Taking requests for things to paint on my dick again :) Pic related, it's General Sam's face on my dick

Taking requests for things to paint on my dick again :) Pic related, it's General Sam's face on my dick

Other urls found in this thread:


a cross-hair shooting a muslim towelhead


Draw Trump!

Doing muslim first, then trump

Can I get a Hitler?

draw cum on your face while taking a pic of you cumming on your face


The muslim came out shitty sorry

this is a dick painting if that comes close

If you draw Trump, this weekend you will get a hump!


Why the fuck do I keep coming to this place

Trump plz

danny devito while you wait

for threads exactly like this dawg

Is this considered art?


ok thanks not make it cum on your face

It is.


Early work on trump, he looks kinda like a corpse in this but it will get better

I'd kidnap the hottest chick i know, clone her, put them both asleep with chloroform, bring the real one back home, and keep the cloned one in my secret underground dungeon and fuck her to death, I'll buy her a tapis roulant and some gym equipment to make sure she keeps being hot as fuck, bring her food everyday, fuck her repeat for life.
Still have 2 cloning shots, when she gets older, kill her and restart the process with a new young hottie.
The i'll have to decide if clone another chick with the third shot or something to make me rich, then girls will come by themselves, well actually i could do this by the start, bu anyway..

Wrong thread, friendo. We are painting dicks here.

wrong thread buddy

Do hitler

Progress on Trump, some shading


here's a Crusty Kim Jong Un to fill the gap

wait we talkin the jew king of youtube general sam?


hell yeah dude

Finished Donald Trump


A Bic lighter inside a Bic lighter

bad Emma Watson pic

George soros!

Patrick from Spongebob

I wonder who you are and what led you to doing these things

Finished Hitler, super proud of this one because you can see the sadness in his eyes

will try patrick star but i'm bad at cartoon styles usually

Thank you for this fine Dickler, you have brightened my day.

What if instead of drawing a dick on your forehead you drew a forehead on your dick?

I could just draw a forehead but it would look like a semicircle haha

i always knew that fuckin jew was a dick head

Draw Putin!

changing gears but I painted this on paper using my dick

doing this now

Ty! Keeping dat thread up.




Early work on putin



Make another thread if this one dies, OP. I will die with you.

Can you put a timestamp on the next Putin photo? :3

some progress, still weird looking, also will timestamp next pic

Draw another dick

bumpin 4 dix

Sides rekt

is General Sam aware of this

Can you write "Ylilauta Sup Forums 18.1.2018 :3" on the timestamp?

paint some foreskin

Might be done with putin now, he didn't come out as well as hitler, sorry :(

are you gonna steal my peencredit?

I just wanna fuck on the Finnish Sup Forums with your magnificent art if that's okay by you.

Yeah that's cool, pls link if you wanna

So this is modern art huh, good job OP I like it

Ofc my man! Thanks for making my day as well.


Can you still write "Ylilauta Sup Forums 18.1.2018 :3"? They tell me I'm American and I need to fuck off as I put 18/01/2018 instead of 18.1.2018 lol.

Already done a dick on the dick further up

They caught my shenanigans. Thanks OP, I had fun. You can't have one bit of fun with Finnish people. They are literally the most depressed, saddest people you can ever find.

Thank you for the photos, though!


ah man is it the weather?

Finns are just the most boring, humourless people you can ever find lol. It's the weather plus the constant darkness, I believe.

Can you draw niilo22? Famous Finnish YouTuber.

ah man :( hope you escape one day

Me too, man. :( You sound nice, are you American?

Nah English, I'll try drawing him after eating and sorry if the thread dies in between

No problem, mate!

niilo22 is pretty nice but how about something simple like spurdo or gondola?

Lol and. Thank you good stuff

a teletubby? maybe tinky winky

>> make a cool project out of it do all of the u.s. presidents they're all dick heads anyway