Trips has to print and frame this image

trips has to print and frame this image

And why on Earth would you think I need 2 of them, no thanks

I would love to host this art in my hovel.

You're just upset your mother doesn't have photos of you hanging in her house.

trip should play us some great old music from youtube and disregard the faggots on this channel.

If trips I hang this on my roommate's wall


Trips get

trips or not, i'll print and frame it anyway!




That's the king of soyboys





I got a bad feeling...

Fuck that was close!!

I don't know why I'm rolling for this, I don't own a printer. I'll have to go to a print shop with a thumb drive. ..which I would.

I'd get it all glossy and expensive.

Gosh, to own fine art.

That's actually kind of humorous, nothing embarrassing about it.

>print and frame
Okay. Then I put it in my bottom drawer.

Where to hang it?


god bless i didnt get trips

Rolling trips for you Sup Forumsro!

i'll take the risk

dont make me

Fuck it, I'll roll.

what happened to his balls?

If trips, will hang it in the National Gallery

Nothing, they were always like that



So close. Quads has to print, frame, and FedEX it to their mother in law for Christmas.


fuck, so close

Not doing it since I can't afford ink for my printer. Also traps aren't gay

Rolling, if win, will deliver in a couple of days. I'm at the hospital right now


Ah what the heck, roll

Well then... I'll buy the frame tomorrow

Why not?

i dont have a printer

Hitler trips. . .not bad user. I would strongly recommend putting it on top of your toilet so that any man who takes a piss has to stare at your art while holding his dick.

trips please

Come on trips
