Feels thread Sup Forums

feels thread Sup Forums

get it all off your chest.

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I feel like I'm drowning and there is no sign of land.

owch, muh feels.

Shits making me tear up, fuck.


What hurts is how much I relate to this

Got smashed into the deepest pit of depression in may and i think it gave me brain damage. I used to be known for remembering minute details, especially of childhood, but the last five years after depression are a fucking fog, most of those years being a very memorable high school experience. I have schizo in my blood and i find myself making these extremely dismissive and primal judgements in my head the second i glance at anyone. I have some sort of subconscious superiority complex while at the same time being a self-depreciating depressed fat guy. My anxiety has only gotten worse with the weight gain of lying in bed for three months and im scared of treatment from the off chance that i might need more help than i came in for if i tell them whats really going on. I have no voices or delusions but ive been having violent dreams, albeit not often but i dont recall them before, and i cant remember my dreams by memory like i used to either. I also dont want to keep a record of anything because i keep it all or at least the severity of it hidden from ny family. I got an A on my math test tho, what do?


I relate too... I cba telling how much. It would hurt too much too relate than to hold inside. feelsbad.



when i was 12 my grandma passed away i basically lived with her because my dad was unfit to take care of me and my mom was always busy so i moved in with my mom and after a year she went into a coma from a brain hemorrhage the last words i said to her were i love you too as she dropped me off at school after 6 months in a coma my dad decided to pull the plug and detach all the machines keeping her alive i watched as she began to choke on her own tongue no longer being held down and squeeze my hand one last time before falling still only 13 at the time i moved in with my dad even though he was constantly angry and would hit me and break everything i bought (i worked for my neighbors) one day i fell asleep crying and when i woke up i didnt feel sad anymore but not only that i didnt feel happy either i didnt feel anything and no matter what drugs sex or medication i take it doesnt change i still dont have any desire and being isolated because of this never helped either ive never had friends but in the past 3-4 years it's gotten really bad i feel so alone and its hard to imagine theres anyone out there besides me when i barely leave my apartment i often find myself in a rage just trying to figure out what i want to do but never coming up with anything because i dont want anything i live because im too much of a pussy to kill myself and so i do whatevers necessary to live a basic life

I can relate to this. Depression fucking destroyed me for four years, it still is but I'm getting better. I took two different SSRI's over a year to cope with the pain of physical stress and hopelessness, which turned my already dulling brain dumber. I quit taking them and slowly became an alcoholic and gained 20kg. Stopped drinking cold turkey, put up with the nightmares and cold sweats and laid in my bed not eating for a month. My depression recently passed and I don't even know how, nor do I have the urge to drink. I live in fear because I know the black dog is always looming in the back of my head. But I'm glad my mental acuity has come back. The apathy is still there though, I just go through the motions of everyday life.




fuck you OP, I gave my girl a card somewhat like this her last birthday. she's gone to me, shes gone to her, were just somebody that we used to know, i still love her. youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY

Now, I'm just a teenager, so I don't trully know how cruel the world is. I've always been the joker in my social circle. My job was to make others happy, in a way it was a way that I could make the world better. I don't know what true sadness is like. But even the happiest people can be the saddest

the funniest people are often time's the most depressed, they use humor to mask their sadness.

I live everyday showing a face that is a lie. The only part of my day I look forward to is seeing my son, and really he is the only thing stopping me from ending it all.
When I am caught in limbo of having a job and not, grasping for any form of sanity to keep me above the water, but seeing him just gets me through.
No one will actually listen when I try to talk to them about it so I just don't bother, and keep living the lie that I am just an asshole most days that drinks a shit load of coffee with nothing wrong, when in reality it's a very opposite reality




I think my girlfriend might be cheating on me she did some really strange things last night and it freaks me out

Did she slap you thrice and hand you to yo mama?

Kek nah

You see she messaged me about this guy she used to date that he messaged her 3 in the morning

I instantly told her to block him

Then she sent a screenshot but because it’s instagram she sent the Snapchat sorta image those that dissapear after viewing them. I knew I should’ve screen shotted them because she sent another from “last year” so I wanted to see if that was true

Problem is without the screenshot that’s gone I can’t prove anything. Though I am planning on asking for it and if she’s reluctant than I’ll pull the plug

I could never figure out my gf it always seemed like I bothered her at every moment. And I’m my head I wondered why the fuck she said yes if she was going to be bothered with me.

Hope it's not as bad as you think user...

Don’t be controlling or super confrontational otherwise if she is straying away already she may just drift further away. Act like an adult and keep it cool


Any pressure you apply to her will just push her away. Your relationship is at a very critical point and if you do the wrong thing now it will end.

Listen to me.

If you really love her then do everything you can to attract her to you and don't focus or even mention this other guy to her. Buy her flowers, take her out, do the stuff you did when you first met her. You've probably started to slack in the relationship or you've started to get fat.

Meanwhile, and out of her sight and mind, find him then meet with him personally and make him back off. Don't fight with him or do anything stupid - just become his friend and get him to understand there are easier girls he can find. If you do it right you don't even have to bring her up.. he'll catch on.

And at the same time of all of this: Build up your own confidence and flirt with other girls, work out, meet more people, etc. You need to get out of the oneitis mindset and you need to remind yourself you don't actually need her.

Godspeed user.

I'm 45. 18 years into marriage. Sometimes I would only cum thinking about my wife.'s sister. Couple years ago she got divorced and was really down. My wife starts making innuendos like she wouldn't mind if I had an affair and shit. Last month she asked me if I would mind fucking her sister. I couldn't believe it. Suddenly my wildest dream came true. I fucked her and yesterday both at the same time. It's gold. Life really is good.