Was it faked?

Was it faked?

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no faggot.

no. now stop being an idiot or get yourself sterilized so we don't have more of you


Yes. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are liars and thieves and made a lot of money off thier hoax, as well as all the NASA exectuives.

Fakes. Fuck Aldrin and Armstrong. Con artists

No you moron. The moon isn't that far away.

i mean it's pretty far away compared to anywhere you've ever gone

No, it wasn't faked.

>Tons of evidence we landed men on the moon in 1969 including third party verification

>no actual evidence of a conspiracy or that it was faked

Almost every conspiracy claim about this has been thoroughly debunked. Prove me wrong.


ok but can you personally disprove flat earth
all images can be edited

Show me the debunks?
How's it been 3rd party confirmed? By what means.
No man has walked on the moon, fact

>ok but can you personally disprove flat earth
>all images can be edited
The Earth is indeed flat.

>Go to beach
>Look straight ahead
>Flat horizon
>Problem solved. Earth is flat.


>Hop on plane
>Ground is flat
>Problem solved.

Earth is flat.


Yes anybody who disagrees is in denial or lazy

Fake as fuck.
America was losing the space race badly, more and more people started joining the hippy socialist movements.
America needed to make a big play to get it's shithole under control.


what do you mean, show me the debunks? You have to present a piece of 'evidence' for the conspiracy, then i'll show you the debunk for it.

google moon landing third party evidence, you'll find it all there.

It's actually a fact that man has walked on the moon. Like, loads actually.

View Earth during an eclipse. Realize how many dumbasses believe the Earth is flat.

Go to a mountain range...earth is lumpy, no longer flat.. you are STILL dumb as the rocks....

And Russia and China just rolled over and accepted it? Yeah, I dont think so...

This thread is bait

OP is President of NAMBLA

Does it matter?

Dumb asses that accept the results of real time GPS bouncing off satillites we can actually see orbiting the earth. As well as track and follow as it orbits the entire sphere...there is no winning against this kind of stupid....they are monty python "just a flesh wound" levels of stupid...

>OP is President of NAMBLA
I would liek to join pleaze...



I mean, the conspiracists have to do some real logical acrobatics to explain how we faked the moon landings, but Russia either didn't realise (even to this day) or did find out but decided not to say anthing (I presume as part of a BIGGER conspiracy??). Makes no fucking sense.

Why? You were going to space either way.


it was all just a film but the director was picky so he wanted to do it on site

Yes. The space race was bullshit. A distraction. All a
Space agencies across the world are fucking full of shit and brainwashing people.

how was the space race bullshit? You sir, seem very uninformed.

we travelled all that way to the moon first instead of going to like mars or Saturn

Go back to your farm....milk a cow or fuck a sheep....be useful...

No, it wasn't faked. Just the sheer number of people that were involved would make that all but impossible. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."
No way it could have been faked and no one has spilled the beans in 49 years,

None at all....but we are not arguing with mental giants here...

>Was it faked?
Of course it wasn't faked.

Google "telescope view moon landing site".

Sure, lots of images are from NASA, but really, anyone with access to a telescope can look at those sites.

>anyone with access to a telescope can look at those sites.
Nope, not quite.
"One of the most common questions asked by the public when we’re looking at the moon through a telescope is why we can’t we see the American flags or any other sign of Apollo with the Hubble Space Telescope. It IS the most powerful telescope, right? Here’s the rub. The smallest possible thing Hubble can see on the moon is about 328 feet across or the length of a football field. While impressive feat of resolution, no Apollo spacecraft comes anywhere near that size. Every piece of man-made hardware is below the space telescope’s resolution limit.
The trick to seeing flags and other details is not necessarily a bigger telescope; it’s getting a camera in orbit close to the moon. That’s what the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s been doing for past few years. Its cameras can record objects 1.6 feet across. Lots of things, including lunar descent modules, experiments placed there by astronauts and even their footpaths come into focus in LRO’s eye.

no, you can get signals back off a mirror we placed up there. you can see stuff we left on Chinese satellite imagery

that ball looks nothing like earth. who the fuck doesn't know how to properly draw the continents

Seen what it takes to a rocket in the air? how would they have done that on the moon to get back to earth? must have been fake

Alex, I'll take Lunar Excursion Module for $400...
>Ignorant fuck

There were eyewitnesses...

You're stupid, how did they launch off the moon and flew back to earth?


If you can't be fucked to do 3 minutes worth of reading, I can't be fucked to educate your ignorant ass.

Yeah the fact that I live in the US and have been to Australia due to Military reasons. If you look at the moon in AS, you'll notice that it's flipped from what you'd see in the US. Because you went from the northern to the southern hemisphere. IE: The other side of the fucking planet.

Top kek


That's one of the best ways to debunk these crazy, worldwide conspiracies I've ever heard. +1 internet point

You can point a laser at the moon and have it reflect back from the mirrors they placed up there to do just that


Your own image says nasa-take, nashaw-decieve. NASA took man to the moon.

Um, NASA is an acronym. Why would they do this intentionally if they were trying to hide that space is fake?

google image search "nro badges" and tell me why the biggest government funded space organization on earth is putting out these badges? then tell me again why nasa wouldn't do this in a more subliminal way.

forgot picture (this is not fake)

Watch anything go over the horizon, and watch. You see less of the object, of course, it kinda sinks into the earth. The last you can see in the very top of it, proving round. If flat, the object would recede on the same shape, just getting smaller all around it.

I'll admit, this is quite a sinister badge for a space mission, but what exactly do you think this proves?

Thanks for great post bro


It makes plenty of sense but nice strawman. These countries are already working together to keep dumbasses like y'all sedated and controlled. Too scared of other countries to question what all your tax dollars get wasted on. Why would the Russians have opposed it? The objective of taking the moon landing was getting everybody to become enlightened atheist cucks. Even kids nowadays spout bullshit propaganda like "there's too many people on earth to be sustained bla bla". If the population is called do you think you'll be one of the lucky ones?

>translation: “I could tell you … but then I'd have to kill you”

so you think the National Reconnaissance Office (which almost gets the same funds as the cia) will put this out in plain sight, but nasa will not even put some hard to figure out hiddem meaning in their name?

Leave it to Reddit to suck NASA's dick

I'm still not entirely sure what you think the hidden message behind the badge is, I guess it could symbolize them spreading their control, but I'm not sure.

Fuck I hope not, I got a Masters degree in Space Studies. Buzz came and lectured several times, I can promise he believes he was there. (And I do too because we were there)

>doesn't include a strawpoll link in the OP

Of course it's real

what hidden meaning? i posted the translation of the badge in the post. it translates to "I could tell you … but then I'd have to kill you"
does this sound sane for a government organization? what makes you think nasa is any better?

I got you

this picture is real. the diffuse lighting partical spreading and the type of shadow it creates is only possible on the moon and cannot be replicated by technologies back then.


that faggot is the nazi?

Who said this picture had to be taken back then? It could have been created recently with modern photo editing software.


reacting with a serious answer to this entry-level of trolling makes me wonder if you are intelligent enough to evaluate the authenticity of the moon landing.

>taking Sup Forums seriously

von brown

shit you're right i'm retarded

no, there are footprints and bags of astronaut shit at the six landing sites. Also hundreds of kilos of lunar rocks brought back and studied at labs around the world.

moon landing faked just to win the whole space war thingy

I dont think you realize how far saturn or mars is do you?

Using logic, I would say yes... and no. The point is they been to the moon but, what they show on tv the first time tho, was a staging fake. Think about it, would you take the risk to show 3 American crash landing on the moon if anything went wrong? They had to make it before the Russian. The best way to go was to send people and also fake the actual thing. Better of the two world. That's only my opinion about it. I have no proof.

>hundreds of kilos of lunar rocks brought back


1) Go to the beach and watch a ship sail over the edge.

2) If you understand basic fucking geometry you can prove to yourself with a couple of sticks and a calculator that the earth is not flat like the Greeks did literally 4,000 years ago.

the greeks were in league with nasa to alter history wake up sheeple

It happened. But those pics where faked. Everything you saw was faked. It was insurance in case of failure. Live streaming from the moon in 1969? Are you fucking retarded? EJACULATE IT. EER FATTY BOOM BOOM HIT ME WITH A CHING CHING.

The astronauts put a type of reflector on the surface. To this day, if you shine a powerful laser at it, it will shine back. Also, you can tell that the shadows are parallel because the sun is millions of miles away, and because an angle of sunlight gets wider as it gets further away. It would have been too expensive and not worth it to create the evidence needed. You’re wrong, faggot.

>like the Greeks did literally 4,000 years ago.

believing in a history psy-op. greeks never existed. greeks are just a cover-up to hide the advanced black civilization which was the real "greeks". history is white-washed by aristocratic jews. we really were kings and whites are scared of this fact, because it would shake their whole world-view.

omg i know right damn whites ruining muh history

The Soviets (the fucking competitors) and several other countries including France and Australia admitted to believing it had happened.

You don’t understand the Flat Earth physics.
1) That’s because the horizon is always at eye level with the viewer.
2) Flat Earthers believe the sun is above the Earth and moves in a circle above, near the equator.

How gravity works on a flat earth is still a mystery to me though.

checked, and a ganster quote even though

checked back

" Between 1969 and 1972 six Apollo missions brought back 382 kilograms (842 pounds) of lunar rocks, core samples, pebbles, sand and dust from the lunar surface"

citation needed

Go to roof of a tall building and jump.

suicide is forbidden faggot, do you even pythagoras

No I've been there, that's what its like.

I recognize...