Hey white people: do you have the courage to visit the slavery museum?

Hey white people: do you have the courage to visit the slavery museum?

You've got a lot to be proud of, so I figure you'd love to come and see your proud history on display in a museum. I always hear white people talking about white pride.

Just come take a walk.

I already visited it and im still proud gtfo fag

I'll visit when there is a museum dedicated to all the white folk that are victims of black crimes

House of pride

I like the facial expression of white fathers when they see me walk in with their daughter for the first time.

Not all white americans had slave-owning ancestors. Some of our families were way too poor for that.

>I always hear white people talking about white pride.

No, no you don't

Which is why not a single """black""" person ever has been able to post a timestamped pic.
You're simply Sup Forums baiting, go back to your basement and shout ziek hail some more.

>do you have the courage
Wut nigger?

Fine, I'll go. If you will admit that Africans were selling their own into slavery to the Arabs well before whites came along.


>do you have the courage to visit the slavery museum?
I do. My favorite thing is to go right before closing so I can watch all the niggers sweeping the floors.

white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white


Don't forget the MODERN DAY slavery markets in Libya.

>tfw African American history and culture only goes back like 200-300 years
>apparently white people have to as well

It must blow having your whole culture and identity based on your race and small period of slavery that yall went through. lmao.


Not white ,but fuck man enslaving another human is a great feat so I find it pretty interesting.

white pride is about the only race to eradicate slavery, slavery is still happening in arabs and african countries.

When will blacks pay for a museum dedicated to all the whites that died so they could be free. About 400,000 wasn’t it?

Shut the fuck up nigger, you were not a slave and nobody here owned slaves

Funny how I'm supposed to be upset with myself because people before me did shit that I had no say in. Well nope, I really dont give a shit. Cry all you want op.


History fail. Whites ENDED slavery.

They certainly didn't start it.

Nice try. Especially for someone that is IQ challenged.

Hurr durr muh dick

Modern niggers crying about slaves remind me of how the jews "keep finding new Holocaust victims every day". Bitch, if you were not born in that era or involved in it directly, you're not a victim, you're an attentionwhore looking for free money "compensation"

lots of envious nigger here. lmao

niggers know they end up dumped and alone. it's just ranting.

>slavery defines white history

man, that's like saying centuries of living in huts made of shit defines black history


i smell shit. a negro must have posted here

hey white people
here's something that absolutely none of you had anything to do with
95% of you arent even related to someone that owned slaves
something that was abolished by white people but still exists in non-white communities.

i hope you feel guilty solely because of the color of your skin, white people

there s no such thing as black history. they re just apes

envious nigger is envious

Yeah sorry, there has to be more than a 2x2 room to make a museum

>none of you had anything to do with

yet still display their regalia proudly

>95% of you arent even related to someone that owned slaves

source: your ass

>something that was abolished by white people but still exists in non-white communities

source: your ass

wanna see whites using blacks as slave labor? just check our prisons

native american actually
officially aryan

Hey nigger, kys please, My family fought and died for you shitty people and youve contributed next to nothing in terms of the economy, improving and environment, etc. Have your race learn to better themselves instead of talking bout "muh slavery" Get fucking over it

he is indeed a slave. slave to his own low IQ. i ll use his low IQ heritage as slaves. i ll go out and get me some other niggar slaves now.

the environment*

>i have no idea what the fuck im talking about: the post

in that case you have all my empathy and above all my respect.

at the peak of slavery only 1.4% of americans owned slaves.

if blacks didn't commit crimes at drastically higher rates than other races they wouldn't be incarcerated at higher rates.

-walks through the museum-
Damn we did a good job making niggers work back then!


the chicago prison system, one of them most overpopulated in america, has black leadership, maybe educate yourself a little




>Slaves "built" america
>free niggers kill entire cities

I will, if you stop using things invented by white people that you are addicted to in your every day life.

How's that sound nigger?

>race-baiting this hard

>wanna see whites using blacks as slave labor? just check our prisons
Most of the prisoners in my state spend all their time watching free cable TV, working out in the gym, eating, sleeping, and getting free medical care. They're living the NEET life, not a slave life.

sounds like a plan
still, it's only fair that white people stop eating peanut butter

ikr. im spamming this threas with pure racism and still there are ppl whos tryin to get a point. i mean wtf these newfags are getting out of control

I'm kind of jealous of the niggers... at least they still have slaves

according to history rewrites the war was won by black troops. In fact the only war ever won was because of black participation


yes egyptians are white for the 100th time.

Despite your checked dubs, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter, he promoted ways to use peanuts. How nigs managed to twist this into "inventing peanut butter" is a fucking mystery to me.

Ive actually been to a couple similar museums and they ALWAYS lack images of how we killed disobedient/stupid niggers, and never explained how the basically animal intelligence humanoids became slaves in the first place

Its always sob stories about their "feelings" and "rights" lmao

Whats next? A museum about freeing cows from farms? At least they understand empathy and have impulse control

>display their regalia
source: your ass

>source: your ass
Actually, few people even in the south owned slaves. The common person didn't own slaves; only wealthy land owners, of which there were only a few... You know, that whole "1%" people talk about today... Those kinds fo people... In the South.

>source: your ass
It's actually common knowledge that slavery still exists and thrives in the third world. Shit, even China still has slave labor in some areas...

>just check our prisons
Prisoners on work programs often still get paid. Albeit very little, but they usually do. Plus, not all prison leadership is white people. Further still, prison is not an involuntary choice; it is a consequence of a poor choice...

>mfw: stop being such a dumb nigger

Fuck off, nigger

Where is your outrage at the Muslim massacres and ongoing slave trade?

Haha yeah, and the rich ones convinced the poor ones to go fight and die for their right to own people.

Much like it is today.

If the civil war ppl who died for these self victimizing niggers knew what it will come to today, they would have buried them niggers alive

If I have to feel guilty for the color of my skin then all muslims have to feel guilty for terrorist acts, all blacks should feel guilty for the Rwanda genocide, all jews should feel guilty for the murder of innocent palestinians, all asians should feel ashamed for communism and pearl harbor. No fucking race on this god forsaken planet is without crime. If these worthless sacks of shit stopped focusing on the wrongs of others and pulled their head out of their asses and try to become better individuals there would be far less trouble in the world.

Slavery was really was a business thing, slavery was practiced elsewhere in the world at the time and wasn't terribly unusual. Though by that time it was considered somewhat low-brow, people were completely aware it would allow the rich to displace poor whites.

Most whites didn't own slaves, they instead lost their jobs to slaves. Slaves were actually pretty goddamn expensive, if anything the true crime was deliberately not educating them in order to keep them powerless.

Ironically modern black culture is anti-intellectual, anti-education and essentially levies the charge that everything which "the white man" has written is a tool of oppression. No, not allowing you to read was a tool of oppression, education on the other hand is the only thing that grants true freedom.

do i have the courage to visit the slavery museum? yes. but i won't feel guilty about it, because i had nothing to do with it.

why would i want to look an old farm equipment?


Get the fuck out here with that bullshit.
The Empire State Building isn’t big enough to fit all the black on white crime.


2x2 what... i'm gonna go with miles.

Good one

There would be one of those museums on every street corner...

White this/black that.... it's all faggotry.

Nigger, less than 6% of white people the world over ever owned ANY slaves even at the height of slavery. And it wasn't "WE GON' ENSLAVE DEM NIGGERS" it was "Non christians/non muslims don't have rights in our land".

You wanna see whites using blacks as slave labor? Keep spouting your shit...

Fucking this.

2% that still holds 80% of economy.

Tfw I'm white and my ancestors were poor Irish who died building railroads and never owned slaves.

Interesting fact, blacks are more closely related to slave owners than most modern American whites.

i thought the civil war was about states rights not slavery

Not every slave owner fucked their livestock lol

Don't niggers have to do something to get into prison? Are there also other races there?
I enjoy you thinking a white massa owns all prisons but it also means you are a faggot.

You niggers are the ones who traded niggers with us

Speak for yourself, nigger.

This. I’m an Irish immigrant, moved here when I was like 2. I have no connection to black slaves in America yet according to liberals I’m supposed to have white guilt. Fuck that. Only thing i feel bad about is when I had family come to America in the 1800s they we’re treated like shit, one was killed for being Irish and the rest returned to Ireland until my parents moved here.

Fuck black people for always thinking they’re the number one victims of the world.

Democratic party created flag
Democrat created group KKK

Fuck yeah I'd go. Wish we could either bring back slavery, or strip niggers of rights to the point they can't shit without asking the white man's permission. Fuck them all, they are NOT people and they are NOT human.

>I’m an Irish immigrant
I've never met a mick that wasn't a goddamned racist. Go jam a potato up you ass . . . err . . . arse.

That stuff looks cool.
Too bad superman and captain America fucked it all up

Can I bring my Nigger if I promise to keep him on a Leash?

My wife is like you. She came to the US from Scotland when she was 5. It's funny when coons say she owes reparations when she wasn't even born here.


I’ll be at the next ticket auction as soon as the boat with the tickets arrives.


you sud work for snl. you are so cutting edge

>do you have the courage to visit the slavery museum?
>afraid to visit a museum

When a beta male tries to trigger other beta males. Better stick to your parents’ house, OP. No scary museums there.


Oh you want to fight me boyo?

you soap bubble work for snl. you are so cutting edge

Meme aside, it's true that black people were kings. Just look at the resemblance between king Tut's face and this black individual. It's an irrefutable fact that blacks were kings,so how about you show some fucking respect and quit your autistic meme of this Kang shit.

nice trips


checked (trips makes you retarded)

Take a walk through Africa and talk about black pride pal. Most races have a terrible thing they did. In this care, white bought black people as slaves... From other blacks. Maybe go bitch at those blacks too?

>blacks were ancient egyptian kings
>blacks were ancient jews
Found out your IQ yet? Nigger.