You’re a faggot if you don’t rate my big fat pussy 10/10

You’re a faggot if you don’t rate my big fat pussy 10/10.

Like prefer a big nigger dick thrusting in and out of your poop tube.


It looks like you're trying to push a fist out of that horrific crotch wound.

this might have actually turned me gay

Actually made me feel sick.

Kill it with fire


i don't like this at all and i just watched some dude hit a gooses' head off with a golf club


Lick my ass unless you’re a gay faggot!




Would bury

Ehh desperate times and all that...

Toy box




I think it’s clear that all of you are gay faggots! You can kiss my big ol fat vagina!


Let me taste you

You posted two shitty pics, what else do you want? Try harder.

8/10, Would lick.

Those were my good ones


this is our thread now

Umm... Take more?






How does it feel to know you'll only be reduced to a fetish?




Almost looks like a prolapsed anus.

That's alot to put out there,but if you hold it open I'll park my bike

How long have you been a woman OP?

I've seen worse. Plus I'm a horny (read: desperate) enough dude to hit it and quit it with my eyes shit.

eww filthy land whales





thats a fake pussy, one made by vaginoplasty

call me a freak, but I've always preferred a massive hole that can take a fist, or two.

its not pretty, but is kind of hot in a primal way, especially when gaping open.


When you gut hangs lower than your tits, you gotta lose some weight.

It's pathetic, fat women thinking they're just as sexually attractive as normal sized women.

Truth is, the only dudes that'll fuck you are either desperate or deviants.

If their tits are hanging below their stomach, in any fashion, there's an issue.

Congrats on the surgery user. That dick just got in the way


this vagina has pushed out quite a few babies

I thought I was straight.

Am I gay now?

Is this the pussy of that dead animal chick?

da asshole looks like car accident

Spot the virgin

you used to be a dude, huh...

if the asshole wasn't in this pic, i couldn't tell the top from the bottom.

your vagina looks like the entrance of a puppet


That pic should be in a rekt thread.

rating you 0/10 because no pussy is good enough to justify homophobia. Have a better choice of words and try not to be so hateful in your next post.

I'm gonna assume the operation didn't go smoothly.