This guys name is Luke Dodge. 38 Peter Street, Portland, Victoria, Australia. I need bad stuff to happen to him...

This guys name is Luke Dodge. 38 Peter Street, Portland, Victoria, Australia. I need bad stuff to happen to him. My mate went around to his to buy some weed off him. He came back with a swollen as fuck face with blood all over it, he had to go to hospital. He had a knife held to his throat as he sat there getting punched in the face, made to suck this mans toes and everything. My friend is only 15, and Luke as already been bashed with a bat and made to scream and cry in pain after this happened but it's not enough. I doubt anyone will do anything, but this is my best shot. He is junkie scum.

deserved it for getting handled by a lanklet fag

Do something yourself fag

I smashed him up with a bat and made him cry in pain, forgot to say that was me. But I had to bail because he was with 3 other people that;'s how this whole thing happened.

go burn down his house you faggot

>My mate went around to his to buy some weed off him
>He is junkie scum.

Your friend and you are just as scummy as this faggot.


Just wait till your friend is satisfactorily sober and then call the Aussie cops on him, say he’s got a gun or some dumb shit

Yeah because wanting to smoke a bit of pot makes you that bad, kys

I'd rather duck you up doe crying so much

I’ve done it, kinda low tier as far as drugs go.

OP post his social media accounts here for us

I hope he likes pepperoni pizza cause I just ordered ten of them to his house. I wish uber eats didn't charge directly to credit card though cause he probably isn't the sort of guy that would transfer the money back to me just judging by the character reference you provided above.

you live in portland and you're a stoner. why are you surprised that not everyone is nice?

whats still open this time of night? o_O

How should I do that? Can't post URL.

Portlandinio pizzeria. Fentanyl calzone is to die for

No one cares you underaged weak little faggot

facebook /


DIY faggot

you said he had some ISIS propaganda lying around in his house and you saw a box with wires and weird bags. hhhhm you might have to ring that in

found him.

fb / profile.php?id=100007315396456

Yeah that's him. Not sure how much stuff you can see because of facebooks privacy shit though.

start a rumor that he's raping this kid hes holding?

start some shit of his place of work. Take out his legal income.

Looks like penetration to me.

how old are you op

Can't you millenials ever deal with your own shit?
PA requests for the dumbest shit every day.
Fucking preteens on /b /.

start shit with his friends?

I don't think he even works tbh, he just sits at home drinking \, shooting up and smoking. Everyone at that address does. His dad gets back tomorrow, Wednesday. Even though he has to see his dad with broken knees and arms and a smashed face, it'd be heaps better if he didn't get to see him at all. Should of killed him there.

Hahahah if your faggot mate got his ass whooped and made to suck toes by this skinny prawn then he probably deserved it.

Kek. The cunt is like 12yo

This is his brother/ family member:

fb / tyrone.tippins.1

Please wait until you're 18, then kill him.
We don't need you in society.

His 20. He had 3 other people with him, and knifes. My mate had nothing but 50 dollars.

Even bringing in his family.
This underage cunt is desperate.
I bet he just ran off with your crush and you've been crying for days.

Not his actual brother, funny story that kid smashed my window a couple years back and a put him in a coma lmao.

can your friend go through his friendlist and point out the other 3?

Really think any girl would want to be with him? Look at his facebook

BTW OP, I'd suggest finding a new dealer. I know it's hard to find decent dealers but sometimes you need to cut ties with the bad ones.

This is all very recent, he is going to tell me more details tomorrow when his out of hospital.

goodluck man. i was the one putting pics in this thread and finding the urls of his fb.

Yeah no shit lol, the thing is we didn't know much about him, and yes it's stupid to think we could trust him. We went to his house and he shouted us a mull for free and was nice.

Sup Forums isn't your personal army, faggot. Do something yourself and move on.

What a loser. Tell your junkie mate to learn self defense.

Ive been attacked with a knife before and ive also been attacked by multiple dudes.

Your mate sounds like a right fuckin loser

true but once in a while its good to help out our fellow Sup Forumsros

Already have, if you knew how to read you'd know that.

Thats what you get for being 15 and trying to smoke weed.

Kys you centrelink cunt.

Youre a bit of a newfag arent ya bud?

Shitstains like you are one of the reasons Sup Forums has gone down the shitter since 2013. Help out fellow Sup Forumsros like the oldfags did.


ITT: OP tells a lie in the hope Sup Forums Sup Forumstards heckle someone he has it in for.

tl; dr Sup Forumstards are easy

That guy beat up your friend? Ate you taking the piss? I'm not helping you on principle if you can't fuck that guy up you're a disgrace to this board and I hope you and your friends get robbed forever?

I said do something and move on. I saw that you did something. Now move on.
The dude already said he beat him with a bat.

Not a lie, will probably even be on the news.

Read you fucking retard.

Nobody cares about your pathetic little lad cunt 15yo toe sucking faggot mate.
Definitely will not be on any news site/ show worth reading/ watching

Someone screenshot this thread and send it too luke

Hahahah your mate sucked this blokes toes?

Sorry to break it to you man but i think he might be a homo

Mate stfu you didn't do shit to him with a bat

I watch a lot of anime so it should prepare me for this battle. Are there any sub-bosses I have to know about?

You don't just go to Sup Forums asking for someone to beat this guy up. Time's money, so pay up if you want it done.

I think ya got the wrong guy with the second one

NYPA, contact the authorities if there's anything to actual backup your fantasies.

Not your personal army, faggot.

Exactly I'll happily burn his house down for for 500 op

Newfags like you ruin this board, fuck off cunt

Here's what you'll do next time. If he ever approaches you,take ur dick out, make eye contact, make a weird smile, and start fapping. That should terrify him and then he will never bother you again. If he still bothers you, go to his room in the middle of the night when he is sound asleep, wake him up cleverly by making noises near him, then follow the instructions above.

>newfaggots calling other people newfaggot.

That phrase is over 7 years old, and it's what we used to say to edgy faggot teenagers that attempt to use Sup Forums for their own personal problems.

Your friend is a gigantic pussy for letting that Manlet punk him, and your baseball bat story is the most autistic thing I've ever read. Kill yourself and stop involving the board because you can't buy a dime bag you complete mongoloid.

Basically op just go to his house every night and do damage to his place then run them repeat, make him live in terror plus have to pay to fix stuff

This. OP is a dick loving faggot that has never touched a baseball bat. The story is hilariously bad. Kill yourself OP you stupid underaged faggot

I'm not op you stupid newfag cunt, people never used to say not your personal army because people took any opportunity to raid or doxx people then you newfags came and used the "not your personal army" because it got in the way of your weebo and CP threads. Please kill yourself

>Not OP.

Samefag harder.

I'm going to message luke with the screenshot of the thread in hopes that he rapes your mother in the ass after stabbing you. Kek. There's your personal army, faggot.

Found the faggot. Stay Edgy, underaged and Reddit

Oh no please don't doxx OP that's totally going to suck for me. What a weird cunt you are.

Not your personal army fagget