You and some girl got drunk and had sex. The next day she says you raped her. What do?

You and some girl got drunk and had sex. The next day she says you raped her. What do?

be a college white male swimmer and you'll be out in 3 months

An hero faggot

Tell her you are going to make her look like such a slut in court she'll never find a man to marry her.

Go to prison for 40 years because an accusation from a woman is all rape charges need these days

Claim she raped me. I was drunk. I couldn't consent.

Drunk sex isn't even good sex, wtf were you thinking

say you’re gay

Change my name to Trump.

Educate her on the meaning of the word.

let her go through with it because knowing me i'll have secretly recorded it and that will be my evidence that i dindu nuffin, then sue her for false allegations

Murder and liquify body of course.

Kill her. If I'm going to jail, I might as well do what I'm being punished for.

this shit is why I stopped having heterosexual relationships years ago


Don't get drunk in the first place.

"sex without consent is sexual assault"
no, its rape, sexual assault is a different entity
clearly never had drunk sex

Claim to identify as a woman in court.
Get off with at most a warning.

At that point, you mind as well actually rape her. Then murder her for good measure. Then murder yourself for being a faggot

> you mind as well actually rape her.

Claim your race is oppressed

That woman also assumed your gender...

>Jake was drunk
>Josie was drunk
>Josie could not consent
But Jake couldn't consent either, right? Why is Jake the only one charged with rape? Anyway, to answer your question, what you gotta do is give her the old switcheroo and accuse her of rape first. Bitch will never see it coming.

That happened to me. The police opened an investigation, I was swabbed and had to sit in interrogation for hours (it was me and three women, to boot). It took months. It was easily the worst period of my life, I couldn't sleep or focus, drank heavily and was depressed. I also had (have) a girlfriend so it was the added stress of her finding out, or coming home to a letter from the cops or something. When the call came through from my lawyer that the case had been dropped I almost cried.

Did anyone see you? Did she get a rape kit? How does anyone know?

But really, you're going to have to move to a different town afterwards, while you might legally get off you'll be socially persecuted for the remainder of your existence in that town.

wtf are you talking about? drunk sex is great

Declare you are a transgender demifluid pansexual and that SHE raped YOU while you were drunk.

You'll have more Social Justice points and automatically win.



Actually if it looks bad tell her if you are going to be accused of it you will actually go ahead and do it. about 50% of all rape/ sexual assault charges are fake. There is no rape culture. Also Lawyer up.



Agreed you have to fight stupid with more stupid. :D






Get a good Lawyer

Actually rape her so she knows the difference next time

MDMA sex is better.

I think this is the best choice

>thinks leftists who would be giving the case publicity care about the real meanings of words

this is why mras will never be taken seriously, this isnt a mens rights issue, it's a conservative talking point. i'm not even entirely pro-abortion, but this is retarded and does nothing but muddy any legitimate points they may have with political baggage

i say she didn't.

the chances of me getting cancer tonight are greater than somebody's random accusation ever being taken seriously enough to affect me.

>you should be scared of sex, kids!
just don't stick your dick in crazy if you are such a big stupid pussy


I didn't do it. You didn't see me do it. Can't prove nuttin

nvm actually i didnt read it well enough

Congrats user

Deny deny deny. If they have video & witnesses, say it didn't happen

I read that in hand banana's voice

Remind her that my wife recorded the whole fucking thing and was the one giving the orders.

Be a rapper and use the controversy to get more people to listen to my shitty sound cloud track

Next time have her sign the love contract....

Call her on her bullshit. Explain that she likely feels regret now that she's sober because she is more aware of her inhibitions. Inhibitions which probably have their roots in fear of being labeled a slut, which is rooted in patriarchal oppression. Then, as a thank you for freeing her mind, she blows me. This kills the rape allegations.

say you were drunk and she raped you while you couldn't give consent

She can prove nuttin if you nutted in her.


Got a handjob while I was coming down from an acid trip once. Jesus that was surreal.

When you drug them they let you do it

>she records all of this
>its used against you in court


rub her face in mud then pull her clothes off, rubbing her in dirt, then actually rape her.

So like, what, you can film a seventeen year old performing a sex act in Australia, play it in court, and not be arrested for creating child pornography? What's the age of consent in Kangaroo Land?

I second this, also sends a clear message to trash like that.

... and the court watches her willingly blow me and record me without consent? THAT is rape, by current definitions.

But he didn't actually rape her (You) retard.

That's a fuzzy legal area.

A) He didn't purposefully record it, he accidentally left his camera on. They have to prove he purposely recorded it, and only the judge/jury needed to see it, so it wasn't exactly distributed material.

B) It was used as evidence that absolved him of another crime, and therefore might not be admissible as evidence for a separate, unrelated crime. That's really up to the discretion of the judge or whatever deals the lawyer can make.

If we back the tape up a bit and forget about your blowjob fantasy for a while which wont happen... I get that you're trying to be obtuse but her recording your conversation wouldn't be illegal. You trying to get her to withdraw her accusation on tape will demolish you in court.

If you're accused of a crime you button up and get a lawyer, don't fucking try and play smart and talk your way out of it.

Claim that I was drunk and she took advantage of me

if she was drunk a bit of insurance is to put money in her purse...

paid sex can't be rape.

Made me kek jesus christ