy... well they're not that bad of guys are they?

A lot of it comes down to how badly they're losing/winning. Desperate people do stupid things.

>Also America's massive military power is highly dependent on American industrial support, so we can drop bombs on enemy factories, but it's pointless to drop bombs on your own.

It depends how long of a conflict we're talking about. The military has reserves of... most everything. Even completely cut off, they can operate for... like a week? But in a scenario where like half the populace is actively fighting them.... they're thugs with guns. They can go into anywhere and take what they want/need. Hillbilly redneck with a shotgun, will not stop the tank convoy from syphoning his gas. Even if all his buddies are waiting in ambush down the road.

If they're YOUR factories, then you control them. If the rebels start pumping out tanks and bombs in a factory they take over? The military would bomb that in a heartbeat. It's no longer theirs.

2A, you need people to pilot/fire the missiles and while you can get a few people to roll over you can't just strong arm the whole country like that.

Shit-stan is like playing Monoploy we spend so much time and money into it and they just out waited us. Also dropping $10k bomb blowing up $200 mud hut, they just out lasted us.


So what? It wouldn't make any sense if the comma wasn't there anyway (from what I can tell).

"if you fought the tyrannical government that doesn't exist, you'd lose. I know."


The tyrannical government would not hold back the bombing out of niceness. They would hold back out of necessity. They NEED all of that stuff.

You're right, it does depend on who is winning or losing. If team tyrant is winning then they're probably vastly outnumbering the rebels. This is OK. This is a majority government squashing a minority of political extremists. AND they can do this easily even if those extremists are armed.

But if we're talking a real tyrannical government where a minority of evil power-holders want to keep down a majority of people (basically, if they want to create a new North Korea), there is absolutely no way the minority tyranny could combat a fully armed civilian uprising without destroying all the goodies they wanted to control in the first place.

According to this, Iraq or Afghanistan for example would be just hole in the ground, "big, worthless radioctive pile of shit", but they are not. US MILITARY invaded those countries, and they control them to this day, even though most of the population is against them, and most of the population is armed. No, US military do not flatten and gas large areas and many people at once all these years, but they still control those countries completely. Maybe some cave in the mountains or some worthless piece of desert are still under taliban control, but who cares? All cities, industry, economy are under american control. So far I don't see population armed with small arms doing anything significant against the strongest military on Earth.

>The only way to fight an American uprising is with military policing, door to door, assault rifle to assault rifle.

At certain scales, yes. But at those scales the military probably isn't even called in. The police would handle it. Maybe the national guard. The rebellion would have to be going AMAZINGLY WELL before the actual military is called in. If the rebellion does so well as to "control territory" and things like factories and some industry to support themselves (rather than whatever the hicks bought from walmart last week), then the military would bomb the fuck outta that.

This is essentially why rebellions limit themselves to terrorist actions. Quick sneaky strikes against soft targets and they slip away. "The easy shit". Because they're not equiipped or have the supplies or the power to hold anything else. Fucking pussies.

You do raise a damn good point though. Even an evil tyrannical government wouldn't have complete control over the troops. For an actual rebellion, some would side with the rebels. Or at least balk at open warfare. AND ALSO, many of the rebellion followers.... wouldn't be down for terrorism or assassinations. You know, cause not everyone is a dick.

> tell their troops to kick in the doors of fellow American Christians
That aspect though is handled by propoganda. WAAAAY before doors are kicked down, any tyrannical government would demonize the opposition and say something liiiiiiike.... they're all treasonous pinko-commie atheists SJW intent on raping your kids. So... like a typical day on talk radio.

>Seriously, 2nd amendment makes this tyrannical takeover scenario laughable.
So how did it happen in Syria and Iraq and Vietnam and Korea Zimbabwea and such where the general populous had weapons?

libs just got btfo

Mai niggur.

Libs always get btfo

>But if we're talking a real tyrannical government where a minority of evil power-holders want to keep down a majority of people (basically, if they want to create a new North Korea), there is absolutely no way the minority tyranny could combat a fully armed civilian uprising without destroying all the goodies they wanted to control in the first place.
They could wipe off SanFransisco and LA and continue operating with Dallas and Chicago.

BUT. I think you're only thinking about nukes. boy oh boy does the military have more precise tools than that. And it's not door-to-door with boots on the ground. Think of it in terms of city blocks. Is a city block mostly rebels? Goodbye city block. Now, you might lose a good chunk of the city. It'll look like a WAR ZONE. But if the rebels are actually winning to the point that the military is called in.... it is.

look at syria. tyrannical governments don't care as long as they have the power.

kys faggot

>pretty well
he lives in a cave and shits in a can, while his entire family and countless friends and fellow soldiers are all dead.

>So how did it happen in Syria and Iraq and Vietnam and Korea Zimbabwea and such where the general populous had weapons?

I'm not going to take the time to look up every one of those but generally gun confiscation comes before the tyrannical uprising. Syria has their "peaceful citizens act" in ummm 2012? which confiscated weapons and had them destroyed. Pretty sure Hitler did the same.

Armed citizens are a major hindrance for a tyrannical take-over. Disarming them is an essential first-step.

why should i care if a robber gets shot? i only hope they die so that it's one less pos plagueing society

Not taking into account the massive distance from our country, and then claiming they are doing so well. The middle east has a home turf advantage; kinda like how the Gubbament' would have an easier time fighting a war on their front lawn.

>a minority of evil power-holders want to keep down a majority of people
You mean like literally what is going on right now?

Tell that to Philadelphia

Oh sure! I agree with you 100%. But they're going a lot further with guile than with bombs. In many ways our democratic system could be viewed as a brilliant tyrannical strategy by making us FEEL like we're in control by giving us two candidates to vote for. So when things suck we blame those idiots who voted for the other guy rather than the invisible, institutionalized tyranny.

This is a much more sensible argument than trying to say the 2nd amendment amounts to a redneck running after an aircraft carrier with his AR-15.

Who would win?

Maybe ask the Taliban. Which you can, because they won.

>but in heterogenous societies like USA,

The USA are one of the least diverse countries of the world they are at rank 80 or something stop talking out of your ass moron.

>tfw no stinger missiles
>tfw no full auto, belt fed machine guns
>no anti aircraft
>no rpg
>no truck mounted crew serve
>no mortars
>no grenades

I wish user.

85. That's actually puts us smack dab in the middle. To be fair, ethnic diversity probably stems from earlier days when transportation was more difficult. Since you'd have to cross an ocean to get to the U.S. that probably did more to slow our rate of integration than U.S. policy.

Full auto, grenades, and mortars can be made
>If some Pakistan goat fucker on a dirt floor can, we can.
Plus, factory/armory raid. Guard doesn't move loaded on manuevers.

>If some Pakistan goat fucker on a dirt floor can, we can.
they don't tho? they get it from us