How far from reality do you have to be to not realize Americans ability to purchase guns readily and easily is a...

How far from reality do you have to be to not realize Americans ability to purchase guns readily and easily is a horrible, stupid idea? At what point will America accept that they've become a shit hole

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Brazil has very extreme gun laws. look at their crime rate. sure it isn't always mass shootings, but it proves that guns aren't the problem.
niggers are

banning niggers would save more lifes then banning guns.

>it's been 5 days since the shooting and people are moving on with their lives as custom
>we should tell you why this is bad, because we, the media cannot talk incessantly about it and get more ad revenue and increase the chances of someone copying them so we can repeat the cycle
god I love this country.

Considering we religiously follow the writings of men 300 ish years ago, and have no wish to even update it really, we have been a shithole for a long time.

You have a habit of worshipping very old text and rules by men of questionable intelligence and legitimacy.

>At what point will America accept that they've become a shit hole
they already know.

>Republicans think it's a shithole because a nigger president ran it for 8 years
>Democrats think it's a shithole because of what a retard and congress are doing to it now

It's been 3 minutes since one black guy shot another black guy. Why don't you care about that op?

>Republicans think it's a shithole because a retarded nigger president ran it for 8 years

>another black on black death
>another black on black death
>another black on black death
>another black on black death

When oh when will they stop killing each other? It’s almost like it’s in their dna to be violent.

>Black people are shooting up our schools.

Yeah, no. I'm sure someone will respond with "because niggers ain't go to school," or something similar.

Except that the majority of "mass shooters" were white. let's start with our favorite duo, columbine, then work your way down "mass shooters" who many of them were of the white skin that you don't speak of ?

Tbh i'd rather run the risk of being shot by a coot than live in shitty Europe. You cucks get arrested for looking at the wrong political websites and cracking jokes about Hitler. We also don't let muslims rape our daughters here in the states. Now that's cucked.

It's mostly liberals killing liberals.

I'm just fine and dandy with that.

Look at Mexico, we can't get them that easily and people are subdued hard by both the narcos and the government, you guys have it easy being able to defend yourselves.

i'm totally ok with banning guns if that also includes bodyguards, the police, the military & democrats

your right, according to your recent movement, you let them get raped by everyone else. HAHAHAHAHA

i'll seriously suck ya dick if u can help me find this video

I'll seriously blow your, and your entire family's, fucking heads off if you don't quit it, user.

9/10 shooters are atheists. ban atheism & regulate guns so people without history of crime and mental illness can purchase them

you've been at this for way too long buddy.
look somewhere else.

1/10, made me respond.

How far from reality do you have to be to not realize Americans ability to purchase cars readily and easily is a horrible, stupid idea? At what point will America accept that they've become a shit hole

9 out of 10 are Democrats. I'm an atheist, but also a conservative.

Would be interesting to see the multidimensional breakdown:


Where the "hot spot" is.

At least you recognize that Christians are the actual threat, and not Muslims.

you can't be conservative and atheist. it's like a catholic claiming to be christian

Explain your bait in detail, friend.

The mass shooting in texas? Did they mean the church shooting? Dude was nowhere near the ATF high score for church shootings, I'm frankly surprised that recent shooting made the news.

Helps that a majority of the population is white you dumb cunt

conservatives believe in tradition, which faith is a huge part of.

>What is fiscal conservatism.
>Retarded religious shit is all the right is about.

Yeah, no, kid.

Does not change the fact that someone that was not white didn't shoot up the school.

>What is fiscal conservatism.
a fancier way of saying non-sjw socialism

and the right isn't about religion, it's about faith. two different things

Hey, I'm pretty morally conservative too.

I just don't see any dependency "morals" has on "sky daddy".

And since "sky daddy" is a ridiculous idea with no evidence, I discard it - just like any ridiculous idea with no evidence (e.g. leftist "thought").

Weird - I've always considered being conservative a rational, evidence-based ideology.

Specifically, social and fiscal policies that have had several centuries of empirical testing.

This is where "progressives" fall flat: their ideas tend to crash immediately when road-tested, and those that don't, don't get tested for long before they decide it's "wrong" and want to change things AGAIN.

Could resist a pathetic jab about a different political affiliation? Do try to grow up, will you? You know as well as I do that just saying that "conservative/liberal/whatever thought is bullshit," is completely meaningless and holds no water.

No, a large part of it is absolutely religion.

fuck off, I like guns.

always over some dumb shit too

Very vague. Do try to keep in mind that the ultimate goals may be different.

Fuck off libtard

No, I could not. Mainly for responses like this. Did I make you sad, libtard?

The victims of black murder are mostly other black people. So I'm okay with not banning niggers so they can keep on killing each other.

if you came from a place that punished your victim you probably rape them too

>Very vague
Come again?

>Do try to keep in mind that the ultimate goals may be different.
Agreed, especially in modern politics. I see very little crossover these days between "republicans" and "conservatives" (AFAICT, I'm more alt-right).

Probably like how y'all let mohamad and achmed rape your women and throw acid in their face and pretend it never even happened

You assume I'm a liberal. Your jabs aren't conducive to honest, objective talks about a subject, they are just petty.

Yes, they are. But they keep you coming back with a whiny, butthurt tone that entertains me far more than it really should.

So I keep doing it.

You lump all progressive ideas together and claim they all fall flat, but offer no examples. I want some.

Open a history book, look up "communism".

Yup, now they cant even complain about it or they'll get locked up for hate speech. I love my 357 and my mossy, they keep me safe.


Now I know you're trolling. Bye, then.


See...this is NRA propaganda. The interpretation of the founding fathers wanting to protect your personal right to own a gun has only been popularly adapted since the 60s when black panthers stormed the California senate and freaked out politicians enough for them to move towards restrictive gun laws. At that point, radicals and redneck gun owners banded together to overthrow the ruling body at the NRA and propagate the notion that the organizations primary directive needed to be durrfending every dumbasses right to own a gun.

So much for you being objective, I guess.

I know it can be difficult to decipher tone through text, so I'll be more clear. I am not irritated in the slightest.

Of course I wasn't going to argue with you in good faith, because you have made no attempt to do so with me. Get real, user.

Pro-tip: when you victim-complex:

>their ideas tend to crash
>they all fall flat

Nobody is going to take you seriously.

I lol about how EuroCops just ignore migrant rape cases, while arresting white brits for too many knives

Justice is so sweet

Youll ride a black tornado, across the western sky. Rope an ol' blue norther and milk it till its dry. Bulldog the mississippi, pin its ears down flat

Long before you take this cowboys guns.

Saying that Americans should hand over their guns because someone comitted a crime with a gun is like saying you have to give up your car because a drunk driver killed someone. It's nonsensical and a violation of your rights.

Just making up random shit are you user to further your racist hate against another group of people, but thats what racists do they have to lie to do it.

weeeew son

Last time was yesterday in Mass

Get rekt boi

Hang em high! (except the pussies who take their own lives)

So a bunch of retards that steal guns count as legal gun owners?


ahhh fuck man look at this one yesterday a kid killed themself when they found parent's gun


>do grow up


>I am not irritated in the slightest.
Sure, kid.

Except the purpose of cars isn't hitting people with cars, fuckface. What are you, a retarded 4 year old? Because that's the level of logic you just displayed.

Not a murican but cars can kill more efficiently than guns why dont you illegalise cars??

Wow we need to stop registered democrats from owning guns

Where are the ~2000/yr black murderers?


If they banned guns I would need to buy a illegal gun just to protect myself. Because NEWS FLASH banning guns will not protect me or my family from a nigger with an illegal gun it just makes us both criminals

I simply misremembered your post, calm down. Try not to blatantly lie about simple things and act like I have some kind of complex.

If you're willing to provide actual examples of what you were talking about, I'm all ears.


Maybe if you see it in caps lock you'll understand better?

you do realize that none of them are registered democrats, right?

Yeah saw that one, not parent's gun, but older sister. Fucking 6 years old man, and Americans cry about their 2nd amendement rights more than a death of a child.

Fucking yanks.

Funny they cry about amendements, but yet go to war against other Americans because they chose a different political party because that is their right via the constitution, but yet they shit on the constitution to attack other's rights.

Americans are fucking window licking hypocrites with no common sense.

>being this retarded
sad we allow anyone to vote

Yes, they are words I commonly use. Do you disagree that trying to irritate someone is petty?

in the ghetto, dead or in prison?

Is that supposed to be a pro-gun argument?

The Militia Act of 1792 says you're wrong about that.

One of the first things congress did after the ratification of the constitution was to write a law that required every (white) man in the country to own a rifle.

American here, can confirm.

>I simply misremembered your post,
You acted on emotion. Poor choice if you want honest, good-faith debate.

>calm down.
Shitcan that projection, user.

Remove the niggers and spics from the country and the problem will end.

If you take guns away now, deaths with increase 100x. Read a book and learn something for once.

You know you can lose your job for having this viewpoint?

Cars have been used as a deadly weapon on numerous occasions, especially the last couple of years in Europe.

Why are you so afraid of guns, user? They're just tools, like a car or a chainsaw.

Nobody is taking away your guns you retarded useless faggot.

Have you guys ever thought that maybe we value are rights as humans over the risks of having those rights?

No, I did not. You mentioned most ideas crash immediately, then the rest are dumped later. That is where I got "all" of them being garbage.

Not projection, just a common phrase.


Primary purpose of a gun is carnage to some degree whether it be a target, animal, or person.

Primary purpose of a vehicle is to get from point A to point B.

I shouldn't have to spell it out like this to you.

No, it was a question about why we are characterizing mass shooters as a white male problem when black men with gang affiliations spray down rival gangs every week, killing thousands.

You could just drive a truck through a school play ground and kill more kids than with a gun


what's the problem? Let the retards kill each other while the rest of the world laughs at them

If the daily shootings aren't enough to make them realize they are being used to fuel the gun industry and pay with their life, maybe it's because there are not enough shootings.
We need more dead americans

Sick of insane people killing innocent people, don't care about gangsters killing gangsters.

You've repeatedly (and correctly) identified my trolling, user. Yet you keep taking the bait.

We're both in the wrong here. I troll, you bite. I troll, you bite. Feedback loop.

If you fancy yourself such a intellect, master debater, etc. you can break this cycle. You have the tools.

it's not about banning gun ownership, it's about having checks and registers so people can get guns and nuts not.

I would if I was a GOP piece of garbage like you motherfucker.

That's one of the benefits of an anonymous forum... erm, user.


No shit, just saying that viewpoint is what most civilizations consider to be uneducated, offensive, ignorant, etc.

You sound smart though. You must be the exception.