Ask a buddhist anything

Ask a buddhist anything

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what is love?

What it is, is up to you to decide, what's important is what you do with it, what it does for you, and how you feel about it.

Why your fellow Buddhists slaughter Rohingya?

The same reason Tibet had to defend itself against China. Violence is not encouraged, but sadly sometimes the dharma calls for it.

buddhism is an atheist religion right ?

why did the guy abandon his wife and child?
seems like a pretty shitty thing to do.

r u gay lmao

Most of the time yes. We don't necessarily believe in any gods or supernatural powers, Buddhism is more of a philosophy, nd Siddartha (the buddha) himself never did anything supernatural, he was just a man with a lesson.

then what is enlightenment?

which civilian population did tibetans slaughter?

It's a complicated thing, but also very simple, and would take a long time to thoroughly explain. It's simply the state one reaches when they are able to completely remove their mask, and let go of everything in the world that causes their suffering, such as regrets, fears, desires, etc. It's the complete and gentle understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Do you know any Buddhist hot-dog vendors? I want to ask them to make me one with everything.

see, this is what's so fucked up about religion.

religious people all-to-often (though obviously not always) defend the indefensible actions of their co-religionists

atheists, on the other hand, virtually never defend stalin’s, mao’s or pol pot’s actions (unless they ALSO happen to be stalinists, maoists, or khmer rouge)

Trust me, I'm not defending it, most buddhists will condemn things like this. It wasn't so much the doing of buddhists as it was the Tibetan government.

sounds very divine to me

When I say "sometimes the Dharma calls for it" I'm not suggesting that sometimes its okay, I'm suggesting that it already happened, so there's no use worrying now. And thats a big part of buddhism.

Tibet needed to defend itself from Chinese violence and colonialism. How does that equate to the Rohingya, who seem to have come to you only with empty rice-bowls. Don't they deserve your charity?


buddhism is a religion and the buddha had pshycic powers.

you sound like a pot smoker that thinks he had a religious experience while on drugs.

you have no clue what you are talking about.

There's nothing I can say to make it right, and I told you I dont agree with what happened, but the point is it's unhealthy to dwell on bad things that happened. Humans are great at making horrible irreversible decisions, and thats a sad part of life, you can either dwell on it, or instead accept that its history, and focus on the tasty arizona tea i just bought for myself.

Buddhism is considered by most "buddhists" to simply be a "philosophy of the mind", a tool to assist in your state of mind, and your day to day decision making. The only supernatural part of the story of the Buddha is a misinterpretation, aand this was the moment before he reached enlightenment, and had his "stand off" with Mara. This was not meant to be an actual occurence, but more of the mental struggle he had to go tthrough, when he reached the darkest parts of his mind.

The Path is not in the past. What are you willing or able to do to prevent violence in the future? Certainly there must be something better than shrugging your shoulders.
Also, you sidestepped the fallacy of equating Chinese to Rohingya.

All i'll say is theres no such thing as a "Buddhist terrorist", same as theres no muslim terrorists, or christian terrorists. as soon as you choose the path of violence, you are not acting in favor of your faith or religion, you're acting of your own internal urges. The Dalai Lama said this himself.

>pshycic powers
And you sound like you've been drinking too much.

How hard of balls are you fuckers tripping?

He is right you know. Just read any biography of Buddha, he did many miracles like Jesus.

>The Dalai Lama
Now that you bring him up, any idea why he accepted two million dollars from Shoko Asahara?

nice dubs. Tripping balls is fun, but most buddhists would discourage the use of drugs or alcohol

I'd love to answer, but truthfully I'm not very informed on their relationship.

buddhism is not a religion

OP is a fag. He doesn't know shit.

I genuinely hope you can work out the hatred you feel, and live a happier life someday. You have the capability.

Why be Buddhist?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
– Arthur C. Clarke
Miracles are not the same as godhead.

You've just rehearsed some lines.

what ot level are you?

baby dont hurt me

I never said how he did them (simulation no doubt), but being the main figure of his religion, and Buddhism being a religion, magic feats can be called miracles imo. I mean, why not

How is babby formed?

can you check dem dubs

I tend to agree with the fellow you accused of hatred even though I agree with you that his form of self-expression is overly fourchanny.
Your answers about the Rohingya were dishonest and evasive.
Your answer to terrorism took advantage of a defect in English (as evidenced by the Time magazine title) by which restrictive adjectives and non-restrictive adjectives are routinely confused.
Your answer about Shoko Asahara, while honest, leaves unanswered the dubious morality of using sarin gas to help folks into their next incarnation.
Don't go into the koan-writing business just yet. You'll only piss off more people.
The answer to "why and how are Buddhists causing deliberate harm to the neighbors?" should not be "well, you know, everything is everything, dude." Or maybe it is -- maybe we should kill the Buddha when we meet him the road.
I was hoping for another Alan Watts today. Sorry for indulging in the expectation.

he dipshit.

can you read?Ṛddhi

You had to appear. The stars predicted dat joke from eons before