Women you like when they were young

Women you like when they were young.
>Sinead O'Connor

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.br/search?q=young Hillary Clinton&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnyoXGrNvYAhWBI5AKHfdfA5QQsAQICw#mhpiv=7&spf=1516066716516



jennifer connelly ... she is beautiful today, but when she was young, much better!

Liv Tyler

Lea Thompson, most knowed as mom of martin mcfly,


Tiffany Darwish

Nonsense, nobody's ever heard of those shitty movies.

She's far more famous for being the first woman to fuck a duck on the big screen.


thats what i know her from.

heres mine

funny... i never heard this. But i see she in "The Bervely Hillbillies"

I dont know what happened to Rita Lee

Howard the Duck is epic cheese, one of the greatest of bad movies.


i dont know why but as i get older this cunt just seems uglier

jane fonda

Next on my list!

Wanted to fuck both of them when I was younger, now they look like reptilian meth heads with aids

Easy my friend... Drogas!

Jenny Agutter

Oh my fellow parça... i wonder how ahe would look like today if she didn't do that to herself

Maureen O'Sullivan, in her pre-code movies

You won't believe but... Hillary Clinton was beauty google.com.br/search?q=young Hillary Clinton&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnyoXGrNvYAhWBI5AKHfdfA5QQsAQICw#mhpiv=7&spf=1516066716516

A little less Crazy kkk

ext fmkorea com/files/attach/new/20150404/5665468/94901262/147168037/323486670d7b52665eb4907972b53b27.PNG
Easily the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, now she looks like cait jenner. It's shadowbanned for some fucked up reason.
>but muh morals
Hebephilia is the most natural thing ever, it's liking women at their peak.

>Jane Weildlin


carrie akre from hammerbox.
she's a hamgalaxy now though

Yep. She was best in Labyrinth.

kaylyn slevin

R.I.P. :'(

Fisher Carrier :(


You're not very good at identifying Jews, are you? There are more than her in this thread.


a simple wikipedia search reveals jewish mother.
although her face is pure irish potato.
neither of these facts deters my penis


Kreuk was crazy hot in Smallville. Too bad you could only see her if you watched Smallville.

Charlotte Church.

I think you missed the point, user

I endured smallville just for her.

I agree

Allow to say something off color on the mater:
Take away the mascara and lipstick and you have a man face.

ugh, selfish arrogant whore whose career thankfully burned out

Kelly Clarkson. Before she get fats

Better than white snake


I wanted to plow that little jewbitch when I was 14


milla jovovich

Hillary Clinton and Carrie Fisher

melanie griffith in that gene hackman movie

she still looks good.

Got that right!


Have You seen her on "return to the BLUE Lagoon"

I'd, er, rush her hour...

yup hawt

She was in my school #eirefag
Purple hair; Dr Martens; catchphrase "Swivel on it!" whilst giving the bird...

Did you take her up on the offer?

Talking about blue lagoon, Brooke Shields

Well, it wasn't an invitation.
Plenty of the guys got their Man Dinka'd, so to speak...

im forever looking for a photoshoot they did back in the day when i was a kid. they were in the most beautiful people magazine or something both wearing wetsuits or something and middle school me wore out that magazine

That's Sinead O'Connor



Meant for:


Patsy Kensit

young miley cyrus, before she turned into abject trailer trash


Cuffs, right?

In order from left to right

Right on, my dude.
Watching Logan's Run ... I became a man.

nope, that's from Chaplin


You mean right to left right? I hated that whiny Gabrielle on the end and loved that other blonde


What would songs be if they just got to the point?
It's so good
Baby when you're at the wheel
I can't believe the way I feel
It's such a rush
Just being with you
We're Driving in the Rush Hour
(ooh you send me)
You take me to the Rush Hour
You got me in the Rush Hour
>Whoa - you fuck me real good
>Jesus - I just came

Lyrics need a bit of work I think...


Yeah - she went off terribly!

Damn. Well, here she is in Cuffs, anyway.


You can literally see her ass in that

Best sf costume ever

>Jenny Agutter


you're welcome

Rue McClanahan from golden girls you can tell she was a hotty when she was young.

didn't she get hooked into some weird sex cult?
i can only imagine the footage they have, and they will have it trust me

No way, man! Gabrielle is a sweetikins. Calisto was a whore witch bitch.


Fuck you, yes

I can't believe they showed that on TV.

I have fapped it to Rue before.
I don't know why. She not hot. But she gets me hot if I am in the right mood.



They used to show a lot of things on TV back in th 70s that they won't now. Its like we have gone backward or something. I used to see tits on PBS all the time. Monty Python, Benny Hill ... tits tits tits.

And if it was art then it was not questioned. You could show anything. Tits, ass, dong. Now they blur it all out - even if it a fukking painting hangiong on the wall in the background!

Fukking assholes.

I'll never forgive her for getting old


To each their own...
But Callisto basically gave me my first boner. She scared me a little too