What's Sup Forums's opinion on reverse traps ?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on reverse traps ?

Im a straight chick. I think vagina is nasty and smells like metal cheese, so even if she looks like a guy and is hot af, I would prob just make out and have her suck my tits while I masturbate but nothing else.

When I lived in Japan they didn't let us take girls into the boys dorm. So I had to date quality reverse traps the whole time as to trick the owners.

I like cheese. Especially the metal kind, it's like metal Mario in cheese form

The average Japanese girl with short hair looks like a dude anyway.

Yeah, it was pretty easy.

Its just a girl with short hair.

You mean women?

I knew a reverse trap in Hischool. Don't know where she is now though

Are reverse traps reverse gay?

The first mainstream reverse-trap.

thats gay

normal traps > girls > reverse traps

>Person looks male
>Is still a woman putting out female pheromones


Didn't "Sailor Moon" have a reverse-trap or two?

No because it is

tomboys > traps > regular girls

for women yes, not for men

tomboys all become fuckpigs though


>What's Sup Forums's opinion on reverse traps ?
Its like a Christmas present, without a Gift inside...

go fuck urself

not really my thing tbh

extactly this =D

also this!!!!!!!!

More like the average young Japanese man looks like a girl.


>still putting out female hormones

Not if they're on T