What in the FUCK is wrong with the nigger mod that deleted my cat gore thread, i thought this was the random board no ?

what in the FUCK is wrong with the nigger mod that deleted my cat gore thread, i thought this was the random board no ?

>Rekt threads

Reminder that rekt threads have mexican cartel, isis and chink videos daily posted on them, but snowflake Sup Forums can't handle pics/webms of dead vermin!

Other urls found in this thread:



Kill yourself

He does have a point though

Ban this sick fuck forever.


all it takes is to restart my router, in the time im ready to post again i would have killed a stray cat.

what kind of faggot wants to look at/discuss pictures of dead cats

were you molested as a child?

>nigger mod
I'm sure it won't happen again now.


what kind of faggot wants to look at/discuss pictures of dead people

were you molested as a child?

They'll ban your entire ip range eventually.

What’s rekt threads tho?


Sup Forums has a powerful love of cats, hence Caturday
Fuck you
Get off my Sup Forums

>what kind of faggot wants to look at/discuss pictures of dead people

an edgy, most likely underage faggot.

OP stop being a faggot, trolling or not
Based mods just send this fag to B&land

>what kind of faggot wants to look at/discuss pictures of dead cats
>were you molested as a child?
>what kind of faggot wants to look at/discuss pictures of dead people
>were you molested as a child?

You’re a cunt. Fuck off

>get off my Sup Forums

no, its not yours ;3

OP probably got bullied in school top kek



Dude this is Sup Forums. Cats are sacred. We hate niggers here. Say it with me now. NIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGEEEERRRRRSSS

>what kind of faggot wants to look at/discuss pictures of dead people

i don't get it either.

cool bro i hate niggers too, but there are nigger hate threads on Sup Forums go there

we want to see pain inflicted upon cats.

the amount of little SJW cunts in this thread makes me sick.
if a guy wants to have a thread about dead cats so what? dont go in the thread if you dont like it, fucking morons

>we want to see pain inflicted upon cats.

why tho





They probably didn't want to give attention to some scrawny kid who's dad molests him each night

cry some more, fucking weirdo faggot

because i already killed all the cats in my neighborhood so i need to entertain myself.

I don't even like cats but I am going to use these context clues to assume you're ugly and lonely

>cry more
>cries himself

oh sweatty....

The OP is one sensitive bitch

do you harm cats because you know you couldn't harm another human without getting your shit wrecked?

honest question

these threads make me realise how many newfags there really are, pathetic.

No, i killed all those cats because they shit and piss on my lawn, tear up my garbage, they also hiss at me all day, and meow at night for food, which is great because its an opportunity to poison them.

also because it satisfies me.


Like you

It is approved to post dead/tortured people
It is disapproved to post animal cruelty
How is this complicated? You're on a website that has rules, they host the content so they do what they want. Get out to 8_chan or ano_nib if you want your threads.
wtf spam detection

Nigga said he's hard some Choppa beat his meat

whose fault is it that you live in a 3rd world shithole where cats run amok?

Everyday same shit, your need a gf bro :(

It's cos humans are degenerate shitholes that should know better (see: OP) whereas animals don't have that kind of self awareness so don't deserve a shovel to the face.
I hope ur psychiatrist reports you to the police