Tips on cheating without getting caught?

Tips on cheating without getting caught?

Cheating on a significant other, not on school tests or shit like that.

Pic hopefully related sooner rather than later.

fuck another person without them knowing

Why not just leave her, then fuck around all you want?

its easy. just don't fucking tell anyone anything.

most people get caught because they're morons that invite their new lover over to their house, they use text messages to communicate, dumb shit like that.

just take the bitch to a hotel, use something like kik to talk, and don't ever give any information about your other relationship. bitches will try to learn info so they can create drama.

also, since you're already planning on something, you're probably going to make the first and worst mistake. don't fuck someone you both know. idiot.

That's the destination. I need help on the journey.

Kik seems to be the go to method. Been a while since I had to go meet anyone though, that's another tricky part.

If you're going to cheat you need to

> ALWAYS CHEAT WITH SOMEONE IN A LONGTERM RELATIONSHIP. Your life will be so much better if you do.

However if she is single then follow these tips to the fucking letter
> Be upfront - if it is just sex, say so.
> Break it off if/once "feels" set in. If she starts pressing for more time or to "go out", you need to break it off right then. She wants more and this will only turn out bad for you.
> Never fucking lie and say shit like "I love you" or give her/him any reason to think it is more than banging.
>Don't hide shit you do with your wife/gf and never give your mistress a reason to think you are unhappy with your wife/gf. This will give her hope that something more will come from this.
> Don't ever get jealous of your mistress banging dudes. This will piss her off and remind her of the double standard.
> For the love of fucking god, dont piss off your mistress. If you have an argument, take the L. You have to tell yourself is winning the fight worth her outing you to your girl?

I know my shit, I have been cheating for 5 years and just ended a two year affair.


And always be sure your phone is clean. If she has some doubts she will check your phone

Don't cheat, seriously don't fucking do it.
one of my one night stand whores attempted to trap me with a kid, told me to marry her or never see the kid (I've never seen the kid).
It destroyed the relationship I was in and 25% of every pay check since.

Use condoms

And make sure you bring your own, don't use the one whores provide or you end up like me

You're an idiot for giving your real name or not properly vetting the person you're going to cheat with. If you're going to cheat you need to be picky, you can't fuck just anyone and expect shit will all fucking rosy for you.

Very good advice, thank you

Because she doesn't know the size?

communicate with you S/O and why you feel this way?

gotta keep your lies simple so u can keep them straight. always plan your excuses in advance.

No because they sabotage them so then can trap men with kids.

Just to clarify, why cheat with someone in a longterm relationship?

a long term relationship as a sugar daddy works if you've got a spare car payment to spend.

Stop being a literal retard
If you aren't satisfied in your current relationship, just end it and fuck the other person
Unless you're just using them, then you're pretty much a faggot anyway

retard you'll get caught eventually but i doubt you'll care

break up with your significant other and do as you please. done, easy enough.

if you really care about being caught, dont cheat. If your GF would spy on you or is a jealous bitch, marry her and be faithfull or leave her right now before things get ugly.

Because they stand to lose as much as you do, if not more, dumbfuck. Married women are the best, then engaged, and so forth.

Spotted the guy who's been cheated on by every gf

You're a genuine shitload.

When a decent human being decides they are uninterested in their partner:

1) Talk to your partner about why this happened
2) Cut off the Relationship

You really are a pile of shit for asking advice on this though.

Good luck with life you fucking trash

rape is the answer.

Not the OP of that truly incredible advice, but it’s because they are in a long term relationship that they probably don’t want to fuck it up (just like you). Less likely to go crazy and try to bust you out because then they will end their relationship too.

Thank you for the words of wisdom!

>t. 27 yo virgin

it's hard to actually cheat without leaving a trail behind you, but once you actually see the opportunity and take a shot at it, you're going to be tempted to take pics, leave messages, do it more than once with the same person


the moment you get cocky, you're dead

If you’re serious on this make sure you don’t change any of your behaviors or habits. This is a lot harder to do than you’d think, women have a sixth sense about this shit, you’ll be busted in no time.

Take the L?

Don't get caught. Make sure they are in completely different circles. If your SO is out of state then you are in luck and pretty much have free range. Tell the hoes you are just looking to "have some fun, nothing serious"

sound advice

If you genuinely care for someone and/or love them, sometimes cheating discreetly is the best thing you can do for them (so you don’t damage their self worth etc)
Don’t listen to this white knight who has prob never been married

Buy a burn phone, don't fucking tell anyone (friends, strangers, etc), HAVE A SOLID FUCKING ALIBI, don't hang onto the chick for too long.

Just be fucking smart, don't let the dick start calling the fundamental shots.

Oh shit maybe I spoke too soon... after reading your post OP I didn’t immediately realize that you had lost interest in your partner (I thought you were trying to cheat discreetly bc you cared for your significant other)

the loss mate

How neat.. both my posts ended in 68

How the fuck was anyone supposed to decipher that from the letter L?
Is it an Aussie thing mate?

Take the loss.

As in lose the "argument."

Prostitute. Regular sluts can't be trusted.

1. Get a burner phone keep it at work. If you must, keep it under the seat in your car. That way any time it's found. You can say it's your male friends he left it when you were with him.

2. Get a hobby, one that can have you out of the house for hours. Golf works great. So does fishing.

3. Never in your own home.

4. Use cash or get a reloadable visa card you can put cash in for hotel rooms, lunches and dinners.

5. Always meet during the day, you don't need an alibi to be out doing shit during the day.

6. Give your lover a personal hygiene kit. That has your brand of soap, your deodorant, your toothpaste. Have her bring that when you meet.

7. Don't lie to the side chick. If she knows she's a side chick she won't rat you out. And talk about your significant other with her that way its always on her mind that you are not here's and she is the side chick.

Good luck.

Ahhh, cheers. Thanks for being so informative with all this.
Would you say your perception of women having any value has decreased over time/ become less empathetic towards them?
Basically has cheating for so long had any effects on you, positive or negative?


Yep. The best way to scratch the seven-year itch.

He’s not wrong
Best prostitutes are friends or personal aquaintances

cheating is not worth it because the guilt will never go away and there is always that chance you'll get caught.

people who cheat are people who want their cake and wanna eat it too.

>Getting a cake
>Not being able to eat your own cake

First hand experience, prostitutes, prostitutes, prostitutes. More than likely you'll be spending money on the new girl anyway. Prostitutes don't give a FUCK if you're in a relationship, and as long as your're not retarded and use a condom, shit will be peachy keen. Unless you're doing it for some weird emotional connection, then dump current s/o and fuck around all you want and don't be a twat.

The best way to cheat without getting caught? Don't fucking get in a relationship. They're a waste of time and money. Stay single and just go out and fuck some random bitch when you want to.

True, plus with all the dating apps this day, as long as you're not socially retarded and morbidly obese, you can get your dick wet.

Be really blatant. The sneakier you are, the more likely you are to slip up and get caught.

If you are you asked, "Are you fucking so-and-so?" answer, "Of course I am!" She'll just think you're being sarcastic.

You're gonna fail. Sooner or later the one you cheat with catches feelings and you're fucked.

Go to bed grandpa.

this. Only difference is you save the girls name as a dude. then texting is less dangerous.

I understood what the user was saying without an explanation. Americunt here.


Would anyone here say their perception of women having any value has decreased over time/ become less empathetic towards them?
Basically has cheating for so long had any effects on you, positive or negative?

Go to an AMP.


Asian Massage Parlor

You're a piece of shit if you're thinking about cheating.

You have two choices: Leave your SO and fuck all you want.

Stay with your SO and don't fucking let your dick lead you like the fucking primate you are.

You will get caught eventually