Since atheists claim that there is no God, why do some have such hostility against those who do believe in God...

Since atheists claim that there is no God, why do some have such hostility against those who do believe in God? Why do some seem to have a mission in life or an axe to grind against Christians or Christianity and even against God? Why do they detest a belief in something that they themselves don’t believe in? Since there is no Santa Clause, why don’t they go up to every Santa Clause they meet and rail against them or not existing since both don’t seem to exist to them?

U got that the other way around mate

It is called resistance.

God believing people are naturally irrational, and have worked to force everyone into their cults, or at least faking they believe to shield themselves from the quiet inner irritation that they believe in a lie.

Also 'faith' is convenient as a means of instituting Tyrrany.

People of 'faith' will agigate against the Tyranny of other faiths.

Athiests, to be free, must agitate against them all.

Because the morons who believe in god hold the entirety of our race back. Religious folks fuck up everything. They force you to live by their rules and think they are somehow better than atheists while simultaneously acting like total scumbags.

I have no animosity towards atheist because I used to be one. Christians are in no way superior to non-believers because God is no respecter of a person’s ability, social standing, or wealth (Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11). God doesn’t look at the outside as we do, rather He looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). We too must look, not at the outside, but at the soul of that person as someone that needs saving. They may have very good reason not to believe in God, but we all know that belief doesn’t alter what is true so ask them sincerely why they became an atheist? Show them respect but ask them what their reasons for not believing in God since they lack all knowledge of all places in the universe? Why can they not deal with a God and that exists?

So you're a Christian.

Most likely you were born in to this cult. You were never given the option to question it, and much like Scientology, you were told by your brainwashed parents that you do what you're told or you can expect divine retribution, an eternity in Hell and damnation forever, if you don't believe in God.

Now you're an adult. What's your excuse for still believing in this fairy tale? No one is forcing you to. The common Christian anti-science meme is that science has to PROVE God doesn't exist. They cry and wail that scientists cannot prove God isn't real.

But where is your justification for your faith? Where did you experience any first hand objective experience to quantify an entire lifetime of blind devotion? How can you be faithful when there's never in your entire life been a single experience to vindicate all the humiliation life will throw at you for being a blind sheep?

Can you vindicate yourself, here, in front of all of us? Can you explain, as a grown adult, why you believe in an entity, God, being, whatever, that has never and will never show you, a human being, that he/she/it is real.

No, you cannot. You are a LARPer. You should feel ashamed for being a fraud, for being part of a fraudulent cult. For helping to exploit other humans for money and giving them false hope.

Apologize, Christians. Apologize for misleading other people for the last 2000 years.

Apologize right now.

religion is simply a tool to control the masses, it has no place in modern society. if you need a carrot and a stick to keep you moral then you're shit person. you shouldn't be bribed into believing in an afterlife to not act like a total animal.
also religion literally tells people to not question things and squanders science. imagine if there was no dark ages how advanced we would be as a race.

We know about Aristotle was opposed to Plato’s “First Cause” but his own theory of causality is still an argument from universal causation. Plato’s basic argument in The Laws (Book X) was that all movement in the world was an imparted motion, and since everything is in motion, who or what caused that first movement? Who or what was the first cause of the universe? Where did matter come from? Was there a singular point of the beginning of the universe and all matter? Since matter must have a cause, Who or what was that cause?

Santa is not a threat to them, God is, and they are scared shitless of death

OP is a weak minded loser who needs reassurance that his life is meaningful by looking for a deity, kek.

I know it's meant to be satire but the idea of you typing these things out, putting thought into how you can make yourself sound like the most unbelievably autistic 15 year old, is a bit sad really.
I mean you probably think it's funny and when you get responses like this you chuckle to yourself and think 'ha, got'em' but I just don't quite understand where that gratification comes from, that seems really weird to me. Like you spend time in public walking around shouting 'BLEG BLEH IM RETARDED BLUGH BLARH' and look at all the weird looks you're getting, and thinking to yourself 'ha, I bet they think I'm retarded'. Like of course they do, why wouldn't they? That's the normal response?
I dunno I think maybe you should just stop posting for a few weeks and see if you can forget about it? I think it's kind of detrimental to you on a social level. This isn't how people are meant to interact. Maybe go try hanging out with some of your friends more often or focus on your studies or career or whatever you're doing. I just hope you don't get to the point where you're missing out on spending time with others to post here. You don't know and never will know most of these people buddy. Why does whether or not they think you're funny really matter?

I think you are mixing up aethiests with antitheists

>Since atheists claim that there is no God
atheists do not claim a thing, atheism isn't a belive that there is no god, it's the lack of belive that there is

this. christianity is nothing but manipulative lies that hold us all back. modern christians should take a good long read of their bible and not cherry pick the rules to live by, maybe then they will realize how outdated and manipulative their religion is.

you have no idea how hard you just got baited, newfag

...and im not even the op lol

No one can demand a proof that God does (or doesn’t) exist, but where does the evidence point?

> Like you spend time in public walking around shouting 'BLEG BLEH IM RETARDED BLUGH BLARH'

Actually i sound more like Chewbacca

you have no idea how hard you just got baited, newfag

...and im not even the op lol


Alright, I'll give this bait (and probable copypasta) a real answer:
Either a) they don't have hostility to those who believe in a God, they have hostility to those who use that belief to control others, justify bad things, and fuck up their own lives for no reason,
or b) they just have to be right, so anyone who disagrees with them by having faith is seen as a threat and must be proven wrong.

Same as there are good and shit faithful, so there are good and shit atheists.

1. Are you absolutely sure there is no God? If not, then is it not possible that there is a God? And if it is possible that God exists, then can you think of any reason that would keep you from wanting to look at the evidence?

2. Would you agree that intelligently designed things call for an intelligent designer of them? If so, then would you agree that evidence for intelligent design in the universe would be evidence for a designer of the universe?

3. Would you agree that nothing cannot produce something? If so, then if the universe did not exist but then came to exist, wouldn’t this be evidence of a cause beyond the universe?


Probably because of holy wars. People don't go around waging Jolly Wars in the name of the one true Santa, so it's not a big deal. People die every day over "Holy" wars.


dude, i didn't give you a (you) to actually engage in your stupid bait. i gave it for that one poor shmoe that sees it and actually takes it seriously.

also, you're one helluva shitty and lazy troll if you can't even bother to actually respond appropriately to my post.

fuck off.

4. Would you agree with me that just because we cannot see something with our eyes—such as our mind, gravity, magnetism, the wind—that does not mean it doesn’t exist?

5. Would you also agree that just because we cannot see God with our eyes does not necessarily mean He doesn’t exist?


No God, No Peace. Know God, Know Peace.
