My girlfriend gave me a handjob yesterday...

My girlfriend gave me a handjob yesterday. She didn't use any lube and went pretty hard (I know its a very fucking dumb idea). It hurts when I walk, what do I do? When will this heal. Thanks

not sure if bait, but if true make sure to wrap it up and use a little bit of neosporin. if you wrap it in gause it will heal faster as it keeps the skin from drying out and scabbing instead of healing.

You need to lube up if you want to masturbate this rough.

What should I wrap it up with?

Your cumpig could sand a pine banister with those palms

I don't think i've ever used lube to jerk off in my life, or for a handjob, maybe you're just a huge pussy?

It will heal when you stop touching yourself at night, user.

shit dude, looks pretty bad. shame I can't help but know this: I'm with u user.

Is your girlfriend some sort of a monster?

Kek at the americunts with their dried up sandpaper cut cocks.

gauze or gauss not sure on spelling. just a cotton wrap and get some first aid tape and tape the wrap so it stays on

do not put neosporin on your dick you dumbfuck

use Vaseline
use fucidin
warp it with cotton
wash with warm water

for a month and maybe more your dick is for peeing only don't play with it


>always fap without lube as hard as i want

fucidin or positon are the fucking ill shit


I'd probably just kms if I had to live with a mutilated jew dick

Man up and fap like that so you toughen up and never have this problem again

Just wash it well with soap while u shower.
Got the same problem when my dick got sucked really hard by my vacuum cleaner.

Should heal in a week. Also, avoid having sex or masturbating for this period for obvious reasons.

i jerked off with a callus on my hand once
it was fine at the time, but the next day when i went to jerk off again, i looked like this.
not as bad though
it got better. just had to nofap for a few days

this right here is a why removing your foreskin is a bad idea

Next time make sure she takes her rings off, you dumb fuck.

I know right. I wonder if cut people even feel anything with their glans exposed and rubbing on their clothes for their whole lives.