ITT: We post our 8values and others rate

ITT: We post our 8values and others rate

Most recent






for the record I hate communists

Please dont die

Tits to stay alive?




Just a lefty passing through, don't mind me.

What does it mean

Nordic model ftw



Neo Liberal Master race assemble

Ass to stay alive

You guys do understand that nationalist ideology is just a social construct made to control masses and help people cooperate together. It's nothing to do with evolution, biology or science. It's made to rule the people, permit growth and trade and to make people feel like "we are the same" "we are Americans" "we are Christians" etc. It's all made up by human mind, genius thinkers, philosophers and rulers!


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

But I don't watch TV ;(

Talking about politics is a bit like talking about sports, I wish people didn't do it because it has no meaningful impact except increasing the number of miserable people expressing their uninformed opinions.

People with opinions that matter in politics are actually involved in politics. Everyone else should be required to do some kind of public service before they can have a national voice.

Well, there's that or the fact that, while amusing, many of "their" statements on life are just opinions and generic observations using esoteric high-level references means to enamor and dazzle viewers into thinking, wow, that's some deep shit.

Tried to stick to facts, not really take sides (tho I did), just embrace thinking.

You're simple

I got best scores

This is a bullshit graphic. Two premises are completely wrong. First, "equality" is not diametrically opposed to "markets." Markets, when properly operating with involved participants both consumer and producer, naturally balance power and equality. Also not opposed to each other are "tradition" and "progress." Tradition is simply a method of handing down knowledge of what worked and didn't work in the past, and usually why, as a result of progression. Progress is not a reckless abandonment of tradition and more times than not simply seeks to institute new traditions to phase over the old.



the market will sort it out, if we didn't have so much corperate welfare the shitty buisnesses would be gone by now.


i got Social Liberalism btw

>dem soc
nailed it

socialism is a cancer in the world, it's the reason the UK is failing right now and how the EU ican just boss any country around it feels like.

did you intentionally meme this

Same for the most part


it means youre a child who needs to be told what to do by the state and by religion

fuck commies

radical centrist

Rate cunts


im too retarded to understand this

it says your a socialist fag and you need to gas yourself

Oh okay thanks

It means you’re gay, want to have the govt ram their cock in you, and tell everyone how progressive you are by saying you want foreigners in your country.

no problem


My boys



Too many damn lefties in this thread!

why is being left a bad thing?


>why is selling out your race and nation to the false god of 'equality' a bad thing?

r8 fgts

Fine I will. Centrist faggots deserve the gas.



literal nazi checking in

nice dubs

>be me
>be left
>think that islam is a cancer religion.
>Refugees that are mainly from islamic countries shouldnt get in my country (germany)
>too much imigrants
>Antifa are bunch of fucking idiots who cant think by themselfes.
>hate most of the lefties / sjw over here
>Most of the people in my town call me nazi

wow i would hate the fuck out of you.

Not bad IMO

the correct answer

>be you
>aint left

Are you even leftist at that point? Islam and sjws the gateways for a lot of people, you will be a hailing victory soon enough.


Maybe you overshot by a bit.
This wouldnt work i believe.

You must be old or just a plain hillbilly


a lot of people have mixed beliefs

i hate niggers and muslims, favor very little immigration, support full 2nd amendment rights, think political correctness and sjws have gone way too far (they want to keep the existing inequality and discrimination except flip the dominant groups; i want true equality); then support single payer healthcare, tough environmental regulations, abortion rights, drug legalization, a ban on civil asset forfeiture, and lots of other criminal justice reform, gay marriage, trans- bathroom/locker room rights.
good luck calling me either right or left, and hard to see moderate/independent either since i take the extreme side of most of those positions


did some political compass a few months before. cant find the original one but it looked like this



Nice, pretty close to mine

I don't know what any of this means, and I honestly don't care.


Into the trash it goes. Sup Forums would rip you fuckers apart.

Looks like leftys taken over fuck of right-wing scum :P

pol is a isolated society of lonely sad people. Have fun reassuring yourself guys XD

Never met a more desperate bunch of basement dwellers than the fine folks of pol

>pol is a isolated society of lonely sad people.
>not Sup Forums

Pretty boring

>this level of projecting

so is Sup Forums you idiot

I dont think so


>I dont think so
I mean, sure, you can THINK that. But reality is different from what you think.

But definitely not different from what YOU think, you're special after all. /s

The political bodies in the US are so far away from the principals they claim to espouse that the vast majority of people are not at all represented and are just voting to try to put the fire out - except that both sides are active flamethrowers.

very nice. we're better than other people.

Sup Forums needs to read a fucking book.

Get fucked.

Go get laid.
Here's what Sup Forums and islamo-fascists have in common:
They're mostly poor, stupid, and unfucked.

You're a good human bean.

Really vague questions. Not good at all.

You don't think each race deserves to be preserved? What's the matter with you?

Also, Sup Forums is a melting pot when it comes to ethnicity of its posters. There are people from all over the world that post.


You can tell that I am a 20 something by this result alone.


>You can tell that I am a 20 something
I can tell you don't understand economics and feel virtuous by forcing successful people pay for all the gibs that lazy degenerates receive.

I put strongly disagree to that question and still got equality score way jacked up.