Okay then mr.user, that will be one steak, and may i ask, how would like your steak cooked?

okay then mr.user, that will be one steak, and may i ask, how would like your steak cooked?

>INB4 people say 'well done' because they're fucking wrong

well done, please.

well done is fine if the meat is aged. it will still be tender

And don't forget the ketchup.

well done and with a side of ketchup please



Boiled, over hard. And a side of your finest jellybeans

wtf is wrong with ketchup?
i have steak with ketchup all the time
>buy biggest and most expensive steak that i can find at the super market
>cut it up into little bite sized pieces
>microwave that bitch for 15 minutes
>dip pieces into ketchup while browsing Sup Forums all night

However Trump has his steaks is how I want mine, miss.

its a waitress, anyone who orders ketchup in a restaurant should be linched

No. Put mayonnaise on it.

i never got to try a Trump Steak. They look delicious though. And I trust The Donald to only sell the very best.

Tits or gtfo.

burned with chocolate sauce

I didn't say steak, you dumb bimbo, I said chicken tenders. You accept GBP, right?

they were so good, he had to declare bankruptcy

charred on the outside, cold in the center with a side of horseradish

here you go, just for you m8


Rare my dear. Rare is the way to go.

he gets it.

If we're being serious I'll take mine either medium well with A1 or batter dipped, deep fried and served with sausage gravy.