Explain to me why transgenderism shouldn't be classified and treated as a mental illness the same way pedophilia is...

Explain to me why transgenderism shouldn't be classified and treated as a mental illness the same way pedophilia is? Transgenders claim that 'they were born that way' and 'this is who I am'. The same can be said for pedophiles (which should be scorned and reviled by any decent society), and yet we are told that we as a society should be more tolerant and accepting of trannies.

I'm trans and I honestly think its a mental illness lol I'm also very sick of this whole social movement, I wish the attention was not on us >_>

Well pedophilia involves fucking a child, which is a no-no in most cases. Transgender is fucking your OWN body up, and hurts no one.

transgenders only 'victimize' snowflakes who are triggered by other people's personal choices. Pedo actually damage the mental health of children...pretty obvious if you're not an idiot

I feel like it was better before it got so public. It became a trend and people stopped actually trying to understand gender dysphoria for what it actually is. If you don't got that, you aren't trans.

Well, dysphoria is some kind of condition, only its treatment is unsightly.

But trans-faggery IS a mental illness and was treated as such even as late as the DSM-V.

Pedophilia IS wrong, having sex with prepubescent children is objectively wrong.

Hebephilia is objectively normal and natural

You can diddle your own genitals but, its a different ball park to diddle with others genitals. This is especially true for children and others who cannot consent.

Being a pedophile doesn't necessarily mean physical or sexual contact with a minor, all it could involve is simply being attracted to them. One could get sexual gratification by thinking about kids or jerking off to pics of them. Besides, whether there's any harm caused to ones self or others by being transgendered, it still doesn't lessen the fact that it's a mental illness.

Most pedophiles will not act on their feelings and urges.
Most Transgender DO act on their feelings and urges.

That's the difference.

CANNOT consent, and NOT ALLOWED to consent are two very different things my friend.

Trannies in general don't fiddle kids.

Is it a mental illness? Probably. But it's a lot less damaging to society than other mental disorders.

And both claim that they were born a certain way, and therefore have no control over their physical and mental desires.

He never claimed they were the same thing

up to you to explain why it should be classified as a mental illness.
your premise is weak

wasted quads

I'm straight, I was born this way and it's who I am, why should society be accepting of me? You literally made 0 point there OP

well if God is truly omnipotent, it means He really CAN suck my dick...

You also don't want your dick cut off and replaced with a mutilated hole.

if you can be born hetero, you can be born homo or trans

Because one group abuses their own genitals while the other group abuses the genitals of others.

>I'm trans and I honestly think its a mental illness

Ok but do you REALLY think it's a mental illness or do you just think it's cool & edgy for it to be associated with mental illness? Not putting you down or anything; just trying to understand where you're coming from, more.

why does it matter to you though? weirdos having rights upsets you? i;m not saying you dont have a point but i keep hearing this shit like THIS is why america sucks.. never have i seen people be so bothered at looking at other people since negros got rights

okay well now you've made a point, not saying it's a good point but the original post made no point at all. comparing with pedos because they both say they are born that way makes no sense because it's exactly the same for anyone, mental illness or not

I wouldn’t classify it as pedophilia. As pedos leads to viewing cp or molesting, so there’s a victim. Being a tranny is victimless, it’s the push for them to looked at as fags. Fags of courses, work go to college, are not anymore criminal than non and pretty normal.

Trannies usually have comorbid conditions and high suicide rates. There’s also them trying to push for laws that would penalize people who misgender them or for them to access female only areas, which isn’t wrong.

are you autistic? obviously they dont think it's cool/edgy... you must seriously lack reading comprehension skills. Liberal media spends too much time on trans people and in return the republicans hate them more because they get coverage and they're convinced half of the population under 20 thinks their trans... shit doesn't even affect you. this shit just just emo/scene fad shit.

the thing about pedo is everyoneuses the term incorrectly. majority of people that are attractedto yo7nger people they already hit puberty.
lets not forget to mention once you hit puberty you were an adult. but thing changed.
also dont forget why some are. majority like then in the early teens be auae it reminds them of that age in their life and in a way help them relive when times were.

who are we to say when everyone is ready, some are ready at 13, wome not until 19+

a number doesnt justify your ability to underatand.

wait a minute... someone on Sup Forums that actually understands words?

Being trans hurts no one. If I'm born a pedophile, I fuck children. If I am born trans, which I was, I don't hurt anyone. If you wanna call it a mental illness whatever, but don't force treatment on me cause it effects no one at all if I wanna wear dresses.

I don't think pedophilia should be classified as a mental illness. It's an orientation and there's no "cure" you either want to fuck children or you don't. Of course that doesn't mean we make child fucking legal.

I think you're not far off but you're going down the wrong track. Tranny's are much more like Anorexics than they are Pedophiles. Still a disease obviously but your basic "She-Male" doesn't victimize anyone other than himself.

no, its up to you to prove its not

Exactly. Tranny's hurt no one because they're already mentally ill. It's not like they can get any worse or make anyone else into a Transformer.

Worst case scenario is that they looks so fucking horrible that they scare a child or something along those lines.

Yes I do, and I wish I didn't have it. Gender dysphoria really fucks with your head and makes you wanna kys.

I absolutely hate transtrenders bc they're making it very difficult for soceity to understand and accept transgenderism so it can get proper medicinal attention.

hurts your parents who wanted a grandkid.

dont sit here and act as if its victimless

Except the second one involves acting upon changing their appearance, while the other acts upon harming children mentally/physically. There’s an obvious difference. But both are mental illnesses that can’t really be helped

i'm 44. i can remember as early as 5 years old wanting to go to preschool dressed in my mom's clothes. nobody influenced me. parents never suggested i was female or should be female. i've just always felt like i'm a woman stuck in a man's body. call it what you like, but it has no effect on you whatsoever. so why hate on someone like me?

can't tell if you're trolling or if you're unbelievably stupid.
>you don't prove a negative, you faggot

Having control over your desires has nothing to do with your control of acting on those desires.
I want to fuck most hot chick's that walk past me. I can't control that. What I can control is whether I actually do it or not.
Pedophiles are attracted to children but most don't act on it.
Transgender people want to be different gender, and most act on it immediately.

parents' fault for not giving birth to normal child

Yeah, but it is also trannies wanting insurance to cover cosmetic procedures. You don’t think women who have kids are dysphoria about their stretch marks and belly fat? Or young men losing hair? We don’t give them free surgery. Why should trannies get fcosmetic shit from insurance?


Pedophilia is nothing more than an extreme "fetish". Ever try to deny a fetish? Something turns you on it turns you on. Denying yourself that "object" only makes it worse and makes you obsess over it. Pedo's at some point in their twisted vile existence associated sexual gratification with childhood or children. Maybe it wasn't even their fault and maybe it was. We can find out but until we can figure out how write and erase parts of a human brain we're really not getting anywhere.

I'm thinking there needs to be a "Devil's Island" type place for them. Just lower them down by rope from a helicopter after making sure they can't procreate and then leave them to each other. They can form some kind of primitive society with no children and live out their miserable lives that way.

I'm sorry but whatever you're attempting to say does not make any sense, lol. You're all over the place talking about like, 3 separate things at once while trying to... actually, I don't even know. Good luck, lol.

You're as full of shit as a human being can possibly be. You "remember" wanting to wear your mom's clothes at 5 years old?

Sure you do man. Sure you do.

There’s many reasons why pedophilia is classified as an illness more over transgenderism, its very clear being transgender is a mental problem, but it hasn’t been in the light long enough to be classified as such (and the leftist movements dont really help either) I believe both should be treated as an illness with some kind of therapy, or coping mechanism because both are harmful in their own ways (one being self harm; the other being harm to children). But even with therapy you can’t reallt change how either of them feel inside. So it’s a hard topic to have opinions on.

But that’s the mental illness. What does a woman feel like? I have asked my wife when I hear this argument and she doesn’t “feel” any particular way. She just happens to have a pussy and tits.

You’re just a guy who likes to dress up as a woman.

Basically the reason being trans isn't a mental illness is that the damage caused to a person by being trans is almost entirely through rejection from society, and not just direct from the condition. Being trans also doesn't harm anyone, which is the other reason it's not a mental illness.

Do you not remember thing from when you were five? You might want to get that checked. That's not normal.

Bruce needs to either start getting his ass pounded or give those tits backi

is about money! all about money! imagine, the marketing around them.

yes. i remember it vividly. i especially wanted to wear her suntan pantyhose that came in a plastic egg. her cream colored slip. and her cream colored bra. i remember wanting to go to preschool wearing that under my clothes.

It is mental illness. Many deny their biological sex. It isn’t like pedophilia though. It’s like anorexia. Just a delusion about one’s body.

Yeah, that's a tough one I don't really know. It intensely hurts my head to see my masculine features and makes me want to die, but I don't know that warrants other people to pay for my surgeries :\

Trannies most likely have mom and dad issues. Most 5 year olds want to be princesses or wear pink, they don’t fetishize their mom’s clothing. Those are obvious signs of your mental illness.

Anorexia directly harms your well being. You can't be a well adjusted anorexic person. You can be a trans person leading a healthy life.

I also remember trying to go down on my Fisher-Price lawn mower toy and thinking what a colossal faggot I was.
Good times. Good times.

So what if it's a mental illness

child have no ideia what doing. Different from a adult or teen.

i said call it what you like. why hate on me for doing what i do? tell me about your degree in psychology.

Nobody treats pedophiles despite it being a mental illness. Too much animosity.

Gender disphoria is a symptom of more seripus underlying mental problems than pedophilia is. A pedo may go their entire life just dealing with the issue at no harm to others. May even appear normal.
As far as I know their suicide rate doesn't stand out either. Tranny's on the other hand seem incapable of dealing with their issues and have a super high suicide rate regardless of their level of acceptance.
Trans people are broken.. and should be treated.
Pedos are to a lesser degree damaged.

and you know this how?

oh, you're definitely a faggot

trannys have mental problems, but the governement don't want to waste his money (Cause they like wars) in trash, so they say "transgender is normal" to fool us.


>trans people have a super high suicide rate regardless of their level of acceptance
This is just objectively false lol

and by "treated," we know what you mean.
Captive bolt pistol to the back of the head to avoid spreading the cancer.

I mean, I'm a commie, so I think all that other stuff should be free too if we have enough resources for doctors to be spending time doing that (I believe we would if a medical education was free)

>Trans people are broken
you have no evidence to support that
why not just let people be who they want to be?
as long as they don't interfere with your freedoms, no harm, no foul. right?

There are studies on trannism and homosexuality which tend to be prevalent in communities with absent or abusive fathers. Black communities have higher instances of homosexuality and a 70% single mother rate.

>avoid spreading the cancer.
tell heteros to stop producing trannies

I agree with OP 100%

i wasn't abused by my father
my parents fully support who i am
what now?

No, transgender means forcing everyone else to play along with your mental illness, less they get charged with a hate crime.

Yea everybody gets the difference in that sense, but what exactly is the problem with transgenders acting on it if it makes them happier?
Peodphiles acting on their urges is a whole other story

neither should be scorned, pedophiles don't hurt children as default
child rapists and transgender rapists should be scorned

Tranny reporting in.
It is a mental illness.

Pedophilia results in trauma for young children.
Gender dysphoria doesn't.
That's why we treat pedos differently.

Not that user. Yes they do. Blacks during slavery and civil rights era didn’t have the sucide rates trannies do, nor did fags.

I don’t think anyone would argue being a nigger during slavery was much harder than a tranny in 2018.


Not that poster, but men and women are motivated differently hence the reason why girls typically want girl toys and boys want boy toys, why there are correlations for different lifestyle choices like how there are more girl elementary teachers than men, and also just the plain attraction to men.

I am trans bc I feel like I am more accurately defined by a woman's psychology and my mental disordered mind feels the need to be validated as such. I will never deny my biological reality, but I just feel more comfortable seen as a woman.

How did it become federal law for me to buy into your delusion? What happened?

>forcing everyone else to play along with your mental illness,
i didn't realize trannies have this much control over you. you're a weak individual

Google.. Seriously.
Depending in the study their suicide rate vs. regular population is 40-53% higher.

I ageee, nobodies happy with there bodies and if transgenders get free surgery we should too right? But If you really want a reasoning as to why they should get free transition surgery it’s because it’s a mental illness and it helps them deal with it better.But I highly doubt they’d ever get free Insurance on it anyway .

yes forcing you not to discriminate them cry some more those sweet tard tears

These things pop up naturally too though. You can have a completely healthy life, with both parents and no violence, no abuse whatsoever, and still be gay or trans.

We should go back to using aversion therapy and shock therapy on all members of the lgbt.

There are enough people who either support or don't care about transgenderism, for companies to show thier support and make a profit from the tiny group of people who will buy from them simply because of that marketing. There is not enough global support for pedophilia for companies to do the same

nobody is forcing you into anything. federal law is in place to keep assholes like you from discriminating against LGBT because they are LGBT
you can hate fags all you like
you can't interfere with their freedoms just because they're a fag
understand now?

You've convinced me.

Body modification is immoral, and should be treated like a mental illness.

But they ARE interfering.
I don't give two fucks what a person identifies as, so long as they respect my right NOT to buy into their delusion.
I work with a mtf trans and they aren't obnoxious about this shit, so we have zero worksite issues.
It's the usurpation of another's rights to make yourselves feel better that's a piss off. Just be yourself for ffs.

There is no actual evidence to prove that being trans is a mental sickness and maybe being a pedophile isn't a mental illness but it is still wrong and even if you don't agree with people being trans it's not affecting others so who cares.

>people expecting me to treat others with some basic respect is oppression. I'm a VICTIM

You think cutting off he dick, growing tits and taking medication to stop your body from producing hormones that it naturally produces isn’t self harm? It is .most anorexics don’t die of their disease.

so all them people with piercings and tattoos are freaks. i agree. wipe them from the face of the earth

Objectively speaking, as long as a person can technically function in society, i.e., hold down a job (or not, if they prefer), and basically interact without hurting anyone else, they are ok.

Trans people may have all kinds of fucked up personal issues, but they aren't really hurting anybody. Pedos are fucking with people's kids.

I think the radical trans/SJW agenda is way out of control right now, but comparing it to pedophilia is a false parallel.

>But they ARE interfering.
how so?

Fags can't interfere with normal people's freedoms just because they're fags, but they get the federal green light every time. Homophobia ends when the faggots are gone. A fraction of the world population. A statistical speck in an ocean of normalcy. No one would miss it.

you have no right to harass people if you want to claim it's mental illness it's you literally trying to convince a schizo that his deulsions aren't real
it's insulting, lacks empathy and doesn't fucking work
you can't scream at a mental illness untill it goes away

*citation needed