Sometimes I really can't handle the cringe people type on social media it's just too fucking much

Sometimes I really can't handle the cringe people type on social media it's just too fucking much.

feel you user

troll them like a pro and turn that :( into >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

what about stop being a faggot sissy user ? oh my god what a "cringe" generation is this, suicide isn't cringy, you should try it

Nah I'm not suicidal I'm still developing my anti-cringe armor I think it's almost done.

My sister is an absolute fucking embarrassment on social media. I can't bear to look at it. But I still get friends/family saying 'omg have you seen what your sister has put on Facebook lolz '. I can't get away from it.

> what is 2025 - 7?
> answer? 2018
> still having a Faceberg
> pick one

But really though, life is honestly so much better without it. I used to laugh at people that would say that, cuz I'd think, "ha, you are THAT affected by social media that your life could actually improve by removing it?" But it does. And it's not even just opposing political posts that are most bothersome or even seeing peoples pictures/posts that make it seem like their life is so much better than yours, it's something else that I can't explain. Haven't really pin pointed what it is, yet. But then again, I shouldn't really be surprised by that last fact because every day, it seems like more & more articles are published that expose Facebook for using all sorts of slimy artificial intelligence and allowing third-party advertisers to more accurately target you, etc. etc. etc. So, yeah, I'm so much happier living a more isolated life and I think most other people would be, too. Not TOO isolated, but with just a little more limited exposure.

tl;dr: fuck globalism. nationalism for the win.

Totally agree user

I can barely scroll through facebook anymore. Every pathetic human plea for attention and love makes me cringe

BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so

I am on the brink of giving up on this social media shit.

your life will probably be a lot better without it

OP why are you on social media

Post some examples? Like are we just talking unfunny normalfag humor?

well then what the fuck are you reading that shit stupid for fagget? it's your own fault.

I was with you until the last line but you can shove the "muh globalism" bogeyman up your ass. Speaking of fucking cringe, man... Facebook does suck though.

It's not in english but I was really talking about people in general. I don't remember shit being that bad when I was a kid. I just feel the cringe developing as the years go by. I can fucking see my dumbass facebook friends live-stream themselves smoking pot and literally telling on chat where they're getting that shit from and what they're about to do next. That's next level cringe..

It's kind of a mixture of things someone's grandmother would have posted circa 2002, hippie crap, ridiculous political statements that alienate half her friends, snobbery, bad poetry, selfies wear she wears more make up than a drag queen, and photos that she's taken of me without my knowledge where I look like Ed Miliband in the bacon sandwich photo. I could go on.


cringe has never gone out of style

lest we forget

