Donald Trump

Donald Trump.
Worst President Ever?

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Worst President was Woodrow Wilson.


1. Wilson
2. Trump

He was second.
Obama is more of a globalist cucklord than Wilson.

>waaah Obama waaah


that would be obama


One thing about Obama though, he paved the way for the first orange president, civil rights hero.

>waaaah Trump waaaah

It's been 1 year.
Come back in 7 and see if he's:
Doubled the national debt
Agitated society with race baiting
Killed thousands of people with "precision" drone strikes.
Funded and otherwise supported radical islamic terror groups
Supplied a fucking cartel with weapons which were then used to kill US citizens on US soil
Had people killed to cover up his dirty secrets (Reggie Love).

inb4 tinfoil.
all you have is ad hominem attacks and shrill non-arguments.

the fact that he's been reduced to a semi-popular meme is satisfying.
i'm sure that narcissistic cunt is just dying without all the attention and power.
fucking traitor.

>Killed thousands of people with "precision" drone strikes.
oh so you care about faceless brown people in "shithole" countries then?
>Had people killed to cover up his dirty secrets
i think most people are onto Trump at this point.


>i'm sure that narcissistic cunt is just dying without all the attention and power.
This is Trump in 2020 when the dems win lol

>I'm super mad!
That's exactly why we put Trump in office, he is doing the job we wanted.

>Meme an incompetent idiot that reasonable people get mad at into office just for the lulz
Trump is gonna cut off your NEETbux y'know, you won't be laughing for too long.

>I am also mad!
Enjoy 7 more years of Trump!

Antisémite !!

cant wait for this fucking puppet to get arrested.

>INB4 alt right cucks sucking Donald's tiny shriveled dick while screeching "Fake News!" between slurps

All jokes aside, what the fuck were you expecting by posting this user? Here's the facts

He sucks yeah, but he's not going anywhere unless he dies or the Russia shit actually gets somewhere. Is he the worst president in the history of the US? Probably not. For fucks sake, are you forgetting about past presidents that allowed things such as the killing of thousands of innocent Japanese lives, the killing off of Native Americans in the US (and the ways they accomplished this) or even presidents that were for slavery?

He's a shithead a lot of the time, sure. He made that stupid tax bill that's doing nothing more than helping the wealthy, he's said some fucked up things, he's helping out banks he's in debt with, and his Twitter is a fucking mess. But for God's sake, stop fucking whining about it and just get these next 2 1/2 years over with. Alt left retards like you shout this shit all the time all while screaming at Trump for bringing up the Hillary bullshit (Which we should be over with, like this bullshit debate)

>alt left
fake news
also Trump coined this bullshit in the wake of Charlottesville were he wanted to be "impartial" - not talk bad about his nazi fanbase.
>muh leftists agression
>women force men to rape them
same ugly logic.

That's simply not true. By saying that you might as well say that there's no such thing as an extremism of a belief or logic. There's Islamic extremism, there's Christian extremism, there's left wing extremism, and there's right wing extremism.

I'm left wing, and I'm fucking ashamed of the shit that liberals have been doing in the past few years. Instead of hearing other opinions, we all just wanna out shriek each other. We want to scream about female rights and black lives matter and cause fucking chaos while completely missing what's right in front of our faces. Alt left people are just as bad as alt right people. They're fueled by hatred and anyone who disagrees with them might as well not even be a human fucking being to them. You want your movement to actually gain some fucking traction? Take lessons from MLK. Look at what the fuck he did and what he accomplished. That's liberalism at work. Now look at modern day liberals. How many times have we had protests turn to riots? For fucks sake, we lost the lives of men and women in blue in Dallas a few years ago just because they were cops. Don't try and hit me with that "Oh there's no such thing as alt left! It's a trump word!!" bullshit. I hate him just as much as you do, trust me. But there's without a doubt an alt left that exists. The media loves to prey on extremisms and it's what will cause this country's down fall.

>Worst President Ever?
Not if you are an Israeli, or a profiteer in the American military industrial complex.(yes, redundant, I know)

Otherwise, yes. He's an inbred piece of trailer trash ... with money.
He' still stinks of shit and should be in chains eating shit off the floor or a shithouse.

Stfu you dumbass.

It's been 1 year and your faggott ass is still suckin Obama's dick. Are you that much of a "libtard" that you gotta keep bringing up Obama? Get ur shit together, faggot.

The worst president ever is James Buchanan and any other answer is just plain wrong, period.

Worst of the past century is almost certainly Warren Harding.

Beyond that, what do you consider worst? Someone ineffective at legislating like Carter, or someone very effective at damaging the country? If the latter, I'd argue Nixon/Reagan/Clinton are the big terrible 3 of the post-war era.

Nah, Roosevelt, bitch couldnt even walk

Every fucking president we'be had
Worst presidents ever?
>inb4 hurrdurr nuh-uh
Every president we'be had has been trash talked and has been labeled the worst.

Eloquently put. Say faggot a few more times though, it'll really drive your point home and make people see just how serious you are.

This nigger knows what he's talking about.

There's nothing for you ITT.

Oh, I get it. Lincoln for freeing the slaves, Carter because 1-term Democrat & "Peanut Framer" (hurr hurr every neocon fucko makes this retarded quip), FDR because he was a cripple, Wilson because ... okay Wilson was a trash president #facts, and Obama because he's a Black Muslim for Kenya who wants to oppress the White Man.

Here's a better list:

1. Trump - No business being a politician. None whatsoever. Fraud, cunt, rapist, money launderer for Russian oligarchs (via his property & "failed" business ventures/interests).
2. Nixon - Actual criminal & traitor. Resigned before impeachment re:Watergate.
3. Bush - Patriot Act, 2 simultaneous invasions in Iraq & Afghanistan. Lack of banking regulation precipitated the 2008 GFC, which half fucked an entire generation in the ass.
4. Calvin Coolridge - Small government conservative, his policies basically instigated the 1929 Stock Market Crash that fucked an entire generation in the ass.
5. Ronald Reagan - Contra, Reaganomics, dementia in his last several years of his 2nd term meant that he wasn't fit for office (much like a certain orange-coated conman; Reagan didn't have dentures or a man diaper, though). Charismatic man, complete bald-faced fraud.

the president did 9/11

Sucked Jew cock
Murdered millions of innocent Iranians.
Wait and see faggot.


I'll argue for obama. Not because of the usual insane ramblings about him not being an but think about it. He expanded bombing operations from Yemen to Pakistan and aided in the destabilization of Libya and Syria, but for the actions of his administration it is likely the migrant crisis would not have happened. He expanded spying on not only US citizens but also on foreigners to the extent that leaders of allied states like Germany were being spied on and citizens data was being collected by private corporations . Obamacare, the one good chance the US had to manage the issue of universal healthcare and instead of either doing it properly or not doing it at all he put together some half assed attempt just so he could slap his name on it, in the future whenever anybody attempts to bring about real single payer the failure of obama care will be used to kill it before it makes it to the floor. Not to mention he left the country so damaged and divided that a walking meme was elected as the publics fuck you to the government. It is likely for this that he will be viewed as Buchanan (the other contender for worst president) as the person whose actions and inaction led to civil war.

"eleventy-one thousand, zero hundred, and forty-twelve '

>Using le kike pupet picture
Embassy move delayed.

And he is making the Economy Grows, im sure that he will make the US build a lunar base after 2020

If we have another civil war in the US, it is absolutely going to be on Nixon/Atwater (and to a lesser extent Reagan) than anyone else in this century.

Lincoln because led nation into a fucking 4 year civil war. If you think he "freed the slaves" then you have zero reading comprehension skills as the Emancipation Proclamation only freed southern slaves.

Carter because of his whiny "malaise" bullshit and pussy footing around with the Iranians.

Obama because he's a fucking fraud with a cult of retards like yourself who refuse to see that he was basically Black W. (He sure did start a lot of conflicts, rack up debt, and sign shitty legislature like the Patriot Act), but hey, do what you always do and chalk any and all criticisms up to racism or Islamophobia.

FDR because he let Pearl Harbor happen and was a communist pussy. It has zero to do with ableism.

As for your list, most historians and anyone with half a brain would say you can't call a president the worst ever until they've served their term. Activist judges and other faggots cock blocking his every move are not evidence of failure, they're evidence of widespread corruption and croneyism in every branch of government.

Nixon, criminal, not a traitor though. Again, read a fucking book. Fun fact: Nixon started the Philadelphia Plan which was the pilot plan and catalyst for Affirmative Action. He also started the EPA

Bush- Agreed, he was a turd, but not a top 5 chud. Obama doubled down on every single thing you listed, so you must concede that he and Obama can at least tie for a place on your own list.

Coolidge. Agree, he sucked.

Reagan: Contra was Ollie North, not him. How was he a "Fraud"? You think some leftist pussy would've gotten the Berlin Wall torn down with David Hasselhoff dancing on top of the thing? Nah. That's all Reagan. I think Reaganomics were hilarious. If you don't, it's because you're some spineless, shit-kicking prole without the motivation to do anything productive or constructive. Judging by your words and education level, I can assume you're just another fuck up waiting for a hand out.
Stay mad.

>wait and see

I'm really looking forward to see what hysterical bullshit you and your cucklord friends at vice and buzzfeed have cooked up now.

Is it peeing russian hookers? Or spying russian hackers? Is it manbearpig? It's manbearpig, isn't it?

Too early to say but so far hes looking pretty good since the economy wont stop breaking records and ISIS is being decimated thanks to him allowing the Mattis to work with Russia. Also the tax breaks are a pretty big deal. Thats really all average people care about at the end of the day: money back in their pocket. He stands a good chance of being reelected since the dems are a complete mess right now and all they really have going for them is "we're not drumpf lol". Hillary fucking ruined that party after obama bankrupted them lmao. Worst presidents were bush jr and sr, and therefor obama, since he basically continued where bush jr left off. Trump has already destroyed his shitty globalist legacy.

Oh i must also add trump being relatively non-interventionist. Thats a big one that people seem to forget with all the memes flying around.

When will Sup Forumstards learn that Sup Forums is now used to shape public opinion like facebook and twitter? Not Your Personal Army, sage grows in all fields.

>Is it manbearpig? It's manbearpig, isn't it?
The lack of self awareness is delicious.

Obama = Bush but in different color i dont wanna get in much details but they failed on local and world politics , the only difference was one didn't look like complete retard while doing it
Trump is far not the worst . his just rly bad in his political ways
his to brute and old, for the position he is
pretty much his the right side version of Bernie
the last US presidential elections were clown fiesta
everyone was gonna do bad , at least ppl picked up the most entertaining clown

Drumpf has dementia
fucking idiot can't even remember his real name.

>not being able to distinguish between legitimate hysterics and sarcasm
The lack of a brain is hilarious.

Aside from being a career criminal, he doesn't have the slightest fucking clue what he's doing as he turns America into a conservative shithole.

it's pissing russian hacker hookers working with the jooze because trump is illuminazi!

autism at work

still nothing compared to the obama-clinton cartel's list.

Nixon was absolutely a traitor. The Chennault Affair to sabotage the Paris Peace talks was the most clear act of treason by a US president in history. It not only lead to 4 more years of a losing war in Vietnam and the fall of Saigon but likely even played a decisive role in the Cambodian genocide when he spilled the war over into Cambodia. Watergate was child's play next to that.

Lincoln didn't lead anyone into civil war, the South seceded before he took office because they had close to a century of getting to call the complete shots at the federal level despite making up less than half the population. The minute a Northerner won, they took their chips and left before they even let him govern a day and it was on Buchanan to not put down the rebellion and allow it to escalate into a civil war.

Obama isn't noteworthy.

FDR is literally the father of the developed world. Republicans were the isolationists then, FDR would have declared war on the Axis years earlier if it were up to him and any credible historian agrees.

Bush II was terrible for the Iraq war and the power vacuum it left and the refugee crisis that is feeding the far right in Europe and destabilizing the western world. But true, he doesn't belong in top 5.

I suppose we both agree on Coolidge. Fuck that guy.

Reagan fundamentally changed America. He turned the US from a true developed country like Europe (which we had been since the '30s) into Dubai with a larger population. Clinton did too. They were functionally very similar with a different PR strategy. Seems everyone hates one or the other. They both suck pretty equally.

not an actual counter argument, but thanks for trying.


This. Obama and Bush ultimately were the same.
Obamas doctor recently gave him a perfect score on his mental and physical health. Whatever...

ORLY, where is that list?

It's understated just how evil the GOP is.

That list is moronic. Only a partisan democrat lemming would look at that and think otherwise.

Drumpf is fat and has dementia

you mixed up your letters again go back to Sup Forums autist

>Donald Trump.
>Worst President Ever?

Hell no!
How could he be?
The guy is a fucking genius!
fuckin' G E N I U S!
He even said so himself and everyone knows what it means when someone tells everyone they area genius......

well, his supporters probably don't, but everyone else, people with at least high school diplomas know... they should.
Probably not though.

Both establisment parties are fucking dogshit, which is why you should support Trump. Hes a total outsider, they hate him. Also the democrats are becoming more of a corrupt corporate party than the GOP, times are changing.

>crying about politically incorrect on fucking b


Could you be any more obvious? Fuck off back to your safe space

>being this much of an sjw faggot

>libcucks literally denying science
There are only 2 genders.

First day or something?


Has he done anything he said he would do before he became president?

The south seceded, but that narcissistic homo was far more worried about his legacy than the freedom of slaves. Why do you think he let his homies up north keep their field hands?

Obama isn't noteworthy? You must be kidding. Who else presided so poorly over such a shitty 8 year period? Bush and FDR definitely come to mind and neither of them were as treacherous or inept as Obama and Bush was a bonafide tard.

A couple examples:
Gay night club gets shot up by a dude yelling "allahu akbhar", but Obama (as fucking always) refuses to even acknowledge that aspect of the story and makes it about gun control instead of radical islam or homophobic violence. Somehow, liberals see nothing wrong with that.
He and Holder hatch a plan to fucking give guns to Mexican cartels who then use them to murder US citizens. If he'd been a republican, he would've been crucified, but he's Chocolate Jesus, the media darling and political guru. He does no wrong. Him blowing thousands of kids to pieces with his little remote control planes is A-ok because *he's* doing it. There's a whole different criteria and rule book for that twat.

We seem to agree on quite a few points though, so that's cool, but goddamn is the Lincoln mythology total bullshit. He was the 19th century obama; a total cunt inexplicably and unconditionally beloved despite numerous personal and political shortcomings.

Anyone who hates trump is a left wing faggot, or transgender


It won't matter which presidents policies led to the divide between the left and right (pro-tip it's probably the left since the right tends to be reactive in nature) what will matter is that the left and right became more and more divided while racial issues were flaring under Obama and he either failed to notice or failed to act. Like Buchanan he had an opportunity to take the actions needed to try to address the issues and he didn't. This is the explicit reason Buchanan is generally considered by historians to be the worst president in history, nothing is really remembered about his intentions or the contributing factors laid out by the presidents before him, all that is remembered is that he was aware of the growing divide between the pro-slavery south and the abolitionist north and he did nothing about it.

Nixon was a traitor though, and this fact has been known for over 3 years. Here's a link, educate yourself:

Didn't said that Nixon never did anything good for the country.

FDR was bad because he "let Pearl Harbor happen"? You mean he had advanced knowledge and decided "Eh, some people gotta die to get the US into the war"? Fuck outta here, wingnut. File that away with the 9/11 conspiracy theories.

>your whole Reagan speel

Wow. I know that neocons love them some Reagan, but I often forget how hard they'd tug the dick for this guy. I said he was a fraud because he lied about Iran-Contra until proven wrong, and then his response was "Well, ya done caught me. Shucks." then burned a fuckload of evidence and had Bush Sr. pardon the convictions. Fraud. EFF, ARR, AYE, YOU, DEE. Geddit?

I concentrated the list to 1920 onwards; the past 100 years. All-time since the creation of the union? Buchanen, Wilson, Andrew Johnson, Coolridge, Harding. Roughly. Makes no sense to go back +200 years, though.

Obama is a good/bad president ... he's one of the most polarizing. The original "ObamaCare" would have been good, but in a GOP-dominated House, and a 5-4 conservative Supreme Court, hard to get a lot of things done. He continued a lot of Bush-era policies because it was the only way to get anything passed. It's an issue Trump is up against, and he's signing Executive Order after Executive Order to make it seem like shit's getting done, when in reality, it's being slowly unraveled in Congress.

I'd have more to say, but I'm done blasting - I want to eat my dinner now.

yes, no argument needed.

Martin Luther king isn’t even his real name. He culturally appropriated the Martin Luther part of his name from the man that actually created the idea of egalitarianism and changed the world. Why am I not surprised at a black man stealing something at this point...

>be cuck
>cry about no one knowing my genders
eat a bag of dicks snowflake

>Donald Trump.
>BEST President Ever?


>which is why you should support Trump. Hes a total outsider
He is a republican

fucking shill go to sleep nobody likes you


What a low quality bunch of shit.
As a wife, she publicly slandered and shamed her husbands dozens of sexual assault victims.
As a mother, she spawned Chelsea Clinton
As an attorney, she knowingly got a guilty pedo exonerated, then laughed about it later when questioned.
As senator, she was a corrupt turd engaging in pay-for-play schemes at the state/federal level.
As secretary of state, she did the same at the national level.
As first lady, she was a fucking tyrant who regularly verbally abused White House staff and Secret Service agents assigned to her protective detail.

As for Trump, don't you think "crimelord" is a little over-the-top? Rapist? Maybe. Tax Cheat? Maybe. Draft Dodger? Maybe, but it's always ironic to see liberal pussies whine about that one.
Traitor? Shrill, fake news from butthurt liars at HuffPo, WaPo, and Salon.

Trump is certainly a cunt, but this is one lazy and easily defeated meme. Back to MSpaint.

Lower taxes, boost economy, fuck up isis, tighten border security, cut tpp are a few that immediately come to mind.
Great post. Dont forget he won a nobel peace prize while blowing civilians and kids up with drones but then shed tears when there was a shooting.


obama makes the top 5 for worst ever

the absolute state of Trumpanzees.

He should reveal all the secret black projects they have been working on for years!!

Yes, only in name you fucking retard. The establishment dems and reps hate him.

Thanks for the (You) glad I could get under your skin hysterical conservative. I'm going to go back to reading Vice and eating healthy.

Yeah. It's common enough knowledge that it's taught in university and graduate level history courses. He knew it was coming, but knew the casualties would be a good excuse for war and war bounced our economy out once before that century. What are you, 16?
Go eat your fucking ham and cheese hot pocket, faggot.


Sorry I couldn't hear you. Maybe try taking your dad's cock out of your mouth

>le absolute state maymay
You realize youre using a pol meme right? And did you really just unironically use trumpanzee? Pic related is you btw

Yeah of course, he is a total loser

you're mad because he's right.
the only people hating on him are lefty fucktards who were busy trashing the country to promote the interests of muslims and the lgbt faggotry.

God damn. It'd be great if those two groups were left. Just a nation of sexual deviants being murdered and enslaved by knuckle dragging sand niggers. Lmfao. Liberals think those two groups are compatible too.

>I'm a socialist because I hate Trump and his annoying sycophants?
Try harder

Who really controlls america? because it seems to me that after all the shit presidents it doesent really matter whos in the white house.

There is no way you have an IQ above 90. Do you watch young turks too? Holy fuck youre a moron

>Lmfao. I was told and believe that liberals think those two groups are compatible too because I don't go outside.
Fuck Islam, fuck America. China Number 1!