Fuck white people if you're white you have to pay for slavery

Fuck white people if you're white you have to pay for slavery

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stay mad kid

she would have won if it weren't for people like you.

Or Hey /b closeted black man here where can I find a master like this all sexy and grown to rape my faggot
nigger shithole on and on while slapping the back of my head choking me slamming me everything I would drink his
piss let him fart in my stupid nigger slave faggot mouth nothing ever turned me on more than the fantasy of a white
master raping molesting and beating me but nobody ever knew how could I meet white
men in secret preferably older ones to make me their worthless littler nigger slave faggot?

We did pay for slavery. Paid for the ships, the chains, the whips, the men, the women. Then we realized, why pay when we can breed. You're welcome.

I'm white and I live in a country where we never had slavery.

>there is a whole big world outside the USA



But then it wouldn't be slavery?

there is still slavery going on in the world to this day

all done by asians and arabs

Your stupid asses benefited more from slavery and colonization more than anyone else. Could've left you guys in the stone age and then totally wiped you out, would've been no resistance. Be grateful. Every Land is soiled with the blood of others who failed to progress quickly enough. Rather than being placed in the past as nothing but a memory, your race was allowed to live on.

If you're black you have to pay for the boatride.

I don't have to pay jack shit for something that happened 10 generations ago.

when are blacks going to pay for the shit they have done? ive had a car and walkman stolen from me on separate occasions and both by niggers..when do i get money for that?

If your race's major contribution to society happened 400 years ago, and you STILL complain about it. You're the problem

fuuucckkk niggers are the only race still complaining about being slaves.

ITT: dumbass wite bois mad over niggas fucking white girls

niggers get nothing. If they got money for slavery it would never be enough for them and they would still cry slavery. you know you got your own country out of it but turned it into a shit hole. look up liberia.

She should be in jail like all niggers

Thats how aids started user.


ahaha. Lazy nigger can barely even suck off whitey

no, it was a nigger fucking a monkey

We do pay for slavery, its called minimum wage


Alright, here you go!

racist bating himself, must be lonely as fuck

Since you're implying A implies B, being white implies being a racist slave owner.. then by your logic A implies B, being black implies being a criminal rapist as well as slave trader (read up on it, black bois sold their own kind for shiny coins).

If you want to hate the US then hate the US. Hate on or expect from a particular skin colour/ race, then just fuck up, fuck off and fucking die.

Hueeeeeee. This is why we need fascism, race mixing was never a good idea. Now we have nig nogs riding our backs to success all awhile calling us oppressors, privileged and all round just being cunts about it.


Nigga u definitely a dumbass nigga

They already got their 40 acre and a mule.seems like we’re golden



gay bait

We do pay its called taxes so you fucks can get welfare

Of course you have to pay for your slaves. They don't grow on trees. But consider it as an investment.

Well thats how it works. Slave labor was never free.

>not realizing Slavery was the price of freedom.
>not realizing you were slaves before being sold to America

You all get to live among us I think we've paid enough

kek there Kentavious

Every perpetrator and every victim are long dead. There is no one left to prosecute or payout.

Besides, half my ancestors had nothing to do with slavery and the other half hadn't immigrated to the US yet.

So fuck off. I don't owe anyone shit.

Fuck bait if you’re bait you have to pay for baitery

>if it werent for people like you
You mean Americans?

Redundant much?

We did pay for slavery that's why we had niggere at our feets in the first place

Niggers get billions in welfare every year. At this point, you owe us.


Post-2000 West Africans (where the majority of slaves came from).

Post-2000 average African American family.

What about Mudslims? They had a far bigger slave trading system, far longer and gar crueler.

>Fuck black people if you're black you have to be a slave
If I have to pay for slavery, I have to benefit from it.
Your system is fucking retarded.

Yes, but Muslims are poor oppressed people! Don't you know...

>Father stayed with family
Fake and gay

Some whites owned slaves in the past, yeah. But guess what my negro friend? Do you know who owned tens of thousands of Hebrew/Jewish slaves? The Egyptians. Do you know where Egypt is? Northern Africa. Now think just a moment about that and stop race baiting.