Sup Forums what's the biggest age Gap in a relationship you've had? Pic somewhat related

Sup Forums what's the biggest age Gap in a relationship you've had? Pic somewhat related

my current partner is 13 years older than me.

>my current partner is 13 years old
pics or it didn't happen

3 years like normal people

currently dating someone 9 years older than me

4 years, I was 19 she was 15. Her mom loved me. Even flew me up to visit her when they had moved across the country. She was gorgeous.


I'm only curious because my gap is significant and wanted to know how well things turned out by for others


I was 31 and banging an 18 year old

dated an 18 year old girl when i was 23
not the brightest thing i've ever done

How's it working out for you anons? Are they a man/woman?

6 and a half years, I was like a month from turning 27 and she was 20 when we started dating. I'm not with her anymore, and I'm now 31, but I don't intend to end up with anyone less than 5 years younger than me.

i'm and it's been going pretty good so far, have to say it's very different than dating girls younger or my own age. Not getting any of that "young girl bullshit" you know?

age gap rocks as long as it legal. non exploitative.

I'm the opposite I'm in my 30s and my girlfriend is 18 but if I didn't know that I'd swear she was in her 20s at least

I'm 32, got out of a 4 year relationship this summer. I'm an average looking dude who has his shit together career-wise at least and it's amazing the amount of attractive early 20's girls that all of a sudden are hungry for the D. Lots of teachers for some reason.

How long have you been together?

About 3 months at this point but it's going really well,I can't believe all the shit she knows from when I was a kid it's like she grew up in a time warp

loving my older lady. true mrs robinson.
looks great in classic lingerie.
indeed. non of that 'young girl bullshit'.
she is 13 years older than me. I'm 47.

That's pretty awesome man

17 years my junior

Same for me

I'm 24 and my partner is 41 years old.

Are you male or female?

Male, it's really going well. There is just one thing that was akward, she has a daughter of 19 years..

Well I mean I'm sure as long as she isn't expecting a fatherly figure it should be fine? Or does she not like your relationship with her mother?

She isn't expecting that of me and she is totally behind the relationship. Just in the beginning when i first saw her, it was pretty weird to conversate with her

Understandable but I'm glad it's working for you user

When I was 24(male) I dated a 42yo woman for a summer. Her son was my age, it was a bit awk for me.

>dated an 18 year old girl when i was 23

Yeah I did the same, made her mom cry. Damn it was nice to get 18 year old titties again though, so firm!

She was annoying to put up with, on top of being young she'd had a very sheltered life. I was from the street side of things. I guess she liked the bad boy shit, but other than being fun to experience her body we had nothing going for us.

Thank you user, for the moment we're happy and living together

she's 5 years older than me

I can understand that, for me it was a little more easy because of the age gap of 5 years

Awesome this whole thread makes me feel good knowing I'm not the only one in this situation,I'm confident in my relationship but knowing other people's success just makes it stronger

9 years older. I married her. It's worth it. she'll be dead before me, I'll gladly push her in a chair for the decades of no games and great sex.

That's cute my dude

How's the pic related? GF's name?

I was 35, she was 22.
A 19 year old trainer from my gym was throwing herself at me recently, but I told her no. I was in college when she was born, so nah.

Yeah and I got drunk and made that for her because I'm a dork

14 years. Fuck off FBI

Glad to help! It can work if you make it work and also on the plus side, the sex is really great user!!

Im 41. Had a brief thing with a 19 year old.
Kept it low-key so she wouldn’t get too attached, but that only works for so long. Anyway, it was fun for a summer and I made sure she had a good time and enjoyed the experience. Don’t think I’d do it again.

interesting name, she french?

I fuck older yeah I've 50-60 year old broads that were a whole lot of fun to bang.
I'm now stead with a woman a few months north of my age. no regrets.

Naw she's from the USA and Hispanic

no games. no stupid jealousy.
and great sex.

When I was 18, I dated a 24 year old. The sex was great at first, and we even talked about the future. Then she was treated for depression with meds, and the relationship became sad and ended.

When I was 23, I dated a 36 year old. She was a sex maniac, and all she wanted to do was drink and fuck. That lasted a few years, until I started intentionally hurting her emotionally and kicked her to the curb. She ended up marrying a doctor. I think I did her a favor.

Now, I am nearly 19 years into a totally loveless marriage, my wife is 3 years older than me, and she will soon turn 50. I am bitter with myself for my wasted youth. I wish I had banged some 18 year olds when I was actually 18.

You always want what you haven't got, or didn't get the chance to have. I'd settle for a 25 year old, just once at this point, to prove to myself that my junk still works.

You don't jack off?

Can you split up with her dude? I left my wife when I was in my 40's and it's been a glorious rebirth. I quit smoking, lost a shitton of weight, I run marathons, and I've been banging chicks again.

I learned I have a ton of power and strength, but I couldn't access it when I was in that horrible situation. It just drained everything out of me and I just survived like a zombie.

I'm free now...and it's every bit as amazing as you might imagine. Do it man, no matter what it takes. Get out of there and live once more before you die.

Wife is 12 yrs younger than me.

I'm 20, she's 10 years older

>A 19 year old trainer from my gym was throwing herself at me recently, but I told her no.

I don't mean this as an insult, but what's so great about a 35yo that a 19yo would throw herself at you?

I'm 38 she's 26.