R34 versions of dumb comics

R34 versions of dumb comics.

can't believe i'm actually saying this but.. sauce? is there more?



Bump, there's got to be moar of this.


who's the artist?

Why the fuck did it give me a boner


I like these.



Looks like Owlturd comics

Holy fuck I need more

Sup Forums wont let me keep posting these

Last one I have

those are actually pretty good

It's funny because Shen is the cuck of cucks and the fact he's popular in pop culture means we live in the age of the cuck.

Bump for moar.

Now we need to do one of these where a white knight guy is trying to improve this girl's life, but then a black "cuck" embodiment shows up and starts fucking him while she takes the D from self-hatred, abandonment, and thoughts of suicide.

Found more boys


Fuck you OP, I've read all of these and now I can feel an erection coming on. fuck

>the bike
Ive never ejaculated while laughing but today might be the day

Any with male Owlturd? ...For science, of course.

Instantly makes comic 120% better. Any version of bike cuck one yet?

Scrapping the barrel right now boys

Last cuck fuck i can find

I thank you, he's very cute as a girl.

Well, I know what I'm fapping to when I get home

anybody got "Assigned Male" rape porn. That faggot deserves it

This is 4 chan

How can happiness even compete?

Bump for more

Any more?

I am.

These are great wtf



These are spectacular, more?

Is there any loss r34?
