Can we get something going to fuck with logan paul & his child fanbase...

Can we get something going to fuck with logan paul & his child fanbase? Ever since he uploaded that suicide video the media has been on his ass for a while now and we could probably get some sort of fake medical record that he has depression or some shit?

Come on Sup Forums remember bald for Bieber? it's time for round 2

Propose how then

nypa fag

hang for logang

sage goes in all fields

I'd never heard of this cunt before a few weeks ago, and now I see his name everywhere and I still have NO idea who he is, what he does, why he's "famous" or anything at all.
All I know is that he looks like a fucking tool.

Fucking newfags dude


This guy is the pewdiepie of 2018.

how long do you have to be on 4chin to no longer be newfag

Consider yourself lucky. Hes a ex Viner turned Youtuber/ instagramer. So much cancer in this sentence

It doesn't matter how long. If you ever were a newfag you always will be. You have to have been on here back in the golden age (10+ years ago) to be an Oldfag. Everyone else who comes after is always a newfag

We can probably make some criminal record of him murdering someone or something

when you lose your 3rd chin.. you're in.

why would a fake medical record of depression do anything? fucking idiot

Yah of all the shit going on right now, this is what you should be concerned about and spend your time and effort putting together a resistance plan.

until you stop caring about oldfags and newfags

So is this the newest shitpost or something?

I definitely got cancer reading "Viner", "Youtuber" and "Instagrammer" in the same sentence.
Fucking hell he sounds like an absolute nightmare.
People like that make me physically sick.


stay mad jew

ddos the cunt


until you stop posting and start lurking

If you really want to make a psyop you're best using this...
>High Functioning Asperger's
His YouTube voice and speaking patterns can easily be associated with a form of High Functioning Asperger's, alongside various mannerisms, movements, reactions, etc.
You could probably blame the video of the hanging on his Asperger's and inability to relate to some normal emotions.

Logan Paul and his Stand

Newfag kys

>haha we made everybody think he has depression
wow, genius plan there champ

high and low functioning does not exist. it was literally made up by some psychologist in nazi germany so he could save at least a few of the children from being euthanized.

How about we go to his house and do some bad things to him ? We can get sneak into his house cut an internet wire or some shit not allowing him to produce content anymore ?

Best definition I've seen so far



holy shit

well what should we do Sup Forums?


It’d be believable if we leaked some fake shit on him being clinically diagnosed a psychopath or pedophile... maybe make up a shitty spooky story about how someone almost got killed by him

Could we just fake a mental document or diagnosis with a template and say we "leaked" it, or would that be easily disproved?


Should I make a discord so we can iron out the details?

Can't we just go back to the good old days and blow up vans?

u faggit retart bitches r so tuff on the internet bet u faggit s would be to scared to sat tht shiit to my face id probly kick ur fuckin teeth in

genius user

This thread has potential

A jew would be supportive of gaining ad revenue idiot

gay mods delete this kind of stuff
that's why Sup Forums went to a shit show

I reckon we could send an envelope to him containing?

how bout Logan Paul fake suicide news

Until you show us your pee pee and fuck off to Reddit

Until you show us your pee pee and fuck off to plebbit

If you gonna bump then post Logan shitposts

The only way would be to get everyone to think he's a pedo

How about he has Schizophrenia


That never happened

We need to start a support campaign. #iwannahangwithLogan

Should I make a discord to discuss this topic?

Please turn this into a log thread
I need a good logging

Only fags use discord
Use this thread as our platform, Sup Forums is completely non faggy

discord is the best, i think you're the faggot

I’ll never tell :3

How do we publicly leak documents of him to the masses after we make them ?


Ok make em

Prepare your soft pink throat boi

how about we kidnap him and force him to take big smelly shits right infronf of us- he’ll be so embaressed haha


Rape him

It's the "content" they produce, or lack of, that makes me sick.
It's always the same bullshit.
The only people that like that kinda crap are the exact people to avoid at all costs.


Fox news said we did it
