What can you do with a women's studies degree?

What can you do with a women's studies degree?

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Be poor

get a job as a diversity officer ruining peoples lives and contributing to the destruction of society piece by piece

Blame your problems on men

talk about feminism to other people so they become whiny ugly woman who cant stop talking about patriarchy instead of working. engage in the destruction of normal relationships and upset the balance of nature and try to make men cucks and complain why they wont marry them and cant find a good guy?


Bitch about half the planet.


spend more money on decent image sizes

Why all this women hate b? I know we like to joke haha and have fun but y'all just acting like straight vinegar and filth when you post stuff like this. Betterment should never be disgraced and these girls would make any one proud. Whoop whoop to the girl!!

Teach Women's Studies

Btw- we loud, we proud, and we ain't stoppin

A lot of young women are pretty ghastly.

This. And protest.

Look in the mirror before you cast a stone. You may not like what you see back.

add women's studies on my twitter bio

Option 1: Study all the womens
Option 2: Clean your pooper with it after you take a shit
Option C: Waste your life even more than you already did by becoming a professor of women's studies

Feel more informed about the feelings of the women in the porn you masturbate to.

does studying their tits count? I don't have a degree, but I have equal experience

No I mean their personalities are completely toxic.

Fucking THIS.

He's not joking folks

That's always a laugh to hear on Sup Forums.

Like I said. Mirror mirror on the wall.....

Just listen to the way that white male bully brutally and loudly as part of his micro aggressive behavior opened that can before devouring it of its cultural diversity as represented by the brown soda liquid.

Stomp a tranny to death


go on a field expedition to study women in their natural environment to unlock the mysteries of their majestic yet savage nature, with hope one day they may be domesticated.