Sup Sup Forums so my gf just said that if Alex turner wanted to shag her then she would rn no hesitation and idk how to...

Sup Sup Forums so my gf just said that if Alex turner wanted to shag her then she would rn no hesitation and idk how to feel about it, wat do Sup Forums?

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a fag intimidated by another fag, what a beta

It's time to say goodbye to her man, that's fucking terrible taste in men, doesn't reflect well on you, honestly.

never speak to her again.


fucking retarded teenager

Welcome to women

That would be the best thing for her.

>implying no man would immediately fuck their celeb crush without considering their significant other
>implying men don't just cheat because they're bored
>implying people are meant to be monogamous

Stop being an underage fuck and learn how to keep your women in line, you stupid faggot.

SJW redditor detected.

>muh equality.

Good band but there fucking deedaars so I'm on the fence on this one


Say the same thing but about one of ber hot friends. She will not like. Also dump her after you say that

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

Shouldnt you be back at reddit you fucking kike

now replace *celeb* with any decent looking guy, and youll see that shes a fucking time bomb . and of course she would, its in womans nature to to bed with a male higher up on the chain. the issue here is that she has no problem telling you straight up to your face, which shows lack of respect and poor judgement. so many red flags

>samefagging this hard

Wrong. I didn't post the same shit twice. Only the first post was me. You just clearly are a reddit-tier poster.

Is her name Allana?

Nah that’s not her name