Fapping to my english teacher..pic related

Fapping to my english teacher..pic related

Any Moar pics?

Idk if she has kik

Do you want other anons to jerk to her?

Sure..on right here

Hmm, tits too small to be her.

english teachers are the sexiest

I had an English teacher senior year who I flirted with and she reciprocated. We dated a few times after I graduated but once the taboo of the student / teacher relationship was removed, it wasn't as much fun.

Still, I should have banged her. Just to say I had.

anyone want to fap to my art teacher?


Fuck, yes, I do. Moar!

would love someone to do a tribute of her


OMG, take me back to school.

Cum on her face

you could really teach her ass a lesson


pic too tiny, who is she?


Is her name Courtney?




Teacher in Vancouver. Mrs. D

is that a man or a mutt/hybrid?