WARNING: This thread is a time portal!

WARNING: This thread is a time portal!

Anything you post in this thread will be read by you in 2008, while browsing Sup Forums.

What message do you have for yourself and other anons 10 years ago?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck and dump that bitch before she destroys your soul.
Also mine some bitcoins and sell at 19k

Don't be a fucking grunt, be some POG fuck and live behind a desk.

Hey faggot, stop ruining people's lives. It's not funny and you'll hate yourself for it in the future. Life is hard enough without your edgy ass fucking with innocent people. Also, you're gonna lose everything and be sad for a while, but you'll get it all back and life is going to be better than you would have predicted for you.

invest in shares in andy sixx's logs

Wow 10 years ago, ok let's see... The world becomes a very strange place. Donald Trump is the president because some people thought there were like 72 genders and we had to fix that real quick. It's hard to explain but just enjoy life while it's simple.

Life sucks, you failed but you've got a fun hobby

Traps are gay

>Fuck and dump that bitch before she destroys your soul.
>Also mine some bitcoins and sell at 19k
Also finish school and actually try. It will save you time and money in the long run.

Get on hrt now.



"Stop fuckin around and be a man" while a train passes nearby.

Keep up on the same way, make sure you dont acts a pussy and punch the fuckers harder!

Quit drinking

Alright, its 2008 but you're gonna have to waste time with several girls but you need to focus on your current target cuz she's not a retarded whore

Good luck

Buy a shit load of bitcoins, also you are cute savor it while you can

in 10 years a time traveller from 2056 will appear before you on Sup Forums
do not listen to anything he says

Don't move to London, no matter what people tell you.

Stay away from the hippie girl in three years. The rumors were all true.

Make sure you hook up with Kaitlin and Brittany instead of saying no.
They both get smoking hot in a couple years you absolute bafoon

Invest in Bitcoin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You actually did really well. Stop worrying about the future and enjoy your youth. I'll take care of everything.

Trump is president because people were sick of typical politics and decided to give an outsider a shot. Only thing is, he's a horrible person who's bad at running things so it kind of backfired.

While your life is pretty good, the world has gone insane. We are on the brink of nuclear war, disney owns Star Wars and is pumping out garbage on a yearly basis, The host of NBC's apprentice shocks us all with the biggest twist yet, also God's not real sorry.

don't smoke weed or you'll be a melancholic duck

start investing in bitcoin, also you are not eternally a virgin and end up a game developer, cheer up dude itll get better, i swear

Please... Talk with your dad. Or just be with him...Say that you love him even though you haven't seen him in weeks.
Next year he's going to have alzheimer and forget everything and everyone.
You will regret it a lot.

Don't FUCKING TAKE DARE WITH THE INDIAN GIRL. She is why you're a stay at home dad, she has a dick you cocked fuck.

LOL please elaborate.

Invest in Silk Road!

no, we still not have TES 6 and wont have in any near future

dont fucking trust the bitch shes a lying whore run as fast as you fucking can she doesnt deserve you man

Kurwa mac Dimitri give jebany ban

God fucking damnit.
>be me, 2008, 18
>graduating high school soon
>super unpopular kid in performance arts
>played crisscrossed mom in hair spray for like
>tfw no luls to be had but my and my performance arts professor father's own
>after few weeks of teasing called Faggot Magnet.
FagMag for short.
>suddenly invited to party by random in choir and gender studies.

u will be depressed and addicted to drugs

invest in bitcoin right now, sell in 2017.

Cyril, déménage au Japon, vite !
C'est mort avec TOEI, tant pis, tu as de bien meilleures opportunités qui t'attendent ailleurs.
Passe le TOEIC, fais tes bagages et n'attends pas.
Et n'oublie pas que ton père est un con.

she's cheating. don't propose

I didn't browse Sup Forums in 2008, so i don't know how you're gonna get this, but if you do: get fucked nerd

Ça me rend triste un peu mec

Don’t buy that Harley you fucking retard

Go to korea now

No, sounds gay

Don't move to Florida!

It's gay as fuck, user. She just slides her cock into me at random.

dont screw it up with ash, once you meet her stop talking to everyone else

Buy bitcoins, you will thank me later.
Also get your ass out of the fucking house so you're not a virgin at 30

oh btw in korea go to green arcade and if you see a girl playing go speak to her you won't regret

so sad ....

On n'a pas tous la vie qu'on aurait souhaité, mais on peut la changer avec quelques décisions radicales, et en apprenant à ne compter que sur soi-même.
Si j'avais appris cette leçon plus tôt je me serais épargné beaucoup de moments dégueulasses, alors ça fait du bien de lancer le message. ;)

why all the stories are so sad ....

You have no idea

it's never too late until your dead

Buy Bitcoin in 2010... spend at least $2k and you'll be a multi millionaire by the time you're 25

Get out now. Move. Leave. Go live in the fucking woods or kill yourself.

You will never guess who wins the 2016 election...

don't move to vegas in 2015.
stay in school.
bitcoin. duh.
avoid jenna holtz.
jordans a bro.
parkers a bro.
get your fat ass off the video games.
get more sleep.
smoking isnt cool, but drinking is.

treat ya mom better.
don't try yo kill yourself.

no.... why the last line ...

Go see a proper shrink and don't move out of the country. You have severe stress and depressions.

All bitcoin millionares are time travelers

Every 4channer ever.
Well put user

Invest in BTC. And sell when it's $11,000 You will thank me later buddy. You will be hesitant of it.... but fucking do it you pleb

git gud youll know kurwa

Why everyone think life is better with money, what a sad world

No, don’t buy BTC is a Ponzi scheme

-Dont go to this concert , protect your ears or u will have "acouphenes"

-Get interrest in crypto currencie, bitcoin will have lot of value in 2017. invest in it

-Dont listen your family for studies , do what u want leave ure dreams

play a instrument,
get fit,
don't listen to no one but yourself,
don't lie,
love yourself,
get to know people,
don't fuck up your first relationship,

lowkey wish you can go back in time... but all you can do now is learn from your mistakes and move on like a man

>get all girls you want
>travel anywhere you want
>no worry about job
>can do whatever you want whenever you want

>lol guys do you think money buy happiness? What a sad world :(((

Fucking retarded, literally anything you think doesn’t need money could be done x100 better if you had money


General life advice:
You're more charismatic than you think you are and your D is in higher demand than you might be inclined to believe. Get a better job to improve your confidence. also stop eating at Zaxby's.

Quit fucking around in electrical engineering. It's a waste of time.

Medical assisting? Also a waste of time. Don't bother. Heather's into you though, so maybe consider branching out for a semester to avail yourself of dem titties.

Romantic advice:
Be nicer to Linda. The relationship has an expiration date but you'll still be good friends afterwards.

Polyamory is a trap - You're naturally good at it, but none of your partners will be and it will =stress you the fuck out=

Anne's into you hardcore, and you should get on that before she gets fat. Even if you do wait, know that she possesses olympian level dick sucking skills and is very sweet, if a bit possessive.

Hard-stop friendzone Christina and DO NOT move in with her OK? Also - Consider FWB w/ Cherie because while she's a good lay and cares a lot, she's very demanding of your time and you're not going to have much of that.

Ellie will let you do butt stuff if drunk. She's awesome but if you get too attached she'll scoot. Just stick with FWB or she'll break your goddamn heart.

Speaking of broken hearts -
Don't get involved Theresa at all. She'll fuck your entire world up for like a year.

It is I, you! "R" is not a good friend, he's a whinning asshat who will lose all your money and cause a cascade effect that will make "J" to go away for fucking good. At this year's christmas party, do not simply fingerblast his mother, bang her until her legs go dormant. You will thank yourself later".

You don't want a girl who always think about money
travel isn't that expensive these days
job ? for more money ?

Start playing Warcraft.
Keep it in your pants.
Quit eating fast food you fat fuck.
Talk to grandma and grandpa more.

Hey, I'm you from 2028 - in general, just don't be a dick to people.

Don't do stupid shit///

Don't worry about being yourself and feeling weird/isolated.

Way more people want to fuck you thank you think.

Don't get mixed up in that stupid religion. Figure your own things out.

Split with Joe the first time she freaks out on you. She is unwell and you can't help her.

You feel the way you feel sometimes because of clinical depression, not because you're a bad person. Look into it sooner rather than later.

Tour a bunch and see the rest of the world as a musician while you still have the enthusiasm and strength for it.

Just be good to people.

Don't waste time. Time never stops and you'll be left behind. C.

If you know anyone who have "a lot of money" ask them if they are happy

Get the fuck out of here you kiddo, life will be better

Stop browsing Sup Forums you are 13 years old

Mike, do NOT stick your dick in crazy.

2008 MODS

Don't fuck your cousin's girl. Walk away.


GO ahead and take CS courses. you're good at it and you'll get monies faster.

Dump Rebecca for Callie. Callie's absolutely nuts but in a good way.

Or do it and greentext it

Bitcoin had a spike to 22k too (it was only for a few hours)

World of Warcraft gets gay, and mom dies pathetically. Kill yourself in four and a half years to spare yourself the hell that your life turns into as everything you love gets taken over by children and feminazis and your forced to work when theres nothing left to work for.

u did nothing wrong, but get some bitcoins m8

Stop posting furry stuff in /vp/ on June 1, 2010 and instead post it on Sup Forums.

Also, talk to Julio about finding a job.

Don't feel bad about raping that girl. They wont catch ya in the next 10 years. Just follow your instinct and mash her head against the table and she won't remeber shit. And yes, using a condom and spreading those hairs of random people from school will make the police search for ever.

And don't feel bad. She deserved it.

don't sell your bit coins in 2012
don't drink so much
you'll coast through life in luxury as always.


i read this in 2008 already it is not interesting

August 31, 2014 will be the greatest day in Sup Forums history.
Your will not be disappointed.

March 15 2008
6 22 42 43 47
Pball- 16

Go to the gym NOW, it won't take long for you to buff up.

train yourself, become ss, kill entire "family", become a nomad, hunt jews.

She's worth it

The message I sent back in time was not helpful, because I didn't listened. What a fucking cunt I am.