This is me. What would you do if you were this ? I can't live with myself being this

This is me. What would you do if you were this ? I can't live with myself being this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Play with myself every day? I don't understand the question

Prostitute myself. Touch rock bottom fucking ugly dudes for money. Buying drugs with money earned. Rinse and repeat.

im ugly :(

You are not bad as u think

Show us your tits.

find a rich guy to marry and profit.

tits out or get out

i already have a bf but he isnt rich

You're cute to be waifu

I would be the cum slut sex slave of the user that is writing this reply


then you should consider him your ex boyfriend

Find a guy, avoid mentioning Sup Forums, boom.

Dude looks like he only likes 2D

Show us your fucking tits and then we will tell you if you're ugly or not

this is a girl named okmalissa on instagram

this is a real doll right

I still want to see your tits.

femanon here, no you wouldnt

love matters user, its not just money

show tits


i have a bf and im shy, go to >>/gif/

You seem sexually bored imo.

Not depressed or anything. And i'm not hitting on you. It's just what I'm seeing in your attitude.

tits tho

Pick a career/passion and fight for it with everything you got.
I'm a male, that's good looking, and I'll say that if you look good and can hold a conversation and gain the trust of your peers you can sky rocket to the top of any industry you choose, if you combine it with moderately hard work. I've skipped years of entry level positions in the film industry by just being friendly, attentive, dressing well, and ordering a proper cocktail in front of clients and I'm a guy with 1/10 of your sex appeal.
Don't be a fucking pussy, dump your manchild bf and take care of yourself and life will unravel itself to you.

Post a screencapTits or GTFO


Show us your lady business.

eww she gon get sick

> no timestamp

its probably been cleaned.

also he's very strong he'll be the next jackie chan

I spy with my little eye...

not compared to my sister

"VLC has encountered a problem".

timestamp or be a troll



Agreed, I would totally fuck your sister, you.. meh more of a "I have nothing better at the moment fuck". Being a simple sad ass bitch as you're I would find something useful to do with my life. You don't seem to have the looks for having the princess life, nor the brains to be a huge success, nor the attitude to be perceived as an interesting person. Work on your self and thank the gods that you have a guy that is exactly in your league, not a hot guy, but not an ugly one either.

he's handsome tho, andwhat should I do?

do you want to talk on kik?

what's a kik?


a messaging app

Handsome to you honey, believe me, he's not that great neither are you. Better improve your mind, having something intelligent to say may be an advantage. You can develop a skill for free with some effort... beauty costs a lot (not only in money, but I bet daddy is not gonna pay for those new titties if you want them), and well if you want to be attrctive your only way out is becomen a cum dumpster... ugly girls, if they want to get some, can't say no, and average girls like you, well either they conform or they become the cum whore of a 10/10 guy

wait until he is near climax and then poke your little finger into his butthole

do it fast and firm so he doesn't have a chance to stop you

whatever he does or says, wait for him to finish then tell him you're the captain now

holy shit underrated post


you have to be over 14 to use this site

Fuck off this is bait. There are no girls on Sup Forums.

same fag

Same fag

I don't think you know the meaning of that word.

woah your sister is way hotter, no wonder you are fucked up

Same fag

Fags samin'

he'd scream and scare the doggo, also this is gay

so? got kik?
if not, make one


just give up. dump nudes before u go

here's my brother, love his hair

dont have
this was to


>begging for compliments
tits or get the fuck out. fuck the white knights.

Stop looking for attention. I was gonna say you looked fine and should stop being a retarded, but the fact that you responded to someone with “I’m ugly :(“ just means you’re on here shilling for kissless virgins to tell you how in love with you they are. Go bite a curb, faggot.

Don't worry, my mommy gave me permission. But thanks a lot to show me the way to the edginess I need to please you. Next time I post something I'll ask myself "Am I edgy enough to please user McEdgelord?"

that's a shame
I know you got a bf, but he looks like a loser (yeah, being honest here)
I think you're actually cute and would like to talk more (outside this mess of a thread)

obvious compliment fishing

but i'll bite, you're hot as fuck

post your ass and spank it for us


Wow even your brother is hotter than you, how do even get out of bed in the morning?

Tfw he probably makes more than you.

Yours truely, someone making 6 digits.





kill yourself because you're whiny and pathetic and will never overcome this bad self-image

or drop acid and have a jim carrey level breakthrough

he's a winner, great guy
i roll until i fall by the right side
i love spiderman, but they dont show him on TV as much here in Korea, its tough getting used to another country :(

better tell me how to get laid in japan as a european 1,84, muscled and light brown hair.

sure, he's probably a great guy, but you're here, so you're not satsfied with him or you want something more
what messaging app do you usually use?

Do u have a dick? You would be hot for a trap

White bread is super unhealthy

he's my agent, but he's not here today and I s2 Sup Forums, been here for a while
no, im XX
what's wrong with white bread?

Fuck off

Why are you always wearing a mask? Do you have aids?

trips of the devil confirm aids

why are not satisfied with how you look? I already told you that you're cute and I would like to talk more, even outside of Sup Forums

The Demon number has spoken! Bitch is riddled with aids.

its what people do in asialand, i think its silly but you wont find work and shit if you don't, they'll treat you like a leper
pic related one of my jobs I found for following the rules
japanese people don't like foreigners
your best bet is going to some big city and going in places wher foreigners go, cause hte girls there are usually looking for it

I think is just her boyfriend getting an opinion on his bitch before he leaves her, or is one of her friends, who's got a serious case of the "cummies" with the photos of the chink

Fake and gay
You having fun larpng?

i think you know the rule

i don't quite understand
she doesn't look any better or worse than you do

no, (you)

how can someone not look better or worse than someone else, user? they're not twins

Why do we keep wasting time on this shit when we can be preparing a raid or inventing new "crystal" experiments or Microwave proof Iphones

not a chink, I'm american, and bad theory he'd never leave me ;)

if you're happy with him, then why the fuck are you craving for compliments?

Kek, "Never" is a heavy word, you're gonna fall, and you're gonna fall hard