Hello children, it's storytime

Hello children, it's storytime.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/search?safe=off&biw=2048&bih=995&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Pf9uWubBE8jDgAbkh7O4Cg&q=martine illustrations&oq=martine illustrations&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1865.1865.0.2254.










Moar pls OP



And here's where we all need to cringe a bit...I didn't write it, that's all I can say.

ignore him OP. your drawing/preteend cringe is unwelcome.

Seriously. This is the so much cringe. "The master". FFS. Fantasy fags can't just fuck kids. They have to turn it into a whole fucking production. A fucking broadway show or a floor pagent. This why fantasy fags truly are the biggest fags.

The Master. Jesus fucking christ, give it a rest Lord Fauntleroy.

I was really just talking about the mention of nanobots. Really, I can't take credit, these have been around for many a long year.

oh i know, i read it. Along side pictures of actual kids being fucked. Seriously, it's so much cringe.

Domination/Fetish/Fantasy Fags are the fucking worst.

Is it weird that I find the presentation more engaging than anything else? Like just the pictures and the layout are so reminiscent of a generic children's reader, and I like the idea of something like that actually existing?

>actual kids being fucked
what are you talking about?

Literally me right now.

I've seen some sick shit on Sup Forums but this takes it to another level. The fact that there are people who actually have fantasies like this both sickens and saddens me in equal measure.

Fucking normies, gtfo.


Yes. It's totally weird. This whole site is weird lately where the people who post constantly are fags with pretend stutters in text, where they pretend their speech impediments extend to their typing,and masturbate to red carpet pictures. or fags who post in "what would you do" threads, where they masturbate to regular clothed pictures of women. Or The WIncest threads, where they just take regular porn pictures and put "dear brother" quotes (who the fuck talks like that?). And of course, the weird Cum Tribute threads where they jerk off to other penises and mens ejaculate over their laptops or ipads or whatever.

It's the strongest case for mass euthanasia of the human population. Seriously, its reeeallly fucked up. Broken people getting off to their pretendland bullshit.


What about that statement was ambiguous?

That's because it is based on an actual series of books by a certain French artist (I forget what the books and artist were called but you could probably Google it).

really? I have way worse than that. What about the curious case of Caitlyn Deitz, who is kidnapped, raped and murdered?

You need help. Like serious help. Maybe section yourself?

Did those actual kids being fucked have anything to do with these stories?


This isn't even loli...This is straight up CP.

And that's all there is, children. You sleep tight now.

What? No. They were actual kids being fucked. Cambodian i'm guessing since they cracked down on tourism in Thailand. Lots of grimacing faces with big meaty white businessman dicks firmly shoved into underdeveloped fuckholes. Lots of blood and cum mixed together. Lots of crying little girls. And a surprising amount of them that don't cry anymore.


>Drawings are realistic
>the same as actual little girls being raped


How did the guy know her name was Caroline she never told him or the scientists ugghhhhh worst plot hole ever


These are based on the works of French artist Martine.

google.co.uk/search?safe=off&biw=2048&bih=995&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Pf9uWubBE8jDgAbkh7O4Cg&q=martine illustrations&oq=martine illustrations&gs_l=psy-ab.3...1865.1865.0.2254.

> she never told him or the scientists
Didn't need to. They obviously knew her because they knew she was an orphan.



google image search is a magical thing

Tonkato martine


ugly, messed up, fuck you woody.


In the early 80's there were magazines of that kind sold at the grocery store at the corner. Half SM half pedo. Curiously nobody complained back in time. Today the grocer and his wife would be arrested. lol.

A good friend of mine offered me an album signed by the author.

Is this real life or just fantasea
Op where did you find these and im confused

hurr where can I download these torrentsss pls

Here comes the Sup Forums party van.
