Is it possible for a girl to rape a guy?

is it possible for a girl to rape a guy?

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Yes, but since the zionist jews are in charge and they have a fetish with domination, they will not consider it rape

a fat girl once forced me to eat her out, does that count?

Actually, yes.

wasn't PIV though

No, grow a pair and beat the shit out of any fatty trying to force her grotesque poon on you

Even if she doesn't put victim's penis in her vagina, and she just gona fuck him with a strapon - it is still a rape.

No the double standard doesn't allow such a thing to be possible

and get arrested for assault. you might as well just let her do it

if she tricks you into impregnating her

yes. it happened to me. didn't really bother me at all though


All this time i've had this picture, now is my time to post it

She lied to me to have sex, practically the same.

lied about what?

That she was female

Being lesbian (completely) and that I could have been the first man that she want in a relationship. After several intercourses left me because I had sex with another woman, whilst she continued dating girls . Anyway, it was a good experience.

Let them, the police can't unbreak her legs.

It's called "alimony."

my mother used to shove things up my ass, I'd say that counts

Yes. 5% of women report orgasms during rape, so "muh pleasure" isn't an argument. The actual percentage is likely higher, as well.

I'm trying to find out.

I'd rather fuck a fatty then go prison. I'm sure you would as well

i fell asleep at a party and woke up to a fatty trying to ride my dick.

Rape isn't even a thing. Who the fuck doesn't want sex? Okay, okay, obviously no one wants to fuck an ugly person but other than that it's not a thing.

Yes. Horrible case back a few years ago of some hairdresser drugging a guy, tying him up in her basement, and injecting his dick with something to keep it hard.

It sounds laughable, but the guy ended up severely dehydrated and with circulatory issues, even though he had been young and healthy.

Last I heard about the case the poor guy wound up with heart rhythm problems and a seriously diminished quality of life. And like I said, guy in his 20's who had previously taken care of himself.

some of my early fantasies were of all types of rape, including women raping me.

If a girl's got a hold of your jewels, she has all the power in a situation. It's pretty easy to force a guy to agree to have sex with you, so long as you keep your hand right there all the time.

There's a bunch of other ways that don't have that stipulation, that's just what 11-year-old me was getting super interested in at the time.

Can't say I would m8y, besides unlike your Americucks women here need a bit more to go on then "he assaulted meeeee"

sexual assault, not rape.

I started dating a girl a few years ago and we had sex once or twice before that night. We were drinking a little. She was drinking way more than I was. She pulled out some weed and asked me If I wanted some. I said sure, I'll have a bit. She ended up not smoking any and any time I passed the bowl back to her she held onto it long enough that I didn't notice that she was just smoking a cigarette. I ended up getting super fucking baked because she kept packing the bowl and insisted that I kept smoking while also drinking. I got fucking torched and before I knew what was happening she was pulling off my clothes and sucking my dick off. She was being super rough though and kept using teeth. I was too out of it to say anything and then she got on me and started biting me. Not in a sexy biting sort of way, like she was actually trying to take off skin. She didn't stop until "you cum" so this went on for like an hour and a half.

Here's a different case, also a hairdresser, but back in '09 and in Russia (the case I'm thinking of was in the US in '14 or so):

pic related

>too out of it to stop her
No you were enjoying it, don't use the drunk argument, only women use this

Yea like if your going for a pull out and she pulls you back in and your like no dont. and you blow your load in her i think it counts as rape.

also girl on guy rape is kinda hot dude. I've seen some good porn of it imo.

yes. even if you think that a guy can't get an erection (which might or might not be true), there is still the possibility of anal rape, with a strapon. rape is very often not about pleasure for the rapist, but power and humiliation, so it doesn't matter much if the girl isn't stimulated during the act

that sounds really hot tbh

Everything is possible with power of love!

Yes. You know when she's riding you and you say that you'll cum and she keeps riding? It's rape, because the creampie wasn't consensual.

Yes. By forcing you into it, by blackmailing you into it, by deceiving you (telling you she has no bf or hiding something about her that she knows would cause you to reject her), by fucking you if you're too drunk or drugged to really know what you're doing, by penetrating you if you don't want her to, by lying to you about using birth control when she really isn't and forcing a baby on you, by fucking you if you are unconscious , by not telling you she used to be called Roy, etc.

Might want to take the 's' out of that noun then, faggot

only if she's fat or ugly

Actually no, rape is a gender specific word

sounds like fun

how so? i hated every second of it. i feel sick thinking about it

only if she puts some shit in your asshole

The fat part is kinda off-putting, but being forced to eat someone out turns me on on a daily basis.
Woman are way to submissive for that to happen in my experience.

technically its only rape if theres penetration so if i girl has sex with you without your consent its not rape but it is sexual assault. but then i guess if i girl puts something up your ass then that can count as rape

i suppose so but when she smells and tastes terrible, you can barely breathe because of the fat its fucking disgusting

I was at a party once and a fat gross land whale was hitting on me, but I was hitting on her friend. We all ended up in the pool and later hot tub and were doing tequilla shots. I woke up naked next to the land whale and she woke up and was happy about "riding me like a stallion". I dont remember it at all. I asked where her friend was and was told her friend left to leave us alone.

I was raped by a land whale and you know what I did? I made a mental note to not get so drunk I would fuck a land whale at a party again.

I never saw her again, but I honestly blame myself more than her. She wanted it, I didnt. So she waited until I couldnt say no. Or maybe I did say no. I am pretty sure I was passed out and she blew me hard though. I have never had a black out before or after.

1. statutory rape; and
2. girl helps another man rape a guy, she is a principal and may be convicted of rape.

There are a lot of conflicting definitions around the world.

Any forced intercourse is rape here

i wouldn't say it was rape really. i mean yeah you were drunk but it not like it negatively effected you at all. i wouldn't be bothered at all if it happened to me

I don't think rape is defined as having to bother you any. People get drugged and raped and don't find out about it until years later. That's how Cosby got away with it for so long.

Yes you retarded nigger

Does a whale assault with strapon while being drunk count ?

imagine if you woke up and some ugly grandma was screwing your dick
that's rape man

Woke up once to an ugly chick riding my dick after a party. I was smashed out of my head and took a few seconds to realise what was happening.
Wasn't cool man. I had a gf of 3 years who was working that night. And here I was waking up with my dick in another girl.
Rode her for a bit, because natural reaction, then pushed her off me, rolled over and vomited on the floor. Told her to 'fuck off slut'
Woke up in the morning my pants were off completely, I think she probably came back for more.

The double standard is huge. Had a real hard time explaining to my gf why I gave her chlamidia. I told her exactly what happened but she didn't believe me. Ended up breaking it off with me.
Shit was not cash. Miss her heaps, and I'm painted by her friends as a cheater.

I've known plenty of sexually aggressive women who would almost certainly rape men ... except that men are rather more easily persuaded and rarely protest all that much.

But the woman could have a weapon or multiple women could have a weapon. They could drug you. It all could happen.

Legally? It would take a pretty crazy case before any cop or judge would take your side (except for statutory rape). In fact if a woman rapes you and you go to the police, she could probably just claimed that you were doing the rape, and now YOU will do the time.

Found the feminist

You just keep infantilizing women and I’ll keep fucking them stupid.

>is it possible for a girl to rape a guy?
The fact that you're even asking the question shows it must be possible.

Haven't we had this exact same thread yesterday?

And the day after yesterday. Better get use to seeing user.

define "possible", "rape", "girl" and "guy"

This was truly your time to shine. Well done, user. Well done.

Oh, and since you have fulfilled your ultimate purpose, you now have permission to die.

... Tully?

Sure! with a strap on., whos that



>go meet gf and her girl coworkers at bar-girl after work
>fat ugly bitch sitting next to me eyeballing me the whole time
>am having one beer the entire time
>go to bathroom near the end
>come back
>finish beer
>gf leaving
>means i'm out too
>ugly bitch trying to get me to stay
>i'm good
>driving home
>gf and i in our separate cars
>start to feel fucked up
>like i have to sleep RIGHT NOW
>fight it
>drive the last 2 miles home because i'm a dumbass
>collapse into bed with all clothes on
>sleep 12 hours straight
>feel fine
>don't do the math until like a week later
Fat ugly bitch definitely spiked my drink. I'm a pretty seasoned drinker of all types and volumes of alcohol. I'm well aware of the effects one bottled beer, which is opened in front of me, will have on me. I wasn't raped, but I'm damn sure she wanted to rape me.

Yes but only if she's ugly


There are studies that most unwanted sexual contact among children is experienced by younger boys and initiated by “experimenting” older girls. Depending on the ages of those involved, this could often be characterized as rape.

that would make me hard af

Half of what you just said is not rape you fucking nignog

What is it, then? It certainly seems pretty rape-y to me.

Yes. Pic related is a good example. As is older women with young men and boys, or women in power forcing men to fuck them. It's not usually as physically aggressive as some male rape is, but both ways happen.

Yep. This.

She could hold down and rape most of you skinnyfat manlets.

Lol, there's no way someone else from KG is on this board right now...

yes, my 'first' was a friend from work. I liked hanging out with her. I was helping her move some shit at her apt and somehow she ended up climbing on top of me and started to grind, I had no idea how to make her stop, I just froze. I was a kissless virgin and we didn't even kiss.

I stopped talking to her and ignored her after that. It's hard to talk about this shit

Easy, if you're blackout drunk and she has sex with you, you weren't mentally able to give consent. RAPE.

goose-gander, motherfucker.

Fuck off, troll.


Huge fat ugly chick, friend of a friend at a party or some shit. She tells you if you don't fuck her she'll call the police and tell them you raped her.

You can fuck her against your will or be arrested and, depending on her acting skill, get your name in the papers, your friends and neighbors shunning you and practically get run out of town. Even if you're found innocent there's no escaping that.

Forced to have sex with somebody against your will under threat of your life being ruined. I count that as rape.

Back then in highschool a landwhale had a crush on me, i became friends with her because she seemed nice at the time. Once at a party, i was quite drunk, she never was, she was trying to get her hand in my pants to touche my dick, she managed and i tried to push her away, she continued while everybody was cheering, i laughed it off, but i can't stop imagining what it would have been like if the genders were reversed

Yes sir, been raped twice.

It arouses me to no end to think of the shame these women must feel from a rape orgasm.


No, because there will be no physical evidence you had sex with her. In order to convict, they have to do a rape kit which gathers dna from her twat which they compare to your DNA. There's more to it but that alone will be enough that she could just accuse you socially and that'd be the extent of it. source: had a little bitch try to accuse me of rape when I never touched her, called her bluff. she went around saying I raped her for years - even after she got the sympathy from her ex boyfriend she was originally looking for, as far as I know that didn't even work, he still dumped her.

>be me in high school
>girl i barely knew asks me to come to her house to help her set up her cool new computer
this was back when computers weren’t cheap-as-fuck commodities and some people still had computers considered cool
>sure, i'm a friendly guy
>as soon as we're in her room, she tries to grab my crotch
>tell her i'm not interested in her
>she doesn't care
>tries to mount me cowgirl-style (while i'm sitting on her bed)
>have to lift her off me and repeatedly pry her arms from my neck she's hugging so she can go in for that kiss
>she keeps coming after me
>have to flee her room, apartment, and building

she obviously didn't rape me, but i can totally imaging freezing out of confusion and embarrassment, which then would undoubtedly have led to non-consensual sex. in other words, rape.

if you think every guy would jump at the chance to have sex with ANY woman or girl, you are severely autistic.

why would you want her to stop?

Yes in the UK a bunch of girls kidnapped a footballer and raped him I think they shoved a sisor up his ass and nearly cut his dixk off

not sexually

why weren't you interested then?

How should a man dress to let women rapists know that he's asking for it?

for all the usual reasons: i didn't see her as sexy, beautiful, desirable. i also thought i was in love with this other girl.

do you want to have sex with every woman you see?

>In order to convict
Not necessary to ruin your life. She cries, self harms, tells the papers, the media, friends, family etc that you scarred her for life and you're guilty regardless of what the court says.

No, it's non-consensual sex thus rape

Hard do describe, you know when you get an erection that you don't want?

I wasn't ready, I wasn't sexually attracted to her.